First, because I am trying to do a better job of sharing other stuff I do with you all, here’s my appearance on “The Tony Kornheiser Show” today.
If you don’t listen to Tony’s pod (or watch him on “Pardon the Interruption,”) you should!
Second, it’s that time of the week where you get to ask me anything you want!
And this is a special mailbag because it will be the LAST one before we get some actual votes in the Republican presidential race. Yes, we are almost there!
The Iowa caucuses are set for Monday night. Donald Trump remains a HEAVY favorite. The real fight, I suppose, is for 2nd place, which is presumed to be between Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley — although Vivek Ramaswamy is insisting he is going to shock the world. I mean, maybe?
ALL of that is grist for the mailbag! (Holy mixed metaphor alert!). Put your questions in the comments section below. I will answer them on Friday!
Also, if you aren’t a subscriber to “So What,” now is the time. You can either become a free subscriber or get ALL of my content by becoming a paid subscriber ($5 a month or $50 for the whole year).
Chris, I’ve always appreciated your candid and honest perspective. You are calling “balls and strikes” like you see it even though some of what you say is hard to hear. But myself, like so many of your subscribers, understandably have anxiety concerning the results of this next general election. But let’s fast forward to 2028. What does America look like in your estimation? Do we have an America? Do we find a new appreciation of our democracy and freedom? Do we have a democracy? Will it endure regardless of the outcome of 2024?
One of the things I really like about your column is that you take the time to explain sometimes complex issues in a clear way. Could you help me with this? How can Donald Trump not be prosecuted via the emoluments clause when it is so clear that he, directly or through his family, has profited during his time as president? Or is this prosecution too late because he's not president any more? It could be argued that he profited after his term, but, hey, that's pretty universal. Thanks and please keep writing.