Chris, I’ve always appreciated your candid and honest perspective. You are calling “balls and strikes” like you see it even though some of what you say is hard to hear. But myself, like so many of your subscribers, understandably have anxiety concerning the results of this next general election. But let’s fast forward to 2028. What does America look like in your estimation? Do we have an America? Do we find a new appreciation of our democracy and freedom? Do we have a democracy? Will it endure regardless of the outcome of 2024?

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One of the things I really like about your column is that you take the time to explain sometimes complex issues in a clear way. Could you help me with this? How can Donald Trump not be prosecuted via the emoluments clause when it is so clear that he, directly or through his family, has profited during his time as president? Or is this prosecution too late because he's not president any more? It could be argued that he profited after his term, but, hey, that's pretty universal. Thanks and please keep writing.

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I'm old enough to remember when Ton K. was funny.

Now, he should be in the Catskills circuit doing dinner shows with Henny Youngman, Jackie Mason, and the other Borscht Belt comics of yore.

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1. In your opinion, are the wheels of justice turning fast enough on Donald Trump?

2. Should the media, when talking about economics, put more emphasis on the real situation of the middle class? I ask because their success drives the economy, and political stability of the country. And shouldn't this be done by talking about progress with reducing the wage gaps?

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I’d like you to imagine a world in which the Supreme Court decides Trump is ineligible to be President.

This is good for Nikki Haley, obviously. But what else might play out? Would Biden, no longer seeing an existential threat to democracy as his opponent think about stepping aside? Does the MAGA movement fizzle and if so, any chance for a GOP win? Mostly...What happens to Trump? He’s not a kingmaker. His endorsements do not create winners. So what’s left for him when the leadership role is gone? TV host? Passing the MAGA torch to one of his children so he can continue a family legacy?

I think people are underestimating the seismic shift that may take place. The court is much more loyal to conservative values than it is to Trump himself. I’m not convinced this case is as in the bag for Trump as others are.

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We haven't heard much about SecDef in the last few days. Do you think Biden will ask for his resignation?

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I am a political junkie, I know, I am weird, but can you please tell me your views on Polls? I would like to hear which ones you feel are garbage, or which ones are typically biased to one side or another. I watch the RCP average and polls like the Rasmussen one always has me scratching my head. Any insights would be appreciated.

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Chris, I read a book, so, you know, if you want a day off, Ill handle the mailbag for you this week. :)

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I have noticed when the media speaks of a judge the media then goes on to tell you who nominated him/her. Is this new? I think this action encourages division. Do judges rule leaning between liberal and conservative views? If so is this new? Or has it always been this way and the public is just now noticing because of the way the media is calling attention to this?

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Just read the latest Bulwark post, and Charlie Sykes pulled a few quotes from Trump’s lawyers for his impeachment (not certain whether they were from either the first or second one…), highlighting that they used the EXACT OPPOSITE argument than D. John Sauer in front of the Appeals Court yesterday: if Trump actually committed a crime, prosecute him in court after he’s left office instead of impeaching him now was the argument then.

The hypocrisy would be highly worth pointing out! Thanks for all you do!


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You are perfect with Mr. Tony. Loved your commentary regarding his faith in customer service. LaCheeserie!

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What is your take on people switching their party affiliation in order to vote in primaries? I saw a thread that people are doing that this election, and I remember some acquaintances (which is fancy for the people I hung out with at my local bar) saying they had to switch to Republican by a certain date to vote for/against Trump, and then switch to Democrat by a certain date to vote for/against Bernie Sanders. Does this sort of gaming the system happen every election?

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Is their going to be any impact on the Georgia case from this alleged "Fani Willis relationship with an investigator" story? Trump loves a good sex scandal (despite his own dubious past in that regard) and no doubt will bring this up incessantly over the next several months. If true, could the Georgia case be compromised? Could Willis be forced to step aside? Could this delay the trial past the election?

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What happened to Dean Phillips? Made noise when he announced he was running for President but seems to have disappeared from radar?

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What would happen if the Democrats in states with open primaries voted for Nikki Haley? Could we prevent Trump from becoming the Republican candidate?

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On a related note, who are the most naturally skilled politicians that you have observed? At 61, I am too young to remember Kennedy, so Obama and Bill Clinton are the two that come to mind (albeit for very different reasons)? Any on the Republican side? Any up-and-comers?

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