When Trump told women that if they're lonely and vote for him and he wins that they won't be lonely anymore, what exactly did he mean?

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So, Trump wins; Republicans control both houses of Congress. Do they push thru a Constitutional amendment revoking 2 term limit?

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In case Chris doesn't get to your question tomorrow, you can scratch this off of your list of concerns. It would be impossible for congress to do that. You need a 2/3 majority in both houses and neither party has anything close to that.

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Is this like a how do I pose a question to make a false political statement? There isnt enough Rs to pass an approps bill — you think those same folks will eliminate term limits? Stop kidding yourself, which I assume is purely for political posturing—like asking Kamala why does she beat Doug? (Note, obviously she doesn’t, it’s a frame game bs q)

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With broadcast TV losing viewers, what do campaign pros view as the most effective distribution methods for ads?

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This is a great question!

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Chris, do you think you could provide a side-by-side comparison of Harris and Trump on what you believe their positions are on the major issues?

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Can you give me your take on the electoral college? I have heard people complain about the electoral college my whole life; I used to roll my eyes. But now we might have 3 elections in the last 25 years where the winner of the popular vote loses the electoral college. I understand what the founding fathers were thinking when they created it. Some good reasons, some not so good. But I am not sure only a handful of states getting all the attention is best for democracy. What would a popular vote winner take all presidential campaign look like compared to what we have now?

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What will see first: Trump working a “fry job” or Trump’s healthcare plan?

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Dave, Dave, Dave.....such a softball question for Chris. Trump has concepts of a plan...which means he doesn't have a plan, but McDonalds is hiring everywhere due to the shortage of workers. Go with the fry job for the win.

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I figured we’d be more likely to see Trump eat fries than either of these. Or he’ll get the wrong address and hold a rally at a KFC down the road.

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And, after being found guilty for sexual abuse, he’s now telling women he will *protect* us! 😠

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Of all the fears Democrats have about what a second Trump presidency might look like, what is the most realistic? In other words, what is something he is likely to try, something that would have real impact, that would be radically different than how things have been done before and would likely change the worldview of the United States if it became a reality?

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This is older news, but it has stayed on my mind - What do you make of the Teamsters refusal to endorse? And does this signal deeper problems with working class voters for Kamala than anyone wants to admit?

Teamsters internal polling had Biden leading trump 44-36 as late as July...Then they had Trump at almost 60% over Kamala being as low as 31%. Biden has been super pro union, and theres no reason to think Kamala would be any different. Trump has an extensive anti worker record, including gutting federal employee unions. Am I wrong to just cynically chalk this up to sexism? I often look back on 2016 and wonder, within the working class, if there was really a 'hidden Trump vote', or if it was actually a 'hidden sexist vote' that could not fathom a woman as president.

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Great question that I hope Chris addresses about the role of the Teamsters lack of endorsement. Made it to the Boston Globe where they asked if the Teamsters had really lost their political capital when they failed to endorse any political candidate and their "rival" the AFL-CIO did.

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Do you read Heather Cox Richardson? I find her daily political recap refreshing and it's properly sourced, with links to the source. Plus she adds historical background and comparisons.

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What are you watching for in the veeps debate? Will we see anything more than tampon Tim insults and rehashing the racist attacks on Haitian immigrants?

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Question: Can Congress conduct the electoral vote certification if there is not a Speaker? If no and the GOP retains the House, they will have incentive not to elect a Speaker if Trump loses.

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Yes, have you ever seen in politics such vitriol for someone like the left has for President Trump? I think back to past presidential elections and campaigns, I know the media hated Nixon and rejoiced when he left office, but I still don’t think that ever reached the level of the left and the media (really the same thing) hatred of President Trump.

Got a few folks on this site that make you worry bout their mental health when/if President Trump is reelected. Chris can see this just by simply saying something negative about VP Harris or even something marginally positive about President Trump. The knives come out.

Thoughts on the amount of hatred and as I see it TDS….

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Hey, Chris. I'm lovin' your analysis/thoughts about the campaign. Great work! ... I have a few questions:

– With GOP Senate pickups in West Virginia (pretty much certain) and Montana (possible? likely?), who do you think are the leading candidates for the next majority leader?

– If Harris becomes president, given the precedent set by McConnell, what are the odds that the new majority leader withholds votes on her Supreme Court nominees until the next president is elected in 2028?

– And, if the ML does withhold those votes, would there even be a political penalty for it?

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Would Kamala calling for Eric Adams and Mark Robinson to resign in the same speech be a good move for her, in your opinion?

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1. What Vice President in modern American history (say, since 1960) has had the most impact, however you define that? (Thinking about Teddy Roosevelt being shoved to VP so as to reduce the threat of progressivism in the 1900's, but let's talk about now vs. 1901).

2. Thinking long term, not horse race, how do you foresee future Congresses and Presidents handling reduced entitlement spend? (Government debt is large, whether you define it as % of GDP, Treasuries as % of the total bond market, whatever..)

3. Given recent public security challenges, how do you think the presidential primary and general election will change in 2028?

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Hello Chris! This is a bit of a personalized question, but I thought it could be interesting. As someone who's strongly Catholic and pro life, while believing in the entire breadth of Catholic Social Teaching on other important issues like Climate Change and Economic inequality and the Genocide in Gaza, I've really struggled to come to a choice this year. Probably going to vote for the American Solidarity Party this year, but I had a broader question. How do Socially Conservative and Fiscally Liberal voters usually vote in elections?

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Such a great question!!

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