You start from the premise that the GOP could have and should have done better in the last 3 elections. What if the premise is wrong? What if they truly are a permanent minority party whose only hope of survival is cobbling out a one or two seat majority in the Senate based on controlling more territory but not a majority of the voters, a bare majority in the House primarily through gerrymandering, and the occasional electoral college win while losing the popular vote? There is no indication that I see that a larger coalition can be cobbled together as long as they have to placate the cultural warriors on their extreme flank and appeal to the less educated who respond best to appeals to their fears by giving them someone to hate. What McDaniel accomplished may very well be the best they can hope for given who they are.

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Given the other 2 options she was probably the “better” person for the job. But gag is she horrible.

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Considering how well the GOP has been doing, I’m good with continuity. God knows what the 4 voting for Lindell were voting for. It would’ve been interesting, tho.

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Good grief...Such a bad move...

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