I feel like you use the same tongue in cheek structure when you break down interviews/speeches. These are not “must see” lines. They are disturbing and dangerous. This is not the oddly funny ramblings of a candidate. They are statements of a dangerous man now in charge. They are authoritarian, mean spirited, and cruel. I believe you do a disservice continuing to treat him using traditional metrics
I agree completely. Maybe Chris has fun doing these, but they are completely out of tone with the dangerous, scary place we are in. It is this kind of post that trivializes the danger and normalizes the outrageous.
There's a place for humor, but there is a bigger place for serious analysis. The worst thing Trump did yesterday was the J6 pardons. What were the other most alarming plans from his speech? How about a few thought on that.
Boy, do I agree with you on this. I usually enjoy these breakdowns but in this case, especially in the context of the Executive Orders of yesterday, there's no chuckling about it. This isn't a case of wanting to read only what confirms my existing views. It's wanting to read something that better captures the picture.
I agree. Used to love these but as time goes on, I am seeing that the snark trivializes the comments. Points to laugh at not to really hear. This man scares me to death!
The usual bullshit from the biggest bullshitter ever.
The fact is that Trump will never, EVER put “America First”. He always has, is now and always will be putting TRUMP FIRST!!
Yes (in part) “This is why he won — in a single sentence. Lots and lots of people — including lots of independents and even some Democrats — are convinced that past presidents (of both parties) didn’t prioritize American interests. And no matter what they think of Trump personally, they believe that he will do that.”…but that is what the BIG CON is all about.
Trump ran a campaign literally based entirely on lies, and his victory doesn’t make those lies true.
When he fails miserably (and there is little doubt he won’t) he will then LIE and say that he really did succeed and did “put America first” when he did no such thing.
Trump’s superpower is his never ending bullshit and shameless lying. Too many people are gullible enough to believe his bullshit and lies.
I hate the man... with a deep passion. I hate what he's done to civility in this nation. I hate how he's broken politics. And I hate the lies and grift.
But to say "when he fails miserably" is shortsighted. No doubt, he'll fail in some ways. And he'll surprise us in others (with potentially positive longer term benefits), simply because he does things outside of the norm.
And that's why many people voted for him. They don't love him, but they do think he'll shake up the status quo. And he absolutely will. Much will be bad. Some will be good, (even if by accident).
I just hope the shake-up doesn't include the rise of American fascism.
I do not say that Trump “will fail miserably” lightly or without solid reasons.
First, he already DID “fail miserably” in his first term. There was literally nothing he did that resulted in “positive longer term benefits” but, rather the opposite.
Among a plethora of wrongheaded and destructive things he DID do, the BIG LIE, which culminated in the very first time a president ACTIVELY REFUSED to a peaceful transfer of power (for months culminating is a violent insurrection), Trump’s totally incompetent repose to Covid literally cost hundreds of thousands of avoidable deaths.
The long term negative consequences have already manifested in the demonization of vaccines (based on lies) and the nomination of a demagogic lunatic in RFK Jr. to head up HHS. Along with increased distrust (mostly in MAGA) in medical experts simply because they did not go along with Trump’s INSANE Covid lies and rhetoric.
For Act II, his whole campaign was built on lies. When the guiding light of actionable aspirations are based entirely on falsehoods, it is impossible to do anything else except fail.
His first day in office has ensured that this term is ALREADY a “miserable failure” as the action that is unilateral and irreversible in pardoning 1,600 insurrections including HUNDREDS that assaulted hundreds of police officers is inexcusable, and disqualifies him as fit for office, and will absolutely have NEGATIVE long term consequences.
Trump has NO core beliefs. He is easily manipulated by flattery and his purely transactional approach to anything and everything where the goal is to do what’s good for TRUMP, portends miserable failure.
To defend his total unfitness for the job by insinuating that the clear eyed vision of what he is, what he has done and what he says he is going to do “simply because he does things outside of the norm.” is what is shortsighted and a delusional rejections of reality.
You could argue that the tariffs on China and shifting the focus to American manufacturing was a good thing for the nation. Biden stuck with those policies.
That said, I totally agree with your post here. Like, 100% agree. You're spot-on.
I guess I'm just trying to find the potential silver lining on this dark cloud. Gotta have a little hope.
Dan Rather said yesterday that the TrumpMusk speech was “one giant load of hooey”. He was correct. TrumpMusk is so consumed by his own greatness, so high on his own supply, that of course he won’t be able to get out of his own way. His reference to a “horrible betrayal” was our collective decision to not return him to office in 2020. He talks about a president being unable to solve a crisis at home, I give you COVID. And the nation is not unifying behind his agenda…the Republican caucus might be but the rest of the nation will push back at every opportunity. It is early days yet, but the lawsuits are soon to flow, the unconstitutional edicts will be turned back, and with a robust midterm his worst instincts will be muzzled. Let’s not fall for the “shock and awe”, let’s turn it into “insist on the law”.. we cannot roll over in despair.. nor can we stand by while an autocrat tears down our republic.
We will say or hear the phrase "shock and awe" probably every day for several months. But you are right that we should not despair. Remember he has a one-vote majority in the House, and a slim majority in the Senate. The Courts have and will do their job while he is around. SCOTUS can't fix everything for him.
SCOTUS will do enough to help him upend many things for a lack of integrity among too many of its members. They cannot be trusted not to indulge in their baser instincts.
Nothing new here. It follows the exact same playbook Trump has always used:
• Everything the Dems do is bad. The country they left us is bad. Your life is worse because of them.
• Everything I do is great. The country is great with me in control. Your life is better because of me.
Why upgrade the playbook? These tactics 100% work -- especially on those stuck in the right-wing (becoming mainstream) media bubble.
But notice how Trump uses pronouns like "I" and "me" when it suits him. Plus, pronouns like "we" and "us" for the country, even when what he says has to do solely with himself (e.g., "They weaponized the DOJ against "us".) And the enemy (whether the Dems or the press or immigrants or other nations) are cast as "they" and "them."
I've been writing marketing copy for two decades. This stuff works.
So say what you want about the man, but he's not stupid. In many ways, he's a genius at communicating effectively. And much of the country just eats it up, none the wiser.
You treat him as a joke. Fodder for ur supposed flippant clever comments. He is deadly serious and a danger. Treat him as such. Hold him accountable. Pretend he is a Democrat.
Thanks for this! I appreciate the tongue in cheek myself. There is no way I'd ever actually listen to one of his speeches nor could I ever take one seriously but I realize I need to have some clues about what he's spewing.
It's tough to limit him to a top 36! He's a clown show but the American people get what they deserve. I'd argue since 2012 (Obama/Romney), both sides have given up trying to win/govern and instead have put up poor & unlikeable candidates assuming that the other side's candidate is worse.
Going back to your West Wing example - I don't expect people to be reading position papers before they vote but how about both sides trying to find a candidate who is palatable to more than 50.1% of the population?
I think you are ignoring the hate machine that is Fox News and the Republican Party. Hillary Clinton had very very high favorability while she was Sec of State. She is smart and was trusted. Republicans saw that and panicked, resulting in the full take down we saw. Benghazi was not awesome, but everyone knows that was not on her just a bad situation. But boy they did a good job of putting it on her! And then her emails. Give me a break. All the crimes that Trump and all his cohorts have committed and not a single blink. No one truly thought the emails were any big thing, just a way to destroy her. The candidates put forth are fine. The destruction machines make sure no one sees them as the competent folks they are. I'd even posit Mitt Romney was a good candidate. But the primaries forced him so far right he could never pivot back to center believably.
Whoa boy is right. I wonder the impact of Elan on the buy any car you want, not an electric one. How do you change the name of the Gulf? So now all our maps are out of date? I appreciate you doing this, he is such a terrible orator, in addition to his message, it is just too terrible for me to watch.
The train has left the station. There is no stopping them...not truth or legality or integrity. I will continue to look for those that DO tell the truth and have integrity on a daily basis.
On 21. “Next I will direct all members of my cabinet to marshal the vast powers at their disposal to defeat what was record inflation and rapidly bring down costs and prices.” I do agree with your comment on this one but note the fact that he used to say "HE" "I" would do it but with this statement he is already setting up scapegoats he will blame for it not happening. There is no way the price of groceries will go down as he said he would do!
As an atheist, I will never buy the whole "God saved Trump so that he could make America great again" rhetoric. If there is a God, do I believe that he would intervene and manipulate the outcome of such an event? No, I don't. And if he did intervene, would he waste his power to save someone like Trump...who didn't even put his hand on the Bible yesterday? C'mon.
I hope you will write about the priest who talked directly to the President this morning at a religious service. Talk about brave!! Watch the faces of the President, VP and the family.
I feel like you use the same tongue in cheek structure when you break down interviews/speeches. These are not “must see” lines. They are disturbing and dangerous. This is not the oddly funny ramblings of a candidate. They are statements of a dangerous man now in charge. They are authoritarian, mean spirited, and cruel. I believe you do a disservice continuing to treat him using traditional metrics
I agree completely. Maybe Chris has fun doing these, but they are completely out of tone with the dangerous, scary place we are in. It is this kind of post that trivializes the danger and normalizes the outrageous.
There's a place for humor, but there is a bigger place for serious analysis. The worst thing Trump did yesterday was the J6 pardons. What were the other most alarming plans from his speech? How about a few thought on that.
Boy, do I agree with you on this. I usually enjoy these breakdowns but in this case, especially in the context of the Executive Orders of yesterday, there's no chuckling about it. This isn't a case of wanting to read only what confirms my existing views. It's wanting to read something that better captures the picture.
I agree. Used to love these but as time goes on, I am seeing that the snark trivializes the comments. Points to laugh at not to really hear. This man scares me to death!
No. 10 - I've been many public schools with my children and grandchildren, and no one is taught to hate their country. Complete b.s.
I've been a teacher for 25 years. Any time someone from the outside thinks they know what is really happening, I find it infuriating.
You are correct. Complete B.S.
I taught for 38 years and never once did I encourage my students to disrespect or hate their country.
Trump truly is a person who likes to stir the pile. I found everything about yesterday infuriating and frightening!
38 YEARS!!! That's amazing! You are a true saint!
The usual bullshit from the biggest bullshitter ever.
The fact is that Trump will never, EVER put “America First”. He always has, is now and always will be putting TRUMP FIRST!!
Yes (in part) “This is why he won — in a single sentence. Lots and lots of people — including lots of independents and even some Democrats — are convinced that past presidents (of both parties) didn’t prioritize American interests. And no matter what they think of Trump personally, they believe that he will do that.”…but that is what the BIG CON is all about.
Trump ran a campaign literally based entirely on lies, and his victory doesn’t make those lies true.
When he fails miserably (and there is little doubt he won’t) he will then LIE and say that he really did succeed and did “put America first” when he did no such thing.
Trump’s superpower is his never ending bullshit and shameless lying. Too many people are gullible enough to believe his bullshit and lies.
I’m not one of them.
I hate the man... with a deep passion. I hate what he's done to civility in this nation. I hate how he's broken politics. And I hate the lies and grift.
But to say "when he fails miserably" is shortsighted. No doubt, he'll fail in some ways. And he'll surprise us in others (with potentially positive longer term benefits), simply because he does things outside of the norm.
And that's why many people voted for him. They don't love him, but they do think he'll shake up the status quo. And he absolutely will. Much will be bad. Some will be good, (even if by accident).
I just hope the shake-up doesn't include the rise of American fascism.
Too late.
I do not say that Trump “will fail miserably” lightly or without solid reasons.
First, he already DID “fail miserably” in his first term. There was literally nothing he did that resulted in “positive longer term benefits” but, rather the opposite.
Among a plethora of wrongheaded and destructive things he DID do, the BIG LIE, which culminated in the very first time a president ACTIVELY REFUSED to a peaceful transfer of power (for months culminating is a violent insurrection), Trump’s totally incompetent repose to Covid literally cost hundreds of thousands of avoidable deaths.
The long term negative consequences have already manifested in the demonization of vaccines (based on lies) and the nomination of a demagogic lunatic in RFK Jr. to head up HHS. Along with increased distrust (mostly in MAGA) in medical experts simply because they did not go along with Trump’s INSANE Covid lies and rhetoric.
For Act II, his whole campaign was built on lies. When the guiding light of actionable aspirations are based entirely on falsehoods, it is impossible to do anything else except fail.
His first day in office has ensured that this term is ALREADY a “miserable failure” as the action that is unilateral and irreversible in pardoning 1,600 insurrections including HUNDREDS that assaulted hundreds of police officers is inexcusable, and disqualifies him as fit for office, and will absolutely have NEGATIVE long term consequences.
Trump has NO core beliefs. He is easily manipulated by flattery and his purely transactional approach to anything and everything where the goal is to do what’s good for TRUMP, portends miserable failure.
To defend his total unfitness for the job by insinuating that the clear eyed vision of what he is, what he has done and what he says he is going to do “simply because he does things outside of the norm.” is what is shortsighted and a delusional rejections of reality.
You could argue that the tariffs on China and shifting the focus to American manufacturing was a good thing for the nation. Biden stuck with those policies.
That said, I totally agree with your post here. Like, 100% agree. You're spot-on.
I guess I'm just trying to find the potential silver lining on this dark cloud. Gotta have a little hope.
Dan Rather said yesterday that the TrumpMusk speech was “one giant load of hooey”. He was correct. TrumpMusk is so consumed by his own greatness, so high on his own supply, that of course he won’t be able to get out of his own way. His reference to a “horrible betrayal” was our collective decision to not return him to office in 2020. He talks about a president being unable to solve a crisis at home, I give you COVID. And the nation is not unifying behind his agenda…the Republican caucus might be but the rest of the nation will push back at every opportunity. It is early days yet, but the lawsuits are soon to flow, the unconstitutional edicts will be turned back, and with a robust midterm his worst instincts will be muzzled. Let’s not fall for the “shock and awe”, let’s turn it into “insist on the law”.. we cannot roll over in despair.. nor can we stand by while an autocrat tears down our republic.
The lawsuits have already started.
And another:
We will say or hear the phrase "shock and awe" probably every day for several months. But you are right that we should not despair. Remember he has a one-vote majority in the House, and a slim majority in the Senate. The Courts have and will do their job while he is around. SCOTUS can't fix everything for him.
SCOTUS will do enough to help him upend many things for a lack of integrity among too many of its members. They cannot be trusted not to indulge in their baser instincts.
5-vote majority. Special elections could change that, but unlikely.
Thank you; it's small.
I am having comprehension issues this morning....would someone please explain how beating the crap out of police increases "law and order"?....
It doesn't. But it serves Trump personally, and that's good enough for him.
Nothing new here. It follows the exact same playbook Trump has always used:
• Everything the Dems do is bad. The country they left us is bad. Your life is worse because of them.
• Everything I do is great. The country is great with me in control. Your life is better because of me.
Why upgrade the playbook? These tactics 100% work -- especially on those stuck in the right-wing (becoming mainstream) media bubble.
But notice how Trump uses pronouns like "I" and "me" when it suits him. Plus, pronouns like "we" and "us" for the country, even when what he says has to do solely with himself (e.g., "They weaponized the DOJ against "us".) And the enemy (whether the Dems or the press or immigrants or other nations) are cast as "they" and "them."
I've been writing marketing copy for two decades. This stuff works.
So say what you want about the man, but he's not stupid. In many ways, he's a genius at communicating effectively. And much of the country just eats it up, none the wiser.
You treat him as a joke. Fodder for ur supposed flippant clever comments. He is deadly serious and a danger. Treat him as such. Hold him accountable. Pretend he is a Democrat.
Thanks for this! I appreciate the tongue in cheek myself. There is no way I'd ever actually listen to one of his speeches nor could I ever take one seriously but I realize I need to have some clues about what he's spewing.
It's tough to limit him to a top 36! He's a clown show but the American people get what they deserve. I'd argue since 2012 (Obama/Romney), both sides have given up trying to win/govern and instead have put up poor & unlikeable candidates assuming that the other side's candidate is worse.
Going back to your West Wing example - I don't expect people to be reading position papers before they vote but how about both sides trying to find a candidate who is palatable to more than 50.1% of the population?
I think you are ignoring the hate machine that is Fox News and the Republican Party. Hillary Clinton had very very high favorability while she was Sec of State. She is smart and was trusted. Republicans saw that and panicked, resulting in the full take down we saw. Benghazi was not awesome, but everyone knows that was not on her just a bad situation. But boy they did a good job of putting it on her! And then her emails. Give me a break. All the crimes that Trump and all his cohorts have committed and not a single blink. No one truly thought the emails were any big thing, just a way to destroy her. The candidates put forth are fine. The destruction machines make sure no one sees them as the competent folks they are. I'd even posit Mitt Romney was a good candidate. But the primaries forced him so far right he could never pivot back to center believably.
Whoa boy is right. I wonder the impact of Elan on the buy any car you want, not an electric one. How do you change the name of the Gulf? So now all our maps are out of date? I appreciate you doing this, he is such a terrible orator, in addition to his message, it is just too terrible for me to watch.
The train has left the station. There is no stopping them...not truth or legality or integrity. I will continue to look for those that DO tell the truth and have integrity on a daily basis.
On 21. “Next I will direct all members of my cabinet to marshal the vast powers at their disposal to defeat what was record inflation and rapidly bring down costs and prices.” I do agree with your comment on this one but note the fact that he used to say "HE" "I" would do it but with this statement he is already setting up scapegoats he will blame for it not happening. There is no way the price of groceries will go down as he said he would do!
Exactly what I was thinking.
As an atheist, I will never buy the whole "God saved Trump so that he could make America great again" rhetoric. If there is a God, do I believe that he would intervene and manipulate the outcome of such an event? No, I don't. And if he did intervene, would he waste his power to save someone like Trump...who didn't even put his hand on the Bible yesterday? C'mon.
The Bible says the devil is among us. It's more realistic to me Satan saved Trump to do his work.
BTW....“Instead of taxing our citizens to enrich other countries, we will tariff and tax foreign countries to enrich our citizens.”"
Is one example of the BIG CON and a blatant, shameless, easily debunked LIE!!!
The usual bullshit from the biggest bullshitter ever.
I hope you will write about the priest who talked directly to the President this morning at a religious service. Talk about brave!! Watch the faces of the President, VP and the family.
#34 - there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY he wrote that. 1000 points of
light anyone?