Your story brought tears to my eyes. In my childhood polio was the great terror. I can see and hear my mother walking around the living room saying “Oh thank God” over and over again when Jonas Salk’s vaccine was announced in 1955. Local pediatricians (including my own) came to school to vaccinate us! I hear your relief and gratitude in my mother’s voice.

The ignorance and denialism about science today are very troubling. Latest example: a Florida Surgeon(!) General(!) confronting (not) the measles epidemic. As one doctor said, “they will learn” —the hard way.

Sooner or later a few precious children will die unnecessarily — another occasion for sad faces, thoughts, and prayers. Pro life hypocrisy.

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Very well said, Barbara

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The fact that "science" has a 57% positive approval is insane. And the people who "disapprove" of it drive cars they could never have built, work on computers they could never understand, and play on a phone they never could create in a million years. What a terrifying world we live in sometimes.

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If they asked about math, the positive approval would likely be single digits.

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I am happy for you and all the other people who now can breathe a sigh of relief because of the availability of this drug. I am still sad and angry that we are gullible enough to have bought into the anti science propaganda of political parties, to the extent that people have died because of it. I believe in science. This is insane to me. I don’t know why our society is determined to go backwards.

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Well said, and I surely hope your family can weather the challenge.

As a lifelong scientist (exploration geologist, post-secondary educator, and blogger — geomansblog.com), I am all for anything that will help restore the reputation that science used to have. Sadly, this is becoming an ever more elusive goal as our polarized society continues to look for vulnerable scapegoats (and science is SUCH an easy target).

Full disclosure: I am a life-long conservative... but have been offended by the current leader of the GOP and what he has done (and continues to do) to destroy our trust in each other, and all branches of science that do not support his narrow-minded vision (i.e., what will increase his brand and personal fortune). Oh yeah, offended in ways I never thought possible, and I’ll be voting appropriately in 2024...

Anyway, I always tell the kids in class during orientation that there is no place in the Earth Sciences for politics, and that I will do my best to leave the insanity of the political discourse to PoliSci where it belongs... except when it attacks science.

Sadly, over the past half-decade I have had far too many opportunities to climb up on my soapbox...

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Good for you.

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Chris, I used to work for Genentech's Xolair medical team, and was excited to hear of this approval. Also consider discussing oral immunotherapy with your allergist (full disclosure, I also used to work for Aimmune on their peanut allergy drug, Palforzia). Oral immunotherapy can provide him with a higher threshold of tolerance to peanuts.

Thank you for sharing your story!

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Yay, Science!

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Whoa, Chris—what a powerful piece. Yeah, as Don (below) says, Yay Science!"

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How great for your son, you, your family, and all others effected by allergies. And Yay! Thank you Chris for standing up for science/ medical science! The anti-vaccination movement makes me angry, sad and confounded. My parents were forever grateful for the development and distribution of vaccinations in the 1950’s and 1960’s.

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We discovered my son has severe food allergies when he was 2 and ate 3 pieces of Peanut Butter Panda Puff cereal. After his diagnosis and testing, we also added basically all tree nuts (except Pecan) and sesame to his list of allergies.

About 5 years ago we had the opportunity to participate in the first study of oral immunotherapy at Texas Children's Hospital, and started mixing tiny microscoops of peanut flour into applesauce for him every day. He worked his way up to 2 peanuts per daily dose, and has been doing that every day since. It was terrifying every time we updosed and were so scared, but he never went into anaphylaxis. Now he's doing it with sesame... started with 3 seeds/day and is now at 1/8 teaspoon of tahini.

He's protected from accidental exposures to them now, but he hates the taste. I cannot imagine having to take every day multiple substances that could kill me in other circumstances.

I just wanted to say that I understand your fear and relief that new treatments are becoming available.

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Yes to this!

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THANK YOU! This is so important. And scary that it has to be said. Science saves lives. I'm so grateful for you and your son that this advancement can improve (maybe even save!) your lives. I had a difficult to treat cancer that likely would have killed me if I'd gotten it 20 years ago. A new and extremely effective drug for my specific cancer saved me. I am grateful every day. I don't know how so many folks can take these advancements for granted and politicize them so that we are literally having to deal with outbreaks of diseases we haven't had to think about in decades. It's awesome that you are using your platform to highlight such an important issue. Thank you.

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Yes, totally uncool for a teenager, but hopefully he always has an Epipen with him. Also, it's 2024 Chris; what if he kisses a boy that just ate peanuts?

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Please make sure he always has the Epipen with him and he and his close friends ,teachers and coaches are aware and are taught how to use it.

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Thanks for sharing this, Chris. And yet another example of how Trump and the MAGA cult have done a disservice to America by increasing the distrust in scientific solutions.

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Great article and great public information

This is why I could never support RFK Jr because of the nonsense he spreads

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Yes. And as a family with celiac I can somewhat relate to the fear of eating other places. Not fatal for use, but uncomfortable with long term effects. Great post / thanks

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I have an anaphylactic peanut allergy. I completely understand and relate to this essay. I have been hospitalized four times, once for almost a week. And I thank science on the daily. For peanut advances and for the COVID vax.

I love your stack. Your son is not alone. And the airlines will accommodate you. Delta is especially wonderful. They hyper-clean the plane and command that it be a no peanut flight.

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I was one year old when the polio vaccine was announced. My mother always maintained that anti-vaxxers simply hadn't lived when those they loved died or were permanently injured by the childhood diseases we had, until recently, virtually eliminated. She was horrified by the surge in vaccine skepticism, even after study after study disproved the claims. My husband has lived his whole life with a peanut allergy. I have just forwarded him your "very" personal essay. As you said, THANK YOU SCIENCE!

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