Is it too late for the Dems to change the script on the ’24 presidential election by convincing Biden to settle for one term and galvanize behind someone younger & more dynamic (e.g. Newsom, Buttigieg, Whitmer, Polis)?

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Uncle Joe should consider March 1968 LBJ declaring he wasn't running. He didn't throw his weight behind Veep Humphrey.

The most credible "late" candidates would be governors Whitmer, Polis, Newsome.

While I "loves-me-my Pete," the current horrible anti-LGBTQ+ animosity would be a non-starter. He has decades ahead.

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In some fairness, LBJ didn’t actually leave quietly. He was one of the savviest vote counters of all time, and he realized he was done politically after the Tet Offensive, and decided to go Sherman instead of trying to fight a battle he’d already lost.

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Eric...you have to be a man of those times.

You've humbled me, Sir!

I need to be more exact when commenting with "youngbloods" wonderfully in our community.

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Same as my reply to the VP replacement question: absolutely NO chance - any change in personnel now would be widely seen as a sign of weakness and desperation. Biden, for his age and other flaws, has a proven ability to appeal to the widest audience within the wings of his party plus independents and never-trump R’s (remember Dems need ALL those groups to win).

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Why change a script that's working? Biden is going to win in 2024 with Kamala Harris. I probably would have preferred him picking Whitmer, but the good news is that people are going to vote for Joe Biden and not Kamala Harris.

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Hi, Chris. You probably don't remember me but I was the annoying woman who stopped you on the escalator at what used to be called Time Warner and told you what a fan of yours I was several years back. I still think you are great and was shocked that CNN had the stupidity to send you on your way to better things. A quick question for you: Any chance Biden replaces his running mate with Gretchen Whitmer so the GOP can't use Kamala as a weapon since Kamala is so unpopular and Gretchen brings Midwest expertise and successful governing to the equation?

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A reply from the cheap seats: absolutely NO chance- any change in personnel now would be widely seen as a sign of weakness and desperation. Unfortunate. The cleverest and most creative idea came from thoughtful conservative commentator Mona Charen who suggested Harris withdraw herself “for the greater good”. Clever, but my comment still applies.

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Also it would destroy Biden’s black bona fides

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Chris, you do harp on Biden’s age CONSTANTLY, but can you please put Trumps age in parentheses every time you mention Biden’s. Honestly do you know anyone 3 years younger than you... there’s no difference at all!

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The former president who shall not be named is already facing two indictments and more appear likely to be on the way. How probable do you think it is that he ever spends a day in jail? 50/50? If he is convicted of any felonies, what is your over/under on the number of years he goes to prison?

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What's your take on the Supreme Court decision in Moore v. Harper, which came down today?

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Hey Chris. Happy Friday!

How would you currently rank the next-generation of Democratic Presidential hopefuls? IE if Biden were to announce that he is not running (I know that this is next-to-impossible), how would you rank candidates to replace him? Alternatively, this can apply to 2028 even though a lot can happen in five years.

Gavin Newsom

Gretchen Whitmer

Kamala Harris

Ultra Progressive (AOC-esque)

Raphael Warnock

Hakeem Jeffries

Anyone else stand out?

My thoughts are:

Newsom and Whitmer have a lot of “now” appeal. Harris would fall into this bucket if she were more popular. I don’t see a scenario where an AOC Progressive type can win over enough moderates / independents to be a viable candidate. And I think Warnock / Jeffries have a LOT of potential, but maybe a little bit down the road.

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2 things, Chris

a.) Have you got a clue how many international readers you have ? I am from The Netherlands and am enjoying your views on US politics for years. It provides an important insight about how things work across the ocean which is so relevant for us as your far-away allies.

b.) Suggest to post video's about subjects you have NOT written about - makes it much more appealing to watch. Think you can improve there.

Keep up the good work !

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Chris, enjoyed reading your thoughts on Harris's struggles. What about this as another explanation...she's spent her entire political career in one-party-controlled California. Never faced serious challenges from the other side. She doesn't appear good in uncomfortable situations or when she's challenged (see that interview with Lester Holt), and maybe that's just because she's had very little practice at it.

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The last few days in Russia have certainly been turbulent. Do you think what is occurring in Russia can possibly help any of the presidential candidates? I know Trump said he can end the war in one day, but will a more unstable Russia lead to a truce prior to election?

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I am old, old and here is my theory about why America was ready for Trump and Maga and ALL OF THIS MESS. In 1960, when everyone agreed on the social values of good manners and good sportsmanship, Jack and especially Bobby Kennedy charmed and intrigued by being so obviously the "right kind of people" but insisting that in politics ruthlessness was something to brag about. Everything that followed just seemed to confirm that.

How does that strike you?

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Hi, Chris. How seriously should people start taking RFK Jr. and how should the party handle his candidacy? He seems to be getting a lot of attention

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Liz Cheney stated that she would see to it that Trump does not get elected again. What exactly has she been doing to try and make this happen?

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Do you think Trump’s death is the only thing that will end his “stranglehold” on the Republican Party? Is there anything else that might end his dominance? If so, what comes next? Is there any chance of redirection for the party?

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Why should the media take seriously anyone who has thrown their hat into the presidential ring?

Puuuleese...Hurd??? Surarez???

I understand including those who've been sauting in the general DC political scene. Okay.

But why should Hurd (short-term House member), Ramaswamy (rich dude), and Suarez (Hispanic dude) be taken any more seriously than such GOP "luminaries" as Ryan Binkley (businessman), Doug Burgum (multimillionaire governor), Larry Elder (media "celebrity"), and Mike Rogers (businessman)???

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How is Mitch McConnel these days? As in, looking at what happened when Kevin "mis-spoke" and had to go on the apology tour, where is Mitch on all of this and the Republican party nominee hopefuls? I sort of remember him standing up to him every once in a while, but Trump also attacked his wife. Is he staying out of the limelight because of his recent health issues?

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Fair enough but makes my question even more important for Chris to answer because his June 26 post was titled, "Joe Biden's age problem is getting worse." This confidence that "Biden is going to win in 2024..." is great & all but perhaps misguided.

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