Why are we here? Why hasn’t he been stopped? How can he have violated the public trust over and over again, blown off COVID as 500K Americans died, said “They’re dying! It is what it is!”, instigated an insurrection because he can’t admit he lost an election, put kids in cages, the list goes on and on, and I don’t understand WHY ARE WE HERE? What is wrong with the US? And the media just blabs on as if this is all normal, citing poll numbers, allowing Biden’s accomplishments to go unsung, propping up MAGA pro-Putin politicians, not calling them out as they shove the US to the bottom, a crazy zealot as Speaker who thinks he’s the “new Moses”? WHY ARE WE HERE? How will our children and grandchildren live in what this country is rapidly becoming? A racist, xenophobic, misogynistic autocracy? With DONALD TRUMP as president for life? WHY ARE WE HERE??

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Because the GOP let Trump off the hook when they could have buried him with their impeachment votes, and now they've created a monster that they can't control. That's why we are here.

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The GOP may not be able to contain him , the American people will put him in check. You watch and see. Ignore all these negative coverage of Biden the poll washing of Trump. These guys want Trump back so that they and their News organizations can feed off the chaos and crisis that Trump will bring with him. But, American people are not going to let Trump win. If you watch, Trump is just manipulating them and they keep falling for it either knowingly or unknowingly. For example, the media was salivating that Trump was going to testif today in his FRAUD trial in New York, then late yesterday he fooled them again and said oh no he was not going to testify.

I know his supporters both overtly and covertly are excited by the polls that have been coming out lately( Counting their eggs before they are hatched). Trump will not win the 2024 election.

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You cheered me up today. I hope fervently that you’re right.

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I hope that you’re right, but the same organizations amplifying the Trump lead are the same ones accusing the rest of us of being squishy on Biden, unhappy with the economy, yearning for some other candidate, in echoes of the Bernie Bros of 2016. This combination may prove lethal for our democracy.

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I agree. What can we do now? He is trashing Biden daily, and we have a phalanx of third party candidates to pull votes, and Biden is ignored except for his age, while Trump is on the lips of the media 2500 times a day. We are fighting uphill.

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That is exactly my point Julie. The media wants him back in spite of the damage he (Trump) he said he would do if he ever gets back . The media ignor the GREAT economy numbers that came out last week but concentrated on Tump, Trump and Trump. The only time they mention Biden is in negative terms. You watch in the next few weeks they are going to come out again with some worsening phony polls for Biden in the battle ground states and nationally. They are trying to create an illusion of Trump's victory even before a single vote is cast. Remember during the mid term they all said Democrats are going to lose by some 40 to 50 votes. That never happened. They try to minimize Biden's positives like Honesty, Decency , Democracy, Abortion and Bidenomics. But emphasize his age. BUT, guess what Biden is going to win in 2024

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I want to have faith in the American public, but the cacophony from the media and the complete non-coverage of anything related to Biden are a catastrophe. Don’t they realize that Trump will have them arrested and shoved into camps as he is promising DAILY? I want to believe we can rise above this mess, but there is so much disinformation and so much toxic bullshit flowing hourly that the American public is percolated in it. I’m hanging onto your words here. Biden is battling this from all sides.

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I don't blame the press. There has been endless reporting on Trump's myriad crimes. I do blame the Rs who have enabled him. But mostly I blame the many millions who know or should know how unfit that know-nothing and malignant narcissist is for office. The very sad fact is that it is as likely as not that Trump will be re-elected. Those on this site or others who discount that possibility are ignoring abundant and troubling evidence.

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Todd , where is this abundant and troubling evidence? Other than the polls which have turned out to be unreliable over and over and as recent as this year's off year election. Please don't buy into the illusion they are are selling. Does Biden campaign have to work very hard?, you bet they do and they would work very hard like they did in 2020. Don't forget Abortion, threat to Democracy etc are not being polled because of course they know it's going benefit Biden and the Democrats.

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Well, yes, the constant polls are evidence. It’s folly to discount them entirely. People discount polls whenever they are not pleasing or don’t turn out to be 100% reliable. But studies show they are most often in the ballpark. And they always show trends. Can Biden win? Yes. But that Trump is even money at this point is a damning indictment of our country

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Do you believe that Trump will win Michigan by 10 points or Nevada by 10 points . Or do you believe that that Nikki Haley will beat Biden by 17 points.?

For you believe that the Democrats performEd much much better in the mid terms and this year's elections tha. The polls predicted? The polls if you believe them at all are just a snapshot in time

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I really don't understand what point you are trying to make. Are you saying that there is nothing troubling about the fact that Trump remains a strong favorite for the GOP nod and a viable candidate for the general? Or do you deny that those things are true? I haven't said he will win. I have said it is possible and that is damning evidence about the state of the country

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I agree with you 100% and ask myself that question every day.

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I agree entirely with what you wrote, and that may be the ultimate comment on today's Republican Party. Democracy is irrelevant to its base/membership. All that matters is winning and/or "owning the Libs".

I've said it before and I'll say it again: There could be verified footage of Trump handing the nuclear launch codes to Putin and his support among Republicans would only go UP.

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Sometimes the news just depresses me. Not the messenger (you keep posting what I need to read, Chris!). But, where this country is headed is depressing. But, better to see it coming with eyes wide open.

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“barring a cataclysm, he is going to win it.” That IS the cataclysm.

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I agree with you 100%, Chris. I have thought this from the moment Trump got into the race, confirmed when his support when up after each indictment. This is disgraceful and extremely dangerous to our country. It’s also quite depressing to think this is where we are, after all that has transpired between his 4 years in the White House, J6 and beyond. What is wrong with the GOP that they did not stop this. They could have stopped it in 2015 and especially with the impeachments. They are still cowering from him, grown ass people afraid of Trump. Tragically, they are more interested in power and money than the country. What a sick world this is.

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Does anything change if Trump's legal troubles get worse (i.e. he is convicted)? Could Haley stay in the race for the long haul and collect delegates assuming at some point Trump is convicted on some of the more serious charges and be the frontrunner if it goes to a floor fight at the convention?

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I'm coming to the belief that his conviction in the DC J6 case will make him the Compleat Martyr to the GOP Al Qaeda (Arabic for "The Base")

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No. His delays and appeals are making fools of the judiciary now, as he has made fools of Congress. He is flaunting all the rules. Laying groundwork for nothing to stop any of his actions if he is returned to the presidency.

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Speaking of GIFs...you said “here’s the one GIF — properly pronounced with a hard ‘g’”. I always assumed that was true ( G = graphic) but not so fast. From the Wikipedia profile of GIF inventor Steve Wilhite:

Wilhite and the team who developed the file format included in the technical specifications that the acronym was to be pronounced with a soft g. In the specifications, the team wrote that "choosy programmers choose ... 'jif'", in homage to the peanut butter company Jif's advertising slogan of "choosy moms choose Jif".

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What is wrong with Republicans? A serious question.


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I increasingly believe that Joe Biden, through the DOJ (or just the DOJ itself) charge the Republican Party as a criminal organization under RICO statutes. To me, the party has been criminal for pretty much my entire voting life, but I want to add another adjective - terrorist, and I understand the implications of that word. It is a strong word, but also one that can be specific or general in nature. Roe v. Wade was my benchmark as a teenager, but it was not until after 9/11 that I understood it properly as terrorism. It is a terrorist campaign against women.

There needs to be a moment, and Biden can make it the moment if he wants to. In fact, he may be the only one who can. I am referring to people like Jordan and Perry in the House, Leonard Leo, Thomas, and Alito (at minimum) in the judicial end, and characters like Hawley and Cruz in the Senate. Controversial? Sure. Likely to incite violence? Probably, but consider the alternatives for a moment. I believe a number of our options lead to violence, and I do think that violence is inevitable (but not like civil war, more like, well, like terrorist acts).

Option #1: Trump wins in 2024, straight-up. I don't think he will ultimately, but Trump himself is promising violence against his opponents. Biden hands over the keys to White House and heads to jail for the rest of his days.

Option #2: Trump loses in 2024, straight-up. Most likely outcome, except that neither Trump nor his followers accept the outcome. This will be far more violent than Trump winning (at least, initially) in my opinion.

Option #3: Trump does not get the Republican nomination. I have no idea how, but perhaps institutional levers could still be pulled. Maybe not much violence as a result?

Option #4: Trump wins in 2024 but Biden does not hand over the keys. Rather, Biden invokes the Insurrection Act to keep Trump away from power. Not a great option - definitely violence and confusion.

Option #5: IF Trump gets the nomination, the DOJ responds by charging the Republican Party under Federal RICO statutes as a criminal organization conspiring to overthrow the Government of the United States of America, also known as treason (not in the Constitution itself, but criminal codes).

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Or, if you also believe actual violence from the right is probable, when would it be best for that to occur? I contend before the election is better, because people will be able to see what they're capable of, essentially that they are, or endorse, terrorists. It needs to be even more clear to people what they are voting on, because even if Trump is convicted, if he wins in 2024 he will not be in prison for long. We know they're not going to set up an Oval Office at the Florence SuperMax prison. I think a convicted Trump being elected will produce the most violent outcome of all.

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Indulge me a little more. If a President HAD to use the Insurrection Act and use the U.S. military to maintain order, against whom or what should this power be used against? I might think of some paramilitary groups who might need to be contained, or neo-Nazis on the loose, stuff like that.

Trump might just call Harvard a communist institution and send in the military to "drain the swamp." You know he would.

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It's gonna be a really long year to next November. I can't bear to look beyond at tjis moment.

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Costa Rica is looking better all the time. I can't for the life of me understand why and how people would vote for him. I just think they don't understand what he really is, and they don't want to.

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Love all your GIF choices! Do you choose them yourself?

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