Trump's mental decline is becoming more and more obvious. You've done a great . . . and hilarious . . . job detailing his decline through simply posting his comments verbatim. When will the MSM start seriously reporting on this issue? With so little time left before the election, the fact he is having such serious problems needs to be a daily story. And, I mean a prominent one and not one that tip-toes or hints at the issue, but one that takes it head-on. BTW: Why hasn't the MSM DEMANDED Trump's medical records from the Butler shooting? That's incompetence.

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I agree Chris. Why was the media ALL OVER Biden and they are absolutely silent on this? I really would like your take on this!

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Would you please rank your top speakers at the DNC?

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You've touched on this by noting that Trump's cultural references are out of date (Hannibal Lecter, Time magazine cover), but I'm wondering if it's getting worse. When he was commenting on the Time cover for Kamala Harris, he said the artist made her so beautiful he thought it was Sophia Loren or Elizabeth Taylor. Do you think Trump gets how increasingly out of touch he seems? Might that impact his efforts to go after voters in younger demos? (I know them but my 28 year old daughter had only "heard of" Taylor.)

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At this exact moment in time, right now, what is your dream career scenario? A million subscribers? A job back with the big boys in MSM, print or TV? World renowned author and speaker? Journalism professor? Front man for a new and very popular band, The DadVibes?

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There have been a lot of stories lately about people “cutting the cord” and giving up cable for streaming services (FWIW, we have Dish, and no streaming services other than Prime). Plus, the major networks (except I think MSNBC) are bleeding audience. Yet several people (including you, I believe), say “watch the TV money”, and budget reports show the bulk of campaign dollars going to TV. I’ve also seen reports that the younger somebody is, the less likely they are to have any info source other than streaming and social media – and many of these potential voters are not solidly in one base or the other. So why the heavy political spend and emphasis on TV ads?

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Barack Obama is an exceptional orator, and his 2004 speech at the DNC catapulted him to 2008. Who at the DNC convention this year came closest to a 2004 moment that will launch a campaign in 2028 or 2032?

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I for one, LOVE the shorter season for the Dems' election. Maybe it's too soon to analyze, but what do you think? Any predictions about changes in procedures for next go around?

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Last night the DNC loaded up the prime time slate with potential future presidential candidates:

Shapiro, Pete, Moore, and Klobuchar all had speeches.

1) Was that by design?

2) Who’s stock rose and fell off those speeches?

For me Pete came across slightly too angry, while Wes Moore came across as Captain America!

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If he loses in November (🤞🤞), does Trump run in 2028? If not - who do the Republicans put up?

Le Cheeserie, Edith!

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If you were a speaker at one of the conventions, what would be your walkup music, and would your choices be different if you were a Major League Baseball player or a professional wrestler?

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He comes out with R-Truth singing, "So What!"

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Metallica covered Anti-Nowhere League's song with the same title, and I think it would be a lot funnier. :)

So what if I'm a rebel?

So what if I'm a punk?

So what if I don't like you?

So what if I don't give a damn?

I'm gonna do what I wanna do

And I'm gonna say what I wanna say

I don't care what you think of me

I'm gonna live my life my way

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Why do you believe it is so important for Kamala to do interviews? It seems like the voters she needs to reach are the low info voters who probably aren’t getting news from the traditional places.

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Hi Chris - This isn’t really a question , it’s an observation (but feel free to include it tomorrow if you think it’s interesting).

I never thought I would live to see the day when a Kennedy would stoop to being a Republican’s lapdog. But if there was ever a Kennedy who is an ass it’s RFK, Jr. I have seen it firsthand.

About 10 years ago hubby and I were at a dinner hosted by Toledo University. My husband’s uncle bequeathed over 4 million dollars to TU when he passed and there was (and still is) a scholarship and a speaker series each year in his name. About 10 years ago RFK, Jr. was the featured speaker.

His speech about the environment was okay. My husband sat next to him at the dinner afterward and I sat one seat down. Kennedy completely ignored us during dinner even when my husband tried to engage him in a relevant subject or two - and we (along with TU) were the hosts! Kennedy talked exclusively with the person on the other side of him, pointedly ignoring us.

And also, he made a “joke” during dinner - and this can be corroborated (altho I would rather not) - about…. um…. peeing in some bushes. It was unclear whether he did that at TU or somewhere else.

He is an ass with no class. Just thought you might find the story interesting since it’s kind of timely.

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I hear a lot about the honorable decision made by President Biden to withdraw from the race. The sacrifice he made for the sake of the nation. The morality shown by a great public servant.

Isn’t the reality that he was forced out by his political party after overwhelming evidence he was facing almost certain defeat? He was an above average President but pretending he’s some kind of hero for dropping out when he waited until he had no other option seems absurd.

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Chris....several cycles ago, CNN did this thing where you could pick the 20 races that you were most interested in, and follow them closely on election night. It was fantastic for political nerds but haven't seen it since. Any chance that you could do that for us this year? PLEASE

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Conservative pontificators have been criticizing Harris all week for her focus on "vibe", and lack of detailed policy plans. (I note that's true of Trump, too, but hypocracy seems to be the lucre of politics). Every time I've heard that, I am mindful of things I think you've observed in the past (people vote from their gut, much as many would like them to vote from facts), and even your video from today about P2025 and other policy details merely gives the opponent something to hammer on. My question is, given all that, is this hand ringing over Harris or Trump not providing specifics merely political wonkery, and it's not hurting either of them to forego the details? Like are the people who are going to decide this going to care about policy details, or the vibe they get?

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Loving the DNC and the whole line up of talent they have showcased - from speakers to the music, it's been great. Does Trump try to regather himself and get back on target, or is this just another push in the spiral of his decline? It really seems to throw him off that he's having to face Kamala. I'm totally here for it! Thanks for all you do, Chris!

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