There are Republicans I disagree with, people I don't like, but who are acting with a vision of what they think -- wrongly in my opinion -- is best for America. And then there are spineless cowards like Marco Rubio and Lindsay Graham, willing to do whatever it takes to keep themselves in power.

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Chris, you left out the part where Marco Rubio implied he had a small penis

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Which, according to Stormy Daniels (who should know if anyone does) is true. "A small mushroom."

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Awww you just HAD to go wreck my pizza appetite yet again?

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They will say ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING to keep themselves from standing up to a bully... it is the fear of a soulless coward... nothing more and not surprising in the least...

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Why anyone has ever thought well of Widdle Marco is beyond me. He's been worthless from the first time I became aware he existed.

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It’s not surprising to me because Marco Rubio has never had any principles he actually cared about all that much. This is the guy who ended up abandoning the immigration bill he helped write back in 2013 because he was afraid of extremist Republican voters holding it against him and voting him out of office. He was always going to bend the knee, just like he did despite being humiliated by Trump in 2016.

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They’re all afraid of him. Every single one of them is afraid of Donald Trump. SMFH. Why??? Why have they all evacuated their dignity and principles? Why are they all simpering and pandering to a man who set an insurrectionist mob on the Capitol with ALL OF THEM INSIDE? WHO acts like this?? These cowards and simps are telling all of US how we get to live OUR LIVES! Sit with that for a minute.

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This is blinding headache mularky by Rubio. I'm almost speechless with disgust.

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Li'l Marco has once again proven the point that for Republican pols in particular, and most pols in general...I am only beholding to what I have said in the moment (good for a bag of chips for 3 months).

The "War Hawk" Li'l now is is becoming fuzzy on Ukraine. Another WTF???

I have no idea what these people actually believe --- other than saving their jobs.

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More from the free state of Florida

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Great points, Chris!

The mind truly boggles. Rubio needs to ponder how little success people who aligned themselves with Trump have achieved!

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Chris Chris Chris. Seriously man. Are you really shocked and mortified? Did you hear Gov. Sunousnous talk about how horrible Trump is, and then, "Of course I'll vote for him if he is the nominee!"

None of them except Liz and maybe a few others are going to stand up to him. None, as in NONE.

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Didn’t (then) Sen. Clinton hate (then) candidate Obama and say mean things about him? I’m pretty sure she came around and endorsed him, and even worked in his administration. I don’t get how politicians doing political things surprises anyone in the year of Our Lord 2024. Is it simply because it’s Pres. Trump? I feel like perhaps I’m missing something.

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It’s not the same. At all. Not in the least. That campaign was in the Before Times. Before an insurrection. And before election denialism was a requirement for office. Before 500 thousand dead Americans due to Trump’s totally inept and tragic response to COVID. The list goes on.

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You're missing the fact that it is indeed Trump (who by the way is NOT "President Trump" despite what you morons think - he LOST THE ELECTION). And people like you.

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Yup..he is Mr, Trump. Or “that one”.

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Or "the defendant".

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Weird. I was certain he was the 45th President. I’ll have to double check that.

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That doesn't make him "President Trump" now, as if he was still in office. The accurate statement is "FORMER President Trump."

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James.p I hope you are not trying to compare Obama with Trump

Please, don't do that because they are VERY VERY different. The Democrats will NEVER support someone who has been 91 criminal indictments etc.

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Oh. Someone should tell Sen. Menendez.

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Well, several of his(,Menendez) colleagues in the senate and his constituency members have asked him to resign and he is not going win his primary in the next election. Now this is UNLIKE your cult leader , inspite of the 91 criminal conditions, he is still poised to be the nominee of the Republican party. AND THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE !!

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Asking him to resign and allowing him to receive classified foreign briefings are not the same thing. It’s always the same thing in today’s politics. If your side does it, you overlook it. If the other side does it, people yell and scream. Politics is broken because people can’t have an honest debate. Not a fan of Pres. Trump or Pres. Biden. But if you speak out against Pres. Biden you’re automatically some cult Trump member. We don’t know each other at all. Literally couldn’t pick each other out of a lineup of 2 people. But because I believe there’s more than enough hypocrisy to go around, I’m labeled as a cult member.

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But unlike Trump, the Democrats are not going o vote for Menendez in the Primary. The Republicans are going to nominate someone with 91 criminal counts against him. Someone who incited an insurrection against his Government etc. Can you HONESTLY see the difference. That is all I am saying Mr James P. No one is saying you're a member of Trump's cult

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Wonder why DJT's fear-mongering is working on Rubio? Hmmm!

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it wouldn't shock me if in 10 or more years we learn the Vlad supplied Orangeman with all kinds of really good compromising crap on all of them. Aunt Lindz is probably on top of the list. Once you get good stuff on a few of them, word gets out and the rest of them are either scared of the MAGA crowd or realize they too could be compromised.

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Lil' Marco is one of my Senators. No good has ever or will ever come from him, OR Rick Scott.

Period. Full Stop. Etc.

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Shameful, depressing but most of all scarry. Something has got to give or this guy becomes the next president!!!

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And to think i donated $$$ to the Rubio campaign in 2016. is it too late to get a refund?

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