I’m looking forward to the neo-populist, Ingrate Ron explaining why he was reading “The Art of the Deal” to his kids. I’m wondering how often the Trump campaign, or maybe someone else’s, will run that ad. In truth, I can’t bring myself to watch it again.

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For people not following politics closely, DeSantis is not a name they recognize throughout the US. He’s still a Florida politician and must get name recognition. For Trump in 2016, he had been in peoples living rooms, he has a commanding personality and people loved that they knew he was a successful businessman, in their eyes. Not sure DeSantis can get that same “appeal” to the majority of the country. While I see that DeSantis can be more relatable, such as making breakfast in Waffle House, compared to throwing paper towels to the needy in Puerto Rico, DeSantis has a long way to go. I do think that DeSantis will need to come up with an awful lot if he intends to pull Trumps supporters away.

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Seems like his corporate criticism “private vs public” argument is extrapolated from the separation of church and state argument.

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Make that a “Waffle House.”

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Connected but unconnected in a sense: during the recent hurricane that landed in Florida, there were news items and media exposure showing Ron behind the counter of a Waddle House making breakfast for the Florida and Power and Light restoration crews. I live in Florida. Like it or not, he “connects.” There will be a tsunami win over Biden. Most of my acquaintances were life long Democrats. Not any more. And that goes for me as well. Sad. But predictable. Get ready, Ron will win, like it or not.

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