Your reviews of Trump’s speeches have highlighted, very clearly, Trump is having difficulty with current or recent details, one of the tell tale signs of cognitive challenges. Putting the personality aside, it is sad to see anyone go through this process. Nevertheless, it also highlights another reason Trump is unfit for any office, let alone the most consequential office, maybe in the world.

In contrast, despite Biden being older, he does not demonstrate the same mental challenges - his command of facts and recent details is quite good. If Trump does want to make this a focus of the campaign, it will ultimately reflect negatively on Trump, not Biden.

I also believe this is the key reason Trump is not debating, and will continue to avoid debates - even he cannot be sure he will not stray mentally too far, and knows in a live debate in front of a general audience (not Trump/MAGA loyalists), it would be disastrous.

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Biden's "real age" is far lower than his birth date age. Many many sources say that the kind of exercises he does every day can lower the "real age" as much as 16-18 years.

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You believe that this version of Pres. Biden is as good, or better, than a mid 60s (then) VP Biden?

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James - cognitively, I believe he is very close if not the same as a mid 60 year old VP Biden - clearly, physically, he is not the same as he was as VP. The truth is, we all will grow older differently, and our individual pace of physical or mental decline will not the same as anyone else.

Nikki Haley is being very disingenuous when she says anyone over 75 should have a cognitive test, and when she says, “But when you see them hit a certain age, there is a decline. That's a fact — ask any doctor, there is a decline.” While her second statement is accurate, the "...certain age..." is the key. Some people begin to cognitively decline well before age 60, and others remain quite sharp well past 90 or 100 years old, and older. Why would studios still be funding Clint Eastwood at age 93(!) to produce and direct "Juror No. 2", currently filming in Savannah, GA, and with a reported budget of $33 million? He is more than 10 years older than Biden! No one questioned HM Queen Elizabeth II, who was 96 when she passed.

There are many other examples of people we trust can make appropriate decisions well past Biden's age.

Yes, I believe Biden is a good as he was cognitively as he was as VP, and it does not have anything to do with his age.

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I completely agree with you Mike . One of the richest persons in the world in Warren Buffet is in his 90s.

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It seems that it shouldn't be too difficult for the Biden campaign to create multiple campaign ads which start with a clip of Trump questioning Biden's mental acuity, followed by clips of Trump confusing people/places/events or just rambling incoherently.

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Are the doctors who passed him with flying colors on cognition the same ones who signed off on him being 6’ 3” and 215 pounds? “Dr. Ronny was very drunk at the time.”

I think a lot of Republican voters are going to have buyer’s remorse between now and November. 😢

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This confusion of Nikki Halley with Nancy Pelosie came right on the heals of the 'debanking' comments that had no grasp on reality. Trump is spiraling towards exhaustion with his trials and campaigning. More photos of him tired and disheveled are showing up than ever before. Trump is not a well man.

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Hopefully he'll "code out" mid rant in front of the Seething Inadequates with his major fatal myocardial infarction and hit the floor face first, dead as a doornail, as they say.

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This election is going to be depressing

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I'm already depressed about it. Have been for months.

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Yes, 2024 is the most important worst year of our lives.

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In US history, the 1800 election between Adams and Jefferson is listed as The Worst for scurrilous lies, the worst kind of innuendo, and completely made-up false news.

I''ll go out on a limb here and predict that 1800 is going to lose it's top spot for being so low, to 2024.

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Republican voters seem to double down on Trump with each idiotic statement by him. It’s lunacy.

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It is better to be old and a bit feeble than it is to be a bit less old and fascist/ evil/ racist/ ...etc.

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well said

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I am banking on the Biden strategy working... once the electorate wakes up, they will see exactly what Trump is selling and pick the "lukewarm watery gruel" that is being offered. (yes, Kat Rosenfield must know me... -via Josh Barro). The best bet for the country is to plaster the airwaves with Trump, unedited, in all his flaming hot cheeto glory.

Keep up the great, and necessary work!!! You provide the substance for what passes as conversation with me these days.


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It certainly is too little, too late for Haley who has played it far too safe in her challenge against Trump. But I believe such comparisons will benefit Biden in the run up to the general election. I think most people are still tuned out of the election to come, for all sorts of reasons, but as their focus turns towards another (largely unwanted) Trump vs. Biden contest, Biden will look, if not exactly desirable, at least acceptable. I cannot see that happening for Trump.

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While Fox "news" and other right-wing media are quick to jump all over every little slip-up done by Biden, all you hear are crickets when Trump makes one of his (more frequently occurring) verbal screw-ups (not knowing what city he's in, not being able to differentiate between different people, etc).

As these gaffes become more frequent, the issue is slowly moving into the mainstream and beyond being an MSNBC exclusive. Keep talking Donald, keep talking. As the Independents and (endangered-species) moderate Republicans keep getting exposed to your cognitive decline, perhaps they can break free of the cult and see you as the narcissistic, insecure, psychological fuster-cluck you really are.

Are both Biden and Trump too old? Yes, without question.

The biggest difference is that Biden has surrounded himself with competent people. There may be wide-spread disagreement with the policies of the Biden administration, but if push came to shove I truly believe these people would step-up and take the necessary steps under the 25th Amendment I'm sure that these people would have significant emotional reactions in taking that step against a person they have tremendous respect for, but they would do what they had to do for the good of the Country, over the needs of the Party or the person. If Trump gets re-elected, he'll surround himself with yes-men who would rather destroy the Country rather than upsetting the orange cry-baby.

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I, too, am depressed about the 2024 election already. Too late for Haley to make any sort of movement, her days are over. Even if she gets through a couple of states, it’s not enough and I think she knows it. What I am hoping for, at this point, is that as this turns to the general election Trump totally melts down. His ramblings, word salads, confusion, his mental acuity needs to be on full blast everywhere. You know that Biden will be nitpicked by the GOPs with a fine tooth comb. Every utterance or mistake or misstep will be shown or talked about ad nauseam. The msm media has to bring all of Trumps cognitive disabilities need to be showcased. Let’s all take a collective breath, this will be a tough year. Vote 💙

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Too little, too late, and those who need to get the message will not see it.

I just don't see this working.

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Except IF the Biden campaign keeps banging that drum all the way ‘til November, once the “average voter” starts paying attention to the election. I think it’s a real winner for Biden and you KNOW we’re going to see a lot more of these brain farts from Trump.

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I think you are right on the Biden strategy. But my too little too late comment was more around the fact that the orange arthropod has been a walking gaffe and malapropism machine for well over a year, and not one of those cowardly undercard candidate dared to mention it, and in fact they all are ripping on Biden non-stop about his gaffes while ignoring the elephant in the room that is the visible degradation of Trump.

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Read this sentence: "A few months ago I took a cognitive test my doctor gave me, I said give me a cognitive test just we can, you know, and I aced it,” Trump said Saturday.

"I said give me a cognitive test just we can, ..." "... just we can, ... " This is just one example of Trump's inability to make up a coherent sentence. Most speakers would insert a "so" between "just" and "we"; as a member of the Grammar Police I would say "just so that we can..." (I can't help my inner demand for correct clause formation.) "... just so that we can, you know, ..." Do what? No object phrase.

"... and I aced it." Well, of course he did. Trump doesn't not "ace" anything. Does he understand that this test is just a way of screening for dementia? Who was the doctor that administered it? For that matter, what test was it? We're all assuming that it was the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Exam, which is pretty easy and nothing to brag about "acing." Who knows? It might have been easier than the MoCA, just to boost Trump's ego. Dr. Ziad Nasreddine, who invented the test, said that it's not meant in any way to determine a person's IQ, and should be easily doable by anyone with a high school education who's being given the test in their native language. In other words, it shouldn't even have been a challenge for Trump, and for him to say any of the questions were "hard" shows either the beginnings of dementia or Trump's deep defensive insecurity.

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People older than Biden that rock. Barbara Streisand, Bob Dylan, WArren Buffett, Robert Redford, Al Pacino, Jane Fonda, Judy denche, Clint Eastwood, James Earl Jones.

I won’t vote for any of them for president, but I will not hesitate to vote for Biden.

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The recent rumor that Trump has Syphilis may explain his mental state !

If you haven't heard this Doozy yet , Check out James Carvilles comments on youtube . Classic Carville ! Evidently Trump has lesions on his hands ( photo easily phony )that are a sign of Syphilis.

As much as I want this to be true, I don't buy it, and it wouldn't change his standings .

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