Gaetz is probably one of the most arrogant beings that I have had misfortune to observe in my 84 years on the planet. I say being rather than human being because I don't believe there's anything human about him.

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And therein lies THE problem with our political system, where achievement means nothing and media hits mean everything (that goes for a fair number of Democrats too, to be fair).

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Absolutely. It is CORROSIVE.

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You're not being far by dragging the Democrats into this Republican mess.

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Which ones?

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Matt Gaetz reminds me of the joke about Ted Cruz. Why do people hate Ted Cruz before they meet him? Saves time. The same is true of Gaetz.

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Ted Cruz is VASTLY intelligent. Gaetz is not. He's a carnival barker at best.

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The scary part is that Gaetz is comparatively articulate.

He doesn't sound as bat-shit stupid as Bobo Boebert, and somewhat less stupid than Madge "Dude Looks Like A Lady" Greene.

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Which is some respects makes Cruz WORSE. He knows better but acts like an idiot anyway.

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That was my thought, too. There’s so much competition to be the “Ted Cruz of the House” and, yet, Gaetz runs away with the title.

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I watched a HBO documentary the other day, The Swamp. Matt Gaetz starred prominently. The really horrifying part was about campaign funding. In modern America, even elected congressmen have to raise funds. You need to raise a certain amount to get one of those committee chairs Chris mentioned. If you bring in the bucks, you have true power. Marjorie Taylor Green is one of the very best fundraisers so here we are. It is basically legalized corruption from an outsiders perspective.

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In Congress: Money = power

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Look back in American history --- this has been the reality of our country since the early 1800s.

To paraphrase the eloquent Civil Rights advocate, H. Rap Brown, in the mid-20th-century

"Political corruption is as American as Apple Pie."

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But hey, it shouldn’t be tax payer dollars funding these guys. $174,000 a year shutdown proof.

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I hate to be so shallow, but I can't abide even looking at the man. In a generosity of spirit, I've deleted the several sentences I wrote about his smarmy, oily, repulsive appearance. Oops - did I write that out loud anyway?

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To be fair, Butthead Gaetz is a "manly man," sunshining his genitalia to make even more attractive to teens in his district.

So doesn't that in itself make him a "attractive" man??? ;-)

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Oh, good Lord. this adds to the repulsiveness. And remember, he had to PAY that teenage girl!

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Gaetz is simply following the Narcissist in Chief's game plan for getting to watch themselves on their favorite news programs. Soon, Gaetz will not be showing up for any votes until approximately noon each day, after he has completed watching several hours of himself, and/or called into all of his favorite morning shows.

BTW, are the "...Many..." who have suggested Gaetz consider running for Governor of Florida the same people who call Trump "...sir..."?

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You are very right about what the current goal of Republicans in Congress is, but I must admit that I’m still flabbergasted that governing is held in such low regard by them. It’s just strange that the goal is to be on air and considered a “political influencer” and LESS to have the TRUE POWER of holding the reins of government.

I guess that’s what happens in the Age of Social Media...

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Social media (and online fundraising) have turned the incentive structure in Congress on its head. We are now rewarding the loudest person in the room rather than the most thoughtful or cooperative.

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The list of things held in low regard by Republicans and their supporters is long: intelligence, accomplishment, honesty, integrity, decency, respect for others, respect for the law, actual patriotism ... the list is virtually endless.

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Too big of a fence there bub. You vastly overreached.

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Trump and Gaetz and MTG etc turned the Republicans into that

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Of all the Crapola Caucus members to rise to the top, Gaetz is the Crappiest.

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Time to break out Cicero on the fall of the Roman Republic.

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ugh 😢

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The media has the power to change these incentives, if it had the will. It could, for example, stop considering social media posts as news. It could stop asking everyone for reactions and then for reactions to the reactions. It could focus on what is in a bill rather than who is supporting and opposing it. It could stop publishing politicians’ glib, prefabricated quotes devoid of substance.

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Amazing how much "Pre-Teen Girls Just Got To Have Fun" Gaetz looks like "Butthead" from the popular "Beavis and Butthead" adult cartoon show.

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Fiscal conservative, social liberal here. Voted R my whole life because the gov't wastes 30-50% of every dollar we send them so I'm against sending them more, no matter whose money it is.

But this guy? This guy is a dick and a douche and NOT anything resembling what Rs really are. How he survived high school with such a vomitous personality is beyond me.

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If a portrait artist is in need of a model for his interpretation of "Mr. Sleaze", Matt Gaetz is available!

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Once upon a time, congress was an esteemed place to be. So many now have taken the oath of office and have demeaned their positions. It’s very sad for our country.

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Too bad he can't be deflated. 🥰

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Gaetz’ plan will backfire if it induces a vote to expel him based on his awful ethics.

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Honestly if Republicans expelled him he would probably be ok. Could use that as a launching pad for FL gov.

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Or the 9;00 host on NewsMax

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That might deflate him for a minute!

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