I have to admit, I am one of those who is concerned about the presidents age. And I wish the Democrats could put forth another candidate. But if I have to choose between the president and the orange guy, I am voting for the president every single time.

I think many of the people who are uncomfortable with POTUS’ age will still choose him over the Donald.

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Yup, this exactly.

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Trump isn't fit to be President and it has nothing to do with his advanced age. It has everything to do with the fact that he's a prolific liar, a narcissist, ignorant to policies and humanity. He's a danger to democratic principles, the needs of ordinary citizens. His only agenda is to increase his wealth through lower taxes for the wealthy and the many profitable deals he can make with autocrats throughout the world. His lack of concern about ethics, truth and the protection of our democracy makes him not only unfit, but also dangerous.


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It’s about time for ageism to be no longer acceptable as a prejudice. One of the nice things about weekly church attendance is seeing how successfully it’s possible to age.

Harry Belafonte just died at a hale and hearty 96. His long time partner in civil rights support, Sidney Poitier, lived to very vital 94.

Go get ‘em, Joe!

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It would be a bigger gamble not to run and have a wild, unpredictable fight for the nomination with the incumbent meanwhile doing the job.

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The last time that happened was 1968. As I recall, that didn't turn out well.

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What is you vision for the USA, Chris? What are your values? Which civic virtues need to be embraced more fully?

I ask because all you ever seem to be interested in is political horse races and you write as if both sides have equally valid policies.

Where do you stand and how does the nation get there?

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Yes! I'm someone within a few weeks of President Biden's age. I wouldn't want his job because I don't want to work that hard at this age. Nonetheless, I retain plenty of energfy and my doctor assures me that I remain mentally sharp. In the case of President Biden, I believe he has done a wonderful job and I am delighted with the way in which he has righted the frightful wrongs of the Trump years. President Biden has the values and vision that I respect and support. The horse race is nonsense. America's well-being is what matters and President Biden has restored our well-being!

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He's 80 and he's in better health than FDR was at 56.

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Putting aside partisanship and policies for a moment, this essay raises valid issues about Biden's age but gives little space to Trump's. I think -- objectively -- Trump's mental health and possibile slipping into dementia are very real risks. Anyone who has heard him speak or read his "Truth Social" posts encounters the ravings and delusions of someone with only a tenuous connection to the real world. This is not something that should be glossed over. It should be tackled head on.

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Okay, stop the ageism now! "My man's got aviators, a Corvette, and a job to finish." JVL The Triad With age, comes experience, wisdom, perspective.

The following list of 80+ is long, but here are a few that are active and working and still contributing to society: James Hong, George Takei, Alan Alda (87), Donald Sutherland, James Earl Jones, Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda (85), Rita Moreno, Patrick Stewart, Harrison Ford (80), June Squibb, Ellen Burstyn, Gordon Lightfoot (84), Wole Soyinka (88), Paul McCartney (80), Bob Dylan (81), Joe Biden (80), Jack Nicklaus (83), Pope Francis (86), Carl Icahn (87), Barbra Streisand (81), Sophia Loren (88), Chuck Norris (83), Sandy Koufax (87), Mario Andretti (83), Carol Burnett (90), Tina Turner (83). . .

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And let us not forget Her Majesty the Queen who outlasted many and stayed active and contributing to the people for 96 years.

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This, from you:

"The American people have told Democrats that they don’t want Biden to run again and that the main reason they feel that way is because they believe him to be too old to be president."

I find the quote above by you to be overtly generalised and one stretch of a claim to make about the whole "American people". By your own admission, these sentiments are the outcome of Polling, which often have as respondents, far less than 25% of the overall US voting population - whether Republican or Democrats. I am therefore curious as to how such a sample could equate with "The American people..."

Well, time, as they say will tell...

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If left to pick between two old white guys, I'm picking the one I know I can trust to not start a nuclear war because someone was mean to them

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Yes. It's a huge issue. The threat of Trump dwarfs that issue. DWARFS. It took a Herculean effort to shoehorn that fool out of the Whitehouse, we don't want to do it again, but we will. Take that to the bank. It's a good check.

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For a second, let's look beyond 2024... Mr Biden's decision might be the starting point for Governors deSantis's & Newsom's run down the road, ending up in battle for the White House come 2028.

More importantly, Dems have to rally around whoever is the 2028-candidate. Let the GOP be the ones wasting energy &money on a bitter, divisive fight for Pres. nomination.

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I feel the last time Democrats made a massive gamble on someone's age, RBG died

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They didn't make that gamble - she did. I loved RGB but she "chose" to stay too long.

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That's true, not the best apples-apples comparison.

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RBG, sorry I typed that wrong

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I’m lefty but it’s obvious that he shouldn’t be running. Polling aside, he’s too old for the job.

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Trump is only approx 3 years younger and he's a spiteful, narcissistic, unhinged lunatic criminal.

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80 is the new 60!

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I had hoped that Biden would step aside and not run, having Mayor Pete or Amy Klobuchar run. However, I do not believe they would win. If the democrats put up a non winnable candidate, then what? If Trump is the nominee, he wins? No, can’t have that. While I think that Mayor Pete or Klobuchar would make viable candidates in the future, now is not their time. As for Harris, not a huge fan but also do not think she could win. Perhaps 2028? Jury is still out on that, for her. As for age, I remember hearing from people on the GOP side, 2008 being McCain/Palin. People saying that McClain was too old and too afraid of Palin becoming president. Now they have Trump and his age and his assorted baggage not a problem??? Truly afraid for this country as win or lose, Trump isn’t going away.

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I wouldn't bet on him not going away. Damn good chance he will end up in an Orange jumpsuit.

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