No one is perfect but the main difference between those two men is that Biden lets you see his humanity but Trump is going to leave this earth believing he has never done anything wrong lol

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And who owns the wsj,follow the money.

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I didn’t realize the WSJ had become so exactly like Fox News. If Epstein was ever a serious person, he should have a cognitive check up. More likely, he’s always been a Rightwing shill and should just be ignored.

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If this wasn’t all just so sick, it could be comical as there are so many that believe exactly this. Back in his NY days, before politics, it was evident Trump was a POS, disgusting, misogynist, racist, bigot, orange, man child. No comparison at all. Biden, while not perfect (no one is), is a good man. Agree or disagree with his politics, he shows empathy, compassion, is a family man. He is a human being with faults, but a good, decent man.

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Also, no one has mentioned Tara Reade in a million years. Her allegation was DOA so she doesn't even count.

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The Former Guy may be the single worst individual to ever inhabit 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue (and yes, I know that Nixon once lived there).

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If the writer thinks Biden is bad only becuase he was in the Senate for 36 years, what does he think of Chuck Grassley at 42 years and Moscow Mitch McDonnell at 38 years?

Should they be tossed out because of the dreaded 36 year ceiling?

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Yeah Joe isn’t perfect but he is not the poster boy for ignorance and immorality that DJT is.

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I dunno Chris, I think it goes even deeper...

Trump regularly cheats at golf and Biden fell off his bike once while exercising....

They're practically the same person!

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Hahaha. Amazing that any serious golfer would subject themselves to playing a round with someone who would boast that he beat better golfers.

It's beyond my reasoning that a chance at golf celebrity would supercede integrity.

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Unfortunately, you can find paragraphs of that type of unserious discourse on the WSJ editorial page every day. What used to be a smart group of people became unserious and unreadable. Blech.

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Oh, how I long for the days when plagiarism was enough to disqualify a presidential candidate!

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It's bad enough that FOX and the lesser lights on the media right spew absolute nonsense, but the WSJ?

Perhaps even the NY Post might have carried such a ridiculous comparison, but the Journal claims to be a serious periodical.

But then FOX News does have some serious journalists, while it's FOX Entertainment is the place reality goes to die.

Alas, the same at the WSJ. Serious news gathering and writing, while the editorial pages are strewn with too many unserious writers.

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Reminds me of a 2013 that had people certain Obama was the antichrist. There is a major lack of serious and critical thinking in this country. Here is an excerpt from an article at the time:

“The survey, which was conducted by Public Policy Polling, asked a sample of American voters about a number of conspiracy theories, phrasing the questions in eye-catching language that will have the country's educators banging their heads on their desks. The study revealed that 13% of respondents thought Obama was "the antichrist", while another 13% were "not sure" – and so were at least appeared to be open to the possibility that he might be.”

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One need only remember the Wall Street Journal is hardly an instrument of fair reporting. While not as egregiously slanted as Fox News, the Journal is known as a bastion of conservatism and upholding the rights and privileges of the well-to-do.

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So, maybe we could see a show of hands from those who believe this, believe almost anything printed in the WSJ??? Hmm, I see there are a few employees from Rupert Murdoch Corp as well as FoxNews who lost any credibility when they hooked their wagons to this preposterous misinformation.

Should we ask Tucker Carlson to weigh in on this piece, or umm, where is he anyway???

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You gotta give Joseph Epstein props for his 24/7/365 effort to disprove the ancient anti-Semitic slur that all Jews are really smart. You go, Joe!

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