DeSantis is utterly irrelevant nationally; he just doesn't seem to know that yet.

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Agreed, Ian. Precisely as Chris (and Jay Kuo, and Bulwark, and Mary Trump, and....) SO many more have said.

Just like Bruce Willis’ character in “The Sixth Sense”, he’s dead: he just doesn’t know it yet....

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Nationally?? He's irrelevant in Florida!

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It seems to me, as a political hobbyist, that this is far too little far too late. Every Republican candidate, with the exception of Gov. Christie, has really skirted the entire Pres. Trump presidency and only dropped vague hints, never referring to him by name. I believe it was Vivek who was asked, “if President Trump is so great, why would anyone vote for you.” Gov. DeSantis should have been attacking Pres. Trump from the jump. Now, it just seems desperate.

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For months I thought Trump analyzing DeSantis was stupid. It appears DeSantis analyzing Trump might be even a lower level of stupid. Chris, maybe they both need to subscribe so they can learn something from a professional.

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Two things you could never ever ever say about Rump - “policy focused and disciplined” - Awkward Ron ... C’mon Man!!

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Chris - are you holding GRD to a different standard than Trump? My sense is what DeSantis is doing is using the Trump playbook - trot out a message, eg., Trump is losing touch with reality (similar to Biden is a puppet being controlled by his handlers/Obama), and just keep repeating the message, over and over. Does not matter if it is nonsense - the Trump base eats up these kind of things (stories about Cruz, Rubio, or here is a good one, the election was stolen - the Trump list is endless...). It seems to me GRD is trying to do the same. If he keeps repeating the story, it may take hold with some of the base, or at least create questions in some people’s minds. I sense GRD is well aware Trump is not any different today, just like Trump is well aware the election was NOT stolen (caps for Trump effect) - whether the story is true or not never stops Trump. If this communication style is what works with the MAGA base, why shouldn’t GRD try the same tactic (regardless of how much people like me detest it - he is not appealing to my vote anyway...).

At this point in his campaign, he has not much left to lose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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This is completely laughable. First of all, Trump is the same person he always has been. Secondly, it’s a bit late to be attacking Trump this way. Anything DeSantis does or says will not change the dynamics of this race. DeSantis is delusional.

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Indeed. There is literally nothing that DeSantis can do or say that will change the trajectory of Trump’s blast toward the nomination. Every time that DeSantis tries it on, it makes him look more absurd and irrelevant. He is a caricature of a candidate.

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