"Kowtowing" is the best word to describe Haley. I once respected here and thought she could be a reasonable Republican president. Not any more. Her desperation for power and adulation is embarrassing.

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BG...You are being kind with your first sentence.

Since this is a PG community, it works. But there are other terms that would better explain her political "stylings".

Oh to be a fly on the wall of her "strategy" meetings. Seems like it would go something like this:

Advisor: "You stand locked at 4% support. Your platform of condemning a "person" who acts and talks like Trump without naming Trump, and then pledging support for Trump is not working!"

Haley: "But I'm at least less spineless than Pence. And 'Swami Ricearoni's' vocal support for Trump is way beyond mine."

Advisor: "So you see the race between you and Vivitech --- the other Indian in the race?"

Haley: "Yes...I'm ready to go Brahmin-to-Brahmin to see who will be...Trump's "Indian Kamala Killer" Vice President. I have the edge since I converted to Methodism, while he's still a Hindu. Will be especially important in the general election since Kamala is a Baptist."

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You're spot on! It's sad watching her degrade herself for people who are never going to like or respect her.

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She's absolutely irrelevant in this campaign. She is barely mentioned, and even anti-Trumpers like Christie are polling ahead of her. That speaks volumes about what her fellow Republicans think of her as a candidate.

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And thus why it's even weirder that CC is using her as another sharp point against the Cons. His tool box is all but empty.

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Winston Churchill once described Russia as "a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma". The same could be said for Haley.

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At what point does America stop having to live in "The Onion" reality that is Republican politics, with 40% of the electorate in varying degrees of support for a:

~ twice impeached,

~ defendant in as many as a half dozen legal cases (perhaps less now that he has agreed to terms with Michael Cohen),

~ racist,

~ misogynist (who lost out on that sexual assault case appeal)

~ creeping toward dementia (I defy any Teacher-of-the-Year who is a grammarian to diagram his verbal and written statements)

Hold on a minute...

Hey, what's that sound?

Everybody stop, what's going down? (apologies to Stephen Stills)

It's the ashes of the Founding Fathers in a whirlwind within their respective graves, completely discombobulated from what has been wrought on the American Republic since 2015.

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What amazes me about Nikki Haley and Mike Pence running against Trump is that they served in Trump's Presidency and yet find it necessary to contest with him for the same position. What that should tell the American people is that they find him (Trump) unfit to hold that office again. Which is what the vast majority of Americans realized and voted him out in 2020 and they will do the same again in 2024. Kudos to Bidenomics and scandal and near crisis free Biden Presidency so far!!

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It’s not inconsistent to say she doesn’t want Trump to be the nominee, but that IF he is, then she’ll support him.

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Sununu has the advantage of being an armchair quarterback. He doesn’t need Trump’s 30-40% ride-or-die GOP voters. Nikki and the others do. I think Christie had a shot at getting some Independents or been some disaffected Democrats in the general, but I don’t think he’ll get there. Hutchinson has no chance in either the primary or the general, IMHO.

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Says Sununu, the guy that says he will vote for Trump is he's the nominee.

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Considering how well Haley has done with her prognosticating, I’d say Joe Biden is a lock to stay hale and hearty for another 4 year term. Is it some weird form of projection she has, where she’s predicting Biden’s demise while she fervently wishes Trump would die, and the sooner the better?

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Confusing is you wanting to be a big J Journalist while being - from all evidence - on the DNC payroll. It should be embarrassing for you, but you're not capable of that, are you?

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When Putin pays you for trolling here is it in dollars or rubles?

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Are you referencing Chris, here?

Dude, go back to previous months on this newsletter and see how Chris has bent over backwards to be "fair and balanced" (a term totally defiled by, I'm assuming, your FOX-bent) fighting back with neutrality when assailed with the Siren song of commenters offering date and facts (old timey concepts to MAGAs) about your Master the Secessionist-in-Chief/Defendant-in-Chief/Criminal-in-Chief/Racist-in-Chief/Unintelligible-in-Chief...etc.

Take your trolling elsewhere.

Chris has made his bones for years as a serious "Big J" journalist across the media world.

And I'm not in the bag for him at all --- he pisses me off 50% of the time I read his missives.

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And what exactly are YOU trying to be? You don’t appear to have any serious comments about the subject at hand (Haley IS running for the Republican nomination and hence what she says IS newsworthy), so why comment at all? So that you can see your comments in “print”?

Frankly, you remind me of something Abraham Lincoln said. Possible advice you should heed?

“Better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.”

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