Trump is probably the most unpopular President in history. What a mess.

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Jill MacBiden? Lady M was all about personal ambition. Jill B was all about protecting her man. Trust me, I blame Jill for A LOT, but I'm reminded of a different Shakespeare reference: Othello -- "I am one who loved not wisely, but too well."

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I have a lot of respect for both of you and the experience you have covering politics. Hey, I'm a paid subscriber! But man, was this a profoundly depressing discussion. In part, because while you both spent a lot of time talking about people living inside bubbles, there wasn't any recognition of the political news bubble you both live in and how that affects your point of view on things.

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Substack captions claim you introduced yourself as Chris Eliza. I don't know why I'm telling you this.

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I like these discussions. But your production is frustrating. Your sound goes out sometimes for a short time, sometimes longer. Unless you tell me user error. Which could be. Just saying.

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It's not just you. His audio is often spotty on my end too, varies in volume, fades in and out.

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I just think all this personality legacy media are responsible for Trump. Now they want for the democrats to fight for their failures!

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Just discovered the Todd Cast, full blown binge listening!

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This was a good one fellas, with a number of good nuggets. >> DJT will attempt to torpedo his successor. Crypto = complete naked grift - of course! DJT always needs a foil, and it will come from anywhere. Gavin plays the game well - check! Boomers never let go - check!!! Biden Blinders - check! Keep it coming.

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Jill MacBiden? Look, Lady M was all about her own ambition. I blame Jill for A LOT, but it wasn't personal ambition. It was about protecting her man.

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Um, new mic isn't working...

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