Chris line "It’s unclear what changed the minds of the members of the Ethics Committee." The answer is two simple words. "Secret Ballot."

One more episode in the History of Republicans Being Spineless. They wouldn't vote in public. I hope every Republican gets hounded in their hometown presses about this.

AND - we will get to see the full story of the person Trump wanted to lead the DOJ. Should make everyone ask even more questions about the other nominees.

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Key point: House GOP thought we shouldn't know about it if he was a nominee for DOJ, but we need to know about it when he is going to be a host on a third rate MAGA outlet.

Defines cowardice.

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After watching in dismay as Trump has essentially escaped from any serious consequences for his egregious conduct I have to conclude that republicans in Florida will not take this report seriously and will ignore it as they elect Gaetz to whichever office in Florida that he decides to run for.

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100% agree as long as he is Trump endorsed.

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He and Trump are buddies, at least for the present. But as we know about him, Trump can turn on a dime against someone that for whatever reason has raised his anger.

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couldn't happen to a nicer scumbag.

which is, perhaps, an insult to all the good scumbags out there.

it is going to be interesting in the next few weeks to get the true story behind the course reversal. Was Kevin McCarthy behind the scenes pulling the strings? SOMETHING happened, and we don't know it yet, but it oughta be real good!

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I was going to say the *exact* same thing: couldn’t happen to a more appropriate person!

And yes, I think it’s likely that McCarthy worked behind the scenes to make this happen, just as Pelosi worked (kinda) behind the scenes to tank AOC’s leadership gambit. If there’s anything to be learned from this, it’s be careful who you piss off!!

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Looking forward to the πŸ’© hitting the fan.

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Florida will forget by 2026. Like tRump, we just can’t be rid of them.🀬😑

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Gaetz won’t be a competitor for the Senate seat that Lara Trump wants. Would put money on it being Trump who changed Johnson/the Committee’s mind. (And if she decided she wants to be governor, Gaetz isn’t in the way for that either.) When the Trumps are done with you, they are done with you.

Edit: Trump said a few hours ago he doesn’t think Lara will appointed to Senate. Not β€œDeSantis better appointment her.” So she wants to be governor now?

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sounds just like the Mob! Which, in effect, it is.

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EEEWWWW! Cat fight! She's going to have fight off DeSanctamonious' wife for Governor. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

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I live in Gaetz’ district. He’s a buffoon and unworthy of any public office. Let alone Governor. So what? That republicans know he’s a predator and that they don’t want him near any office with connections to the Hill.

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Why is our government so contaminated by amoral narcissistic politicians?

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Goetz thought his plan to deep six the Ethics Report by resigning his seat ostensibly to become the AG had worked. But he failed to understand just how much his "colle

agues" in the House hated his sceevy guts. With a secret ballot cover, plausible deniability on thel vote to release of the report, and a long recess they bucked the Speaker and Trump to let everyone know just how sleazy Gaetz is.

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My thinking is the report has to be bad...real bad because he actually took himself out of the nomination.

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Reminds me of the old Richard Pryor bit about his first divorce about getting a part of a judge's gavel put somewhere the sun doesn't shine.

Poor Matty! Given the state of our current politics, such a messy piece of dirt will likely not end his political career. But it may make it a bit more challenging.

Of course lost in all of this will be the fact that Republicans and Democrats wrote the report in a bipartisan manner.

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Matt Gaetz is a scumbag of the nth degree. Just like Trump. He emulated the master of scumminess.

They are two peas in a repulsive pod.

Everyone knows it. Trump sycophants don't care, or worse yet, they admire it.

The idea that this will "politically, the report could be a bombshell." may be true as far as being a "bombshell" but, if anything it will HELP Gaetz politically as long as he remains loyal to the King of the scumbags, Donald Trump, and keeps on "pwning libruls".

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This flaming culture of wanting leaders who at many corners show who they have always been. What is at play?

Greed? Power?, crime? Secrets?, Lies?

We live in a culture of truth is a lie and a lie is thr truth. It’s always been this way?

For many ppl, but with Musk, DT, and a DOJ , a SC6 has changed the rule of law.

Going forward, agreeing to get along has never been integrity.

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Correction for Chris: the Ethics committee is by convention intentionally bipartisan: split 5-5 between the parties. Maybe only 1 Republican (or possibly more?) voted with all the Dems to release this report (we’ll never know)

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Who knows? Maybe all five Republicans just hate his sorry ass so much that they all voted to release it? One of histories secrets until someone spills the beans in a book.

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I will truly be a wonderful holiday if the Gaetz report is released before the holidays!

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