Dearest Chris, You've often said that you've been closely covering Trump's speeches, rallies, and other appearances for quite a few years now, and you haven't noticed a change in his cognition--he's the same as he ever was. Is it possible that you are experiencing the "grandparents effect" (yes, I just made that up)? Meaning, parents don't notice how their kids are growing day-to-day, week-to-week, because the changes are slow and subtle. But to the grandparents who come visit every few months, the kids have grown markedly. Since you're very in the weeds when it comes to Trump's oratory, could you be the parents in this analogy when it comes to his (allegedly) declining cognition? Not that I want to assign you homework, but I think you would be uniquely qualified to compare the video of a Trump speech years ago to one that was more recent. In fact, given how much time you've spent listening to what he says, you may be the perfect person for this job (yes, I am going with the "help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope" angle here). I'd be very curious to see if your opinion on his cognitive status changes. Thanks!

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I’d like to know how Chris doesn’t get depressed/angry/frustrated when he has to read the transcripts on Trump’s speeches & rallies

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I’m trying to understand (if that’s even possible) how at least 46% of voters are a lock for trump given all that has happened on his watch over the past 8 years or so? What am I missing? Said another way, are people really that dumb?

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My 18-Year Old Son who is a first time voter, and for that matter, a first time debate watcher wants to know:

How can they have a debate a week after another school shouting and not ask either candidate about gun control or school safety?


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My 18 and 21 year old (future teacher) asked the same question!

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Does the VP debate mean anything? If not, why have it? Additional question, why is JD Vance now dressing like Trump?

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Okay Chris! I posed this to Hacks On Tap and I'll pose it to you. Everyone keeps saying that Harris needs to appeal to Republicans that are struggling to support Trump but really do not want to. So ... What does Harris need to do to win over these people?

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Is Trump getting boring? It seems to me that he is which is perhaps a big weakness. Many of his fans seem to be just that.. fans of his set. But comedians aren’t like pop stars. Nobody goes to hear a comedian perform their greatest hits. And that predictability has the added disadvantage of making him extremely easy to debate. I mean Harris had to know what he would say. There was NOTHING surprising. Even the Cat and dog routine wasn’t new. Side note: I used to a big fan of your “36 craziest lines from whatever Trump said yesterday” mails but, through no fault of yours, they are getting repetitive. He needs new material.

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If Trump refuses to do a 2nd debate should VP Harris agree to a Town Hall?

It might help solidify some of her positions with the voting public.

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A town hall with Harris is a great idea! (Trump must know he lost and that's why he's going public refusing to do another debate.)

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Trump stated today he would not debate again.

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I have a question. From what we know, there has been a raft of new registrations, primarily of young people and women in the past month or two (plus all those Swifties who are following their leader). How do the pollsters deal with that? That is, where do they find folks to poll? From registration lists, and, if so, how current are they?

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I just finished reading your article about whether debates should be fact checked, and the 142 comments (at the time) that followed. I agree with the vast majority that said sensational and egregious lies should be fact checked immediately by the moderators. Your readers may recognize obvious lies made by candidates, but many low information viewers may not, and if its left to the candidates to fact check each other, they won't know who to believe. My question is this... when so many of your readers disagree with you with good, logical arguments & comments, do you ever re-think and change your point of view, or do you stay locked in to your original position?

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Soooo what’s the difference between a poll and a survey? I’ve been voting for 47 years and never been contacted for a poll. In all fairness, I don’t answer my phone if I don’t recognize the number!

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Is Laura Loomer.....

A) Just a little crazy

B) Donald Trump crazy

C) Looney Tunes crazy

D) Batshit crazy

I'm not that familiar with all of her conspiracy theories. Please explain.

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When you're too extreme for MTG, you're batshit crazy 🤪

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Bat shit crazy

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I'm not sure that these are necessarily in the correct order . . .

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Chris can rank them for us!

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I'd probably switch B) & C). And what about E) Late, great Hannibal Lecter crazy?

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Hi, Chris. Is "Name Your Mount Rushmore" going to be on the Mount Rushmore for long delayed podcasts?

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I understand Chris has concepts of a plan for the podcast

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With Trump’s Healthcare Plan?

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Zing!! ;-)

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And the plan to also post the Pod to Spotify? (Spotify doesn't accept third party RSS feeds)

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I guess we got the answer to whether or not there will be another debate (Trump posted no more that on Truth Social today). With the VP debate left, what’s your initial take on how this one will play out?

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I think that is a great question. I too would like to know what the Walz v Vance debate is going to be like.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12

Can I say the extremely proficient Harris-Walz campaign introduced Tim Walz and virtually in the next breath started industriously lowering expectations with comments like (paraphrasing) "the one bad thing, of course, is that he said very clearly from the beginning that he is terrible at debating." Can anyone possibly buy that, or could it actually be true? Nah, no way.

P.S. My theory about the Harris campaign's shockingly perfect performance so far is this: unlike every bloated and seemingly endless presidential campaign ever from the past, they just do. not. have. time to have back-biting, empire building, or general irritation with others and instead folks from all wings of the party are like "four alarm fire" and "all hands on deck."

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I love the TV show, The West Wing. In a great episode during the final season, Alan Alda’s character holds a till-they-drop news conference to take a controversial issue off the table. I feel like Kamala Harris has an opportunity to be the candidate of the people, willing to take any question and give honest feedback. I feel Ike if she did that, she could make headway with undecideds. On the border, it’s been a difficult topic since before either my opponent or I came to Washington, and so there are no easy answers. But as president, I will take what I’ve learned and try to find a solution that works for our country. It would be such a contrast to the same tired quotes from Trump. Do you think that is a sensible strategy?

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Chris, you posted an encouragement awhile ago to listen to a diversity of options and not just those that are an echo chamber of your beliefs/opinions. You then said that you would identify some sites you have found with alternate views. I have tried to do that and would appreciate hearing your suggestions.

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Is Trump running scared? Is he refusing another debate because he’s afraid? Is this going to give the public the perception that he’s weak? Does this threaten his alpha-male image?

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