Those comments are oh so true. As a resident of Florida, I know how he looks on television. He always looks angry and he does take offense very quickly. I really feel that he was elected governor because just a few months prior to the election, his Democratic opponent became wrapped up in a legal scandal from which he couldn't recover. He lost a lot of votes because of that. It really left us in the state with no other viable choice. I'm hoping that changes this election year. Lol

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He’s an angry bully. He picks on the vulnerable and the Happiest Place on Earth. He is also oily and smarmy. He wore white go-go boots in public, in front of people. He is a racist and homophobic and bans books. Even classic books. He hides behind his wife. Yuuuuuuccckkkkk.

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I still don't understand why DeSatan and Birdbrain even ran against Trump if they weren't ever really going to criticize and try to beat him. If they were that afraid of Trump's base, then maybe they should have realized they weren't going to beat him.

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Also, two of his least attractive qualities,.being both venal and vengeful, have.been on full display throughout his time in office.

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Very true, Chris. We saw it and commented on the first debate chat. Ugh, he is just a bad candidate.

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Spot on. If he could run for Governor of Florida, again, I do not believe he would even win a primary, let alone the statehouse.

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Bad enough he's done so much damage to the state of Florida while Governor, he's a complete dud as a person. Imagine listening to his monotone voice and seeing his unsmiling face for four years.

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Agreed...you hit nail on all the bullet points. A run in 2028 will end the same. Isn't that the definition if insanity... doing same thing over and over with same results?? I also believe if he's got it on mond to be VP candidate.....ha ha haha.

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Zero percent chance he is the VP pick. ZERO.

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You were kind in you evaluation.

Simply put...the Caudillo de DeSantistan is more like the doofus son of an actual Caudillo thrust into the roll by privilege.

He won big in 2022 becuase he had a terribly weak opponent and never had to press the flesh.

He is delusional if he thinks he has any chance of being a contender in 2028...he'll join other past prez contenders on the scapeheap of history.

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He's a bully and a coward, and it's been gratifying to watch him being utterly humiliated on the national stage. He's term limited in Florida and after he leaves office will unlikely never hold office again.

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All bullies are cowards...just ask Commendant Bonespurs.

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Chris, it's almost quitting time... I am imaging my lovely glass of wine while i cook dinner and i am NEVER going to get the image of DeSantis "smiling" out of my brain. That is worth the paltry sum i pay to be part of your gig! I am not kidding, i am still laughing just thinking about that. Thank you so much!!! I hope you have a great weekend and I look forward to future missives.


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What a stinging political obituary of Ron DeSantis. I wonder why all the people who dare to contest against the idol, cult leader Trump end up getting VERY critical and unfavorable review here. Remember Mike Pence, Chris Christie, Vivek, etc. Expect some harsh criticism here if and when Nikki Haley suspends her campaign.Well one person who will not get criticized for that reason is Biden because he is going to beat Trump.

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I think refusing to engage with "corporate" media was a huge whiff though. It allowed his opponents to define him and it made him look like Trump lite, which is stupid when Trump himself was already running.

It also meant he cut himself off from large swaths of the electorate. And for all the talk about how awk DeSantis is, I thought he handles himself well in interviews. He's a smart guy, and going on a Meet the Press and sparring with the host is something you should want to do.

Look at a guy like Vivek, he said yes to every interview, no matter how hostile and got way farther than he had any right to.

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Granted, Desantis is no JFK or Obama re his political skills, but he did get elected governor of Florida twice. (and FL was still a toss up state in 2018.)

That said, he choked, big-time, strategically and comportment-wise at the start of his campaign, and from there it was all downhill. Is he redeemable? Who knows, but with a new team and three years to reflect..and practice..he may surprise us.

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Jan 19Edited

easy to get elected when as secretary of state he purged voter rolls and your opponent in the second election was a serious retread...

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If Trump wasn’t in the picture for whatever reason--conviction, heart attack, alien abduction--Ron Con would be the front runner. He would smoke Nimarata, Chris, Vivek, et al.

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I disagree. I just think he is inept as a candidate. And while he would have had more room to be the conservative favorite, I bet Haley would have beaten him.

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I have to agree with you there. DeSantis might have won the hard-core MAGA types as his anti-woke bullcrap in Florida might have pleased those who wish to see "liberal tears", but Haley is far and away more personable and experienced, even if she is over-apt to waffle with potentially 'uncomfortable' questions.

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