I enjoy NewsNation. This seems like a good fit for you, Chris. God bless.

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Congratulations, Chris! It's been inspiring seeing how far you've come since being laid off.

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I’m so happy for you, Chris! It sounds like a good fit, and I’m glad you’ll be publishing here as usual.😃Wishing you all the best!

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Congratulations, Chris! I am really happy for you. They are lucky to have you on their team! I look forward to seeing you on TV there!!!

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Excellent news!

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As with the 3 largest carmakers today, Trump just loves supplicants coming to him on bended knee begging him for relief. Reminds me of the long market lines in the Soviet Union begging for toilet paper and what gratitude the felt to get a couple of poor quality rolls. Sadistic king!

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Really shocking that Nexstar owns a company who occupied the political middle bc, anybody who has worked for them knows that they are far from the middle as a corporate culture.

Good on them for getting into this space though, and even better on them for recognizing and acquiring someone who will facilitate that goal.movong forward.

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Sounds like a great gig. Yes - you’re better and have more fun when you don’t need the gig. Good luck with it.

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First I’ve heard of NewsNation - but happy to hear about a news station/programming that portends to be “middle of the road.” I’ll watch - make that tape - you tonight.

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We always loved hearing you thoughts and ideas all along. And are glad you're back in our lives.

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NN is the only cable news network I watch since I stumbled upon it a couple years ago! I am very happy for you Chris and I’m glad you’ve found the joy in being on TV again!

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So proud of you! It's impossible to be oneself when editing and second guessing every word to please the boss (CNN). Unaccountable to no one but yourself, you're flying free. I intend to support you for years to come because I need your balanced and unfiltered opinions and facts.

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Delighted for you Chris. Since I NEVER watched CNN I missed the CC input. I saw you a couple of times NN On Balance and on their Morning in America telecast and decided to subscribe to So What. Glad I did. I must admit I still haven't figure out Substack (that's a ....load of content). I watch NewsNation because I am tired of all of the "networks" and their attempts to tell us what we need to think. I agree that NN doesn't, to this point, try to do that. I hope they (now You) don't catch that virus. Best of luck

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That's great Could you every once in a while wear a Herb Tarlic jacket Didn't Don Cherry (of NHL broadcast fame) were some wild cloths

Or you could always go Jason Kelce and forget your "dress up" clothes I think it would be great if you did The Heights show once The two of theme are just good old boys

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Congrats on broadening your reach to the political listeners. I stumbles across Chris Cuomo on line and didn’t realize it might have been NewsNation. I used to watch him during the pandemic.....until he did some stupid stuff and got fired....sort of like Don Lemon......not the greatest team to hang with..."in my opinion"

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Congratulations, Chris! Your commentary is insightful and thought provoking but what really sets you apart is your cheerful demeanor and above all it's your sense of humor. Glad you'll be on NewsNation more often.

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