You had me at hello.

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This. Is. Exactly. What. I. Signed. Up. For.

Yes, Chris, that! Your mission statement is exactly what I want! It's the reason I AM (and will continue to be) a paid subscriber. And, why I hope everyone else will become paid, to help support your project.

As you laid out your personal need to write, as a way to organize your world, it made me think of an interview with Gary Larson (creator of The Far Side). It was many many years ago, on 60 Minutes. He explained that he doesn't make ANY cartoon with the intention of entertaining his readers. He makes ALL of his cartoons with the intention of entertaining himself. If others are entertained, that's a bonus. And, look at how successful The Far Side became.

When you talk about you writing as a way to organize your world, I picture you hunkered over your desk, writing away, making sense of your world, and the fact that I get to "look over your shoulder" and become better informed as a result...well, that's the bonus.

I whole heartedly sign on to your promises for how you will write.

I look forward to a long relationship with this project. Thanks Chris.

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Honest and thoughtful piece. Makes me glad I have subscribed.

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Congratulations on the new job, Chris!

>I will always work to foster kindness and civility in our community

I think this is so important and should not be overlooked, especially given how toxic our politics and discourse are. You should be very proud of the community that you've grown from scratch that has led to positive discussions and civil disagreements.

What you said about journalism and the internet was interesting. I think the issue was when the internet first became popular, people were very nervous to provide their credit card, so news organizations didn't want to be irrelevant and just made everything free.

The music industry not figuring out mp3s and p2p sharing first is the biggest internet blunder.

Jerry Maguire rules, it's not cheesy at all. So many quotable lines and memorable scenes. Definitely some parts I'd feel awkward watching with my kids though.

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I love this.....like LOVE this. This is the reason I looked for wherever you landed after CNN. I'm in as paid subscriber because this civility and community make a happy place in my life. Keep up great work. I applaud your mission statement! 👏👏👏👏

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Kudos to you, kid! You have listed all the reasons we support you and will continue to do so!

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I am in and have been for a while. I have been laid off twice after 90 hr work weeks and relocating at great expense. I know the “what do I do now” syndrome. You have gotten it right. You have overcome and succeeded. I depend on you for facts, humor and circumspection. Keep right on going!

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Very succinct mission statement. It's why we support you!

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Very well thought out and written. Also, I enjoy you “bearing your soul”. If you did it every day it would be too much, but I think occasionally interjecting it makes you more human and accessible

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Saw this in Politico this morning. I take it that it's good news:

TRANSITIONS — Chris Cillizza is joining Dentons Global Advisors as a senior adviser. He will continue to write the “So What” political newsletter for Substack, and is a CNN, Cook Political Report, Roll Call and WaPo alum. …

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Yup.. Another piece of the puzzle.

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Nicely put. I'm very pleased that you striving to be as objective as you can and will steer clear of feeding the partisans on any side. My politics, when I do those wonderful online assessments, always end up as being labelled as progressive, yet I find almost all overtly progressive boosters irritating in the inflexibility of their positions. You go for a middle ground, look at all sides and are perfectly willing to say what you think. That's why I subscribe. Plus you know have to have fun with it all!

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I don’t like Zoom or podcasts, but your written post are more than worth my subscription!

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only suggestion might be to include a few more benefits to the founding members. i might suggest naming a child after a founding member who has several accounts.

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Love your mission statement and I love having 30 minutes of your time. But honestly, between my anxiety and not knowing what to ask... I'm not sure I'll avail though I keep thinking about it. Keep up the GREAT work!

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Your vision for this community reminded me of a quote from Margaret Meade: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

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Your substack is quality journalism. I hope that anyone reading this for free understands that the good stuff is not gratis, and that it is worth every penny to get this kind of outlook on politics and culture.

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