
Why is it that my daughter, as a Navy Navigation Petty Officer chasing Somali Pirates off east Africa, had to go through extensive security checks, while being on the bridge of a Destroyer...while the dipshits elected by Cletus Lee and Daisy Mae Southern-Heritage need not an iota of background checks.

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Hey, I miss your music recommendations! Any chance that you might resume those?

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Agreed! Favorite albums of 2022?

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Sometimes I fantasize about asking Mitch McConnell, off the record, what he actually believes in, and that he would tell me the truth.

If you could have a conversation like that, not so you could report it, but just for your own peace of mind, who would you want a straight answer from, and what would you ask them?

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Do you imagine that Mitch "believes in" anything?

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It's my fantasy, Tim!

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Fantasies are all well and good, but speaking just for myself now, the political absurdities I have witnessed in my lifetime have forced me to admit to complete and total disillusionment about the human race. To borrow a recent book title, "It Was All A Lie!"

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I sometimes wonder whether some politicians have completely different worldviews than what they display publicly, but they "chose" to display a particular worldview because they felt like that would lead them to victory.

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You seem like a nice person, John, and I am sure that some politicians have private convictions that they do not dare to reveal to the world at large. But if they hide those beliefs for decades, and profess whatever orthodoxy they believe will help them to advance in the political realm, how long do you imagine that these private, secret, unexpressed beliefs can survive in their minds? Mitch McConnell is an old nag - ready for the glue factory. He expressed horror at what happened on 1/6/21, and then voted not to condemn Trump! What sort of beliefs do you imagine can survive in such a hypocrite?

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So many of those who work in the DC news industry, both TV and newspapers elect to live in Maryland. Why did you choose Virginia and what do you see as the difference between the two? I live in Fairfax and sometimes when I travel to MD, I feel like they are far apart.

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Lace (!),

So I get all your arguments about how Kamala's in fine shape for 2024 (if she ends up running), but didn't she try to run for President before? How'd that go? Has she really improved since she flamed out before reaching the first primary back in 2020??

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Be honest, on a scale of 1 to 10, how terrified are you of the Chinese surveillance balloon?

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Hey Chris! Curious on your thoughts here.

I know he’s gotten “some” buzz, and it remains to be seen if he’d go against Trump, but why hasn’t Tim Scott gotten more 2024 fanfare? He cruised to reelection with a wider margin of victory than Desantis. He’s extremely popular with no enemies within the GOP. He’s the only black Republican Senator in a party that desperately needs to make gains in the black community. He has a conservative voting record but has shown a willingness to work across the aisle. And, he presents as a decent, moral, well-intentioned individual to a good number of independents and democrats. Isn’t he a home run candidate for the GOP?

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Why do you think Nancy Pelosi is endorsing Adam Schiff so early for Feinstein's seat?

Two pronged: early in terms of potentially preempting Feinstein, and early in terms of before the field fully forms.....

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What’s the future direction of CNN as you see it?

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How does the whole debt limit ceiling fight end? Do republicans get something small they can claim as a victory for raising the debt ceiling? Do democrats blink and actually give the republicans a real victory for their votes? Do 5 republicans cross the aisle and vote to raise it? Does a trillion dollar coin get minted? Or does the US actually default on it's debt?

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I love the work you are doing on here. My question has to do with Nikki Haley's near entry into the 2024 Presidential Election. How do you think her entry impacts the dynamics of the race? Does she go after Trump, or play things safe for awhile?

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Not sure I understand the reasoning behind the media amplifying Trump. All. The. Time. 2016 was the beginning and it was disgustingly corrosive, however, he was a presidential candidate and seemed to be a joke. No one thought he could win and yet he did. Then he became president and he needed to be covered, I get it. I also understand that what happened after the election was needed to be covered. However, it seems as though the former guy sneezes and the media all reports it. Now he’s running again and it seems like here we go again. How much does the media really need to cover? Does every waking moment, or middle of the night “truth” need to be made into something that the media talks about all day long? What are your thoughts on how much and when to cover the former guy? BTW, not talking about the legal aspect of things, those things need to be covered.

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Chris, you’re great on The TK show. Would you ever consider moving into sports full time?

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Hi Chris,

What can Trump's GOP opponents do to counter the images of him looking presidential with world leaders etc.. and getting past the "presidential decision" threshold given that he has already been President. Also, each time the USSC makes a decision the base loves, he can come out and say "you are welcome" we aren't done yet, I am the gift that keeps on giving etc... Doesn't this just validate the great job he did in office making his opponents look small and non-Presidential? Also, when Senators like JD Vance and Lindsey Graham endorse him, that makes him look less like the "Loser" and "Gad fly" his opponents try and paint him as. What do you think?

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Enough of this 5th Amendment antics - the real question is what would/is Donald Trump's mob name be? Inquiring Mailbag minds want to know...

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Why is it so hard to pass legislation that in theory should have bipartisan support? For example, there were discussions about how to address uncompetitive practices by social media companies (when Mark Zuckerberg was invited to the committee hearings) and both sides of the aisle seemed to want to do something but nothing ever materialized.

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