Judging from Globalist RINO Ron’s reaction to something as innocuous as those kids wearing masks behind him, I get the feeling he’s a very thin-skinned little prima donna. And there’s only room for one of those in the Republican Party.

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I can't agree more Chris. DeSantis is vastly overrated as a candidate. For one, he barely won against a prominent challenger in Gillum. He has never contested on the national level. He has zero charisma.

I do think there is serious danger in the amount of free media coverage he has been getting over the last year or so. For example, in recent days, the NYT and major cable news networks have been covering his spat with the College Board over their African American history AP course nonstop. The media cannot be complicit in DeSantis' rise the same way they were in 2016 with Trump.

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The question isn whether the GOP primary voters even care. Hard to find much that is worse than TFG

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Trump and DeSantis are two sides of the same coin. The election of either in 2024 would be terrible for the country.

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Can’t wait!!

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What about the deep dig that major media did on George Santos. Nothing.

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