Per: Speaker of the House Issue

With MyKevin in a precarious situation and being pushed by the Clown Caucus of his party, who is in the wings?

Madger the Badger cares not a whit about legislation. She sees her job as pouring gasoline around and then playing with matches. I doubt that she'd take the role, since she'd actually have to perform a job, instead of just media performance.

So then, who in their right mind would take the roll from Republican leadership?

~ Steve Scalise - ill-health again,

~ Elise Stefanick - lives in the shadows to harsh on Biden via social media for everything he does, especially for waking up in the morning. (caveat - no comment on the Biden Bucks coming to the northern tier of New York State)

~ Tom Emmer - assists leadership in managing party's legislative program, since there is no Republican legislative program he has a lot of time on his hands,

~ Gary Palmer - heads Conference forum for policy development. See Emmer.

It's interesting to note that invertebrate MyKevin does show Moxie in the face of being booted because he knows there is no serious contender.

Question - Perhaps best left for Friday's Mailbag: Would it make sense for Hakeem Jeffries, (Dem Minority Leader) to go to the Democratic Caucus and decide which Republican to back and then have those Reps from deep Republican districts...

~ (NC-13) Wiley Nickel R+2 points over the national Republican average

~ (OH-13) Emilia Sykes R+1 points over the national Republican average

~ (PA-07) Susan Wild R+2 points over the national Republican average

~ (PA-08) Matt Cartwright R+4 points over the national Republican average

~ (WA-03) Marie Gluesenkamp Perez R+5 points over the national Republican average

...to vote for their chosen Republican candidate?

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John Nance Gardner, one of FDR's veeps, once said the vice presidency wasn't "worth a bucket of warm 'spit.'" So how can anyone say that Kamala Harris is doing a lousy job as vice president when no one can say what exactly a vice president is supposed to do as a good job? And as a second question, how is it possible for a vice president to freelance, as Republicans say Joe Biden did in the Ukraine? Wouldn't any veep who went off on his own against his president find himself exiled to a political life of attending funerals of low-ranking foreign leaders?

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Gen. Milley says that if Trump gets back in the White House, he will just start throwing people in jail. I think we should listen to him, but will there be enough jails for all the people he hates?

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Over the last couple of weeks, I've been reading about the false equivalency from the main stream media about comparing Biden's age and Trump's inditements as a way to appear to show both sides. However the two things aren't even somewhat comparable. What is your take on this? Isn't there a better way to seem impartial?

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An interesting result from New Hampshire on Tuesday. For all the Democratic handwringing over Trump prospects in the general election, a local election gave the Democratic candidate Hal Rafter a win with a 12 point victory in a district that went for Trump in 2020 against a strongly Trump identified Republican. This dichotomy, real results in special elections that show a strong Democratic advantage versus a set of perceptions that somehow Trump is ordained to win the Presidency, fascinates me. Personally, I think the real results on the ground are a more accurate predictor of outcomes to come, yet fears and worries continue to dominate Democratic thinking. Why do think this disconnect is so strongly held?

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What can’t the dems find a centric house R who can gather enough votes on the R side and get the person elected Speaker?

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A lot has been said about the election interference trial (Georgia) starting in October and that it will be televised. Many people indicate we will be able to see what happens for ourselves and not hear only the lawyers for the defense spewing their version outside the courthouse. In my opinion, the MAGA cult won’t be watching anyway. They believe it’s a witch hunt. They didn’t watch the Select Committee hearings either. Maybe the undecided voters will watch and it will make a difference. Thoughts?

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If Trump wins in November of 2024, as I greatly fear that he might do, do you think that he would try to stay in the White House indefinitely, that pesky Constitution be damned? Would he seek a repeal of the Amendment that limits him to two terms?

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Why does every article about Trump have a large campaign size photo of him? It’s not like we don’t know what he looks like or who he is.

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Hey Chris, its good to see you finally teaching a Political Journalism Class in a field where you have expertise in congratulations on landing the gig.

My question of the week is based on the economy, in the wake of the United Auto Worker Strikes (UAW) and the likely Government Shutdown in October happening around the same time, do you think that the two combined are likely or not likely to tip the entire US Economy into a recession?

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So since you answered my interviewing Trump question, I'll ask another one:

Given BeetlejuiceGate, what's the wackiest thing you've done at the theatre?

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My prediction for 2024 is Republicans win majority in the senate, Democrats win the Presidency and the House. That's why Biden should continue to aggressively appoint his Judges

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Care to take a stab at how this Russia Ukraine conflict might end?

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I think we have had enough talk and writing about Joe Biden's age. How about talking and writing about hIs(Biden) warning to tge country that Trump and the MAGA People pose a significant threat to Democracy. Or talk and write about Biden's great speech to the United Nation General Assembly yesterday. He touched on lots of very important domestic and international issues that are more important to the Nation and the World than continuing to be obsessed with his age .

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Thank you for your regular service of extracting and sharing lists of Donald Trump's most revealing and or curiously obtuse statements from his interviews. Could you please investigate and report on the ratings/audience from all outlets of Kristin Welker's interview of Donald Trump: in its entirety vs clips. What were the most frequently shared clips? Comparing Kristin's intervew with the CNN Town Hall and other one-on-one interviews with Trump by Chris Wallace and Jonathan Swan, among others, what are your pro tips for your peers about how to pierce the veil of Trump's filibustering word salads and for us as audience members to understand them?

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Is it possible for a group of, let's say, centrists republicans form a coalition with enough democrats to form a large enough group (more than 218) to pass a stopgap Continuing Resolution, as some are discussing?

If so, would it be possible for this group to also manage the business of the House (choose a Speaker, etc.)? My sense is the Freedom Caucus members and other right wing republicans would have procedural tactics to more than paralyze the House, however, really do not know. Also hard to imagine they would be able to whip votes or agree on broad policy goals, yet maybe they could manage enough to allow this congress to limp toward the next election?

Do you know whether or not something like this is really possible?

Thank you

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