I would make a terrible interviewer in this case because I don't want a post mortem on past problems and a bunch of got you questions. I don't want a contentious interview where the interviewer is hoping to get her stuttering for answers. I want to hear about what she's learned during the past 4 years under President Biden, where she's been the real apprentice. I want to hear answers about how she wants to solve the problems we're facing, the polices she believes in, and the actual work that will be going on to move the country forward. I know you hate what aboutism Chris, but trump's not held to account in interviews for all the things that went wrong during his administration, and gets to steer his own narrative. I think she deserves the chance to show who she is without it becoming a battle.
The only question that I want Kamala Harris to answer is "Are you Donald Trump?" As long as she answers that question "no", I know everything that I need to know in order to vote for her.
Right on, Tammy! I am far more interested in knowing her proposed way forward. Some of these questions could be framed differently to get to key lessons learned that influence or inform future polcy.
I 100% agree with Tammy! Why is there this double standard, Trump has sat down for plenty of interviews, and he has never answered one question, he has never done anything except for lie. Again and again, and again. He has never been held to account! I don’t think you would be a terrible interviewer at all, Tammy. I think your questions are great.
Agreed! If the media is so staunch about holding her accountable for everything, they need to do the same when talking to Trump. But I am more curious about the future and her plans for it. I don't care for "gotcha journalism" and I hope Dana Bash doesn't either.
Agree. Having watched UK journalist talk to their politicians for several years now, I've decided that most in USA want to play nice with them. Don't know why. Afraid they will lose their sources? The best interview I've seen is when Jeremy Paxman asked the same question like 20 times in a row until the politician stopped deflecting and answered the question. I like the first question. For Trump, I would ask what sections of the Constitution should be reversed?
All good questions and ones that she could answer and should answer, except for number three. She is not going to savage her boss, who is still the sitting president of the United States.(and still doing a decent job of it) it would serve no purpose, and could alienate her from Democratic voters who think that Biden has been a good President and who appreciate that he stepped down to make room for Harris and a new hope of defeating Donald J Trump.
3. Is a full on gotchya question that is so like what I’d expect the “media” to ask to get kudos with media colleagues. No voters give two hoots about this except Trump’s folks looking to make an ad from the no-win answer.
Yes, there'll likely be questions on the economy and on immigration. What I'd like to hear her address is how she will deal with the rogue Supreme Court, what she thinks of their made up out of wholecloth "presidential immunity" decision, and what -- if any -- reforms she think are required for the Court (term limits, expansion, code of ethics, etc.).
Chris - with all due respect, I think that your proposed questions for Kamala Harris are... quaint. With Trump openly expressing his desire to be a dictator, does it really matter whether/why Kamala Harris has changed her position on fracking?
In an normal election with normal parties/candidates, these questions would be valid. However, with our country facing an existantial crisis to decide whether we remain a democracy or become a Fascist kleptocracy, Kamala's positions on issues are irrelevant.
The only position that matters is that Kamala Harris is not Trump. Anything else borders on the trivial.
yes but... The fact is that many (well, some) undecided voters in our 7 battleground states are open to Trump (they have their reasons...maybe economic) and don't particularly care about the kleptocracy or Jan 6 things (some of them might but not as deciding factors). These voters need reassurance and stroking...and it doesn't take many to swing it either way! I personally would vote for a pink fire hydrant against Trump (as long as it was at least 35 years old and a Natural-born hydrant) but I'm a loyal Democrat in a blue state so who cares?
100% disagree. 44% (roughly) of voters would vote for a paper shredder over Trump, but that won't win the election. She does not need to win over that 44%. She needs to attract and retain ANOTHER 5% of voters that need more than "I am not Donald Trump". Those voters, even if they are leaning in her direction, have heard about her flip flopping, for example, and want to hear from her on that (and other issues). To avoid that risks alienating the only voters she hasn't yet already won.
I sometimes wonder if many of the undecided voters are not the ones who pay close attention to that, and may have watched none of the 2024 Democrat debates and don't know she was searching for a platform that would keep her in the race back then. I think a lot of those undecideds are looking for someone who 'feels' right to them...
All good questions. But as I read them and other great questions I keep thinking that her responses will be judged against some Platonic ideal while Trump gets the “it’s just who he is “ pass when he blathers nonsense.
EXACTLY. If Trump were held to the same standard - legal as well as political - that everyone else is measured against, he would already be on the trash heap of history. It's just so obvious that the law enforcement, the judiciary, and the media are all bending over backwards to advantage Trump, and to ensure that he is never held accountable for his actions.
There's a part of me that thinks we are doomed. As a country, we've already past the point of no return as a country, and are headed for the rocks. The fact that a rapist, a convicted felon, and someone who tried to overthrow our government has an excellent chance to win the Presidency is just mind boggling to me.......
These are all good questions Chris, though as one who has served in a "staff" position before I can say there is no way that I would ever say anything negative about my "boss." President Biden is still the president. I think the story of this interview may very well be how Dana Bash responds, or doesn't respond to questions. Will she fact check in a way that no one has done with Trump? Will she push for specifics? What role does the federal government have in building more houses? Does she believe the president has any impact on the economy?
I will be turning in, if I can pull myself away from the US Open AND the Wake Forest football game! (Might be the only one we win this year! Go Deacs!)
"Deacs". Wasn't that the losing football team memorialized in Steely San's classic (and lyrically weird) 1980 hit "Deacon Blues"? "They got a name for the winners in the world.;I want a name when I lose. They call Alabama the Crimson Tide...call me Deacon Blues"
I do not care what any answers to any questions are. Between Kamala and the 79 year old demented felon I think we know who will be a better president for America. At this point — that’s the choice. What could she possibly say to make you say “oh I don’t agree with that—I’ll vote for the total [expletive deleted] who has never told the truth on any subject and damaged our country’s reputation worldwide??!” Of course I’ll watch the interview but nothing she could say will change my vote.
As I commented above, it's important she's doing this because there are undecided voters in swing states that are open to Trump (yes, weird and horrifying I know). These voters don't particularly care about Trump's known disqualifies (some of them might but not as deciding factors if they view him favorably to their personal economics). They need reassurance and stroking...and it doesn't take many to swing it either way! To repeat from above: I personally would vote for a pink fire hydrant against Trump (as long as it was at least 35 years old and a Natural-born hydrant) but I'm a loyal Democrat in a blue state so who cares?
I think she needs to be asked about the two biggest foreign policy challenges right now: First, I'd ask about Ukraine and how she envisions ending the conflict. Second, I'd ask about Israel/Palestine struggle. I'd ask her if she's willing to put more pressure than the Biden Admin. did in ending the fighting in Gaza, freezing settlements on the West Bank, and making a serious effort for a two-state solution. Related to this, I'd ask her why she didn't attend the Netanyahu's speech.
Domestically, I'd ask about the border. I'd want to know what policy she would support to stop the current problem.
The problem with many of your questions is they are focused on the past. I want to know what she will do in the future on these three issues: Ukraine, Israel/Palestine, and border.
I'm surprised none of these reflect what she'll do, which is the big right-wing demand of the moment and what voters, served by CNN, really want to know. I like some of these questions but how about adding:
"The economy" is one of the top concerns of voters. Rather than revisiting the Biden-Harris achievements and misses on this, I'd like to ask what are the top three kitchen-table concerns for voters right now that really impact their lives -- and what are your plans to address them?
Immigration has been an unsettled issue for numerous decades and every time we get a "gang of six" in the Senate and a possible solution it all falls apart again. I know you said you will sign the immigration bill that Trump torpedoed, but that still does not set up a reformed, functional immigration system for the future or even the present. Do you hope to revisit the immigration system in a comprehensive way and reform it with the Congress, or has that task, which used to be routine, become impossible? And how can the US function long term if reforming immigration can't be done?
If she can nail this, that's a long way toward becoming president. If she can't.... not good.
Will you commit to simply enforcing national immigration laws that are currently in place until new legislation can be passed with support from both parties.
Here’s my question — during the DNC a big theme was unifying the country — how do you actually plan on achieving that?? (All politicians talk about big ideas and plans with very little substance around how they will get it done… it would be refreshing to actually hear how a big idea will actually be accomplished, but I’m realistic and know that won’t happen!)
Chris, these are the questions that YOU want to ask, not those that I feel we the public, your customers, want asked. Yours are all backward-looking questions. If I may speak for my fellow non-MAGA citizens, we don't want a story about the past. We want a vision for a brighter future and a plan to actualize that vision. The first step in this plan is to get Harris elected. Everything else pales compared to that step.
a) Fiscal Question--plans to reduce our fiscal deficit and doing so while retaining a globally competitive corporate tax rate and her view on how the taxing of unrealized capital gains factors in to that equation, including the impracticalities (separate from the ideological view) of valuing private businesses, real estate, etc. And potentially explaining her view on the philosophical change to capital gains tax rates if that's part of the equation.
b) Her views on having bipartisan Cabinet/leadership team as party of a Unity Administration? And what other initiatives she is planning to celebrate what unites us vs divides us and to have those "other voices" represented in her administration.
1. Trump and his allies have referred to you as "communist", "socialist", "Marxist". How would you respond to a concerned conservative voter in a red or purple state who's afraid you're proposing government programs or giveaways that will cost businesses money and therefore lose jobs?
2. Our national debt is $35 trillion and we're adding $1 to $2 trillion every year. Would you work with bipartisan congressional reps and senators to produce a deficit-reduction plan including ALL OF tax increases, spending cuts AND entitlement reforms? If not, how would you deal with this problem?
Wow! Some of Chris' questions show why the vice-president has been in no big hurry to bow to Chris' demands that she sit for interviews. I wonder out loud: does Chris realize that Vice-President Harris is STILL Vice-President Harris? Does Chris grasp that she is a major part of the Biden administration and, as such, is in NO position to undercut the current president of the United States? C'mon, man! "A big hurdle for her to clear" says Chris. I kinda doubt it. The MSM hasn't made Trump clear the sanity hurdle. Why should doing a routine interview (yes, it is) on a 3rd rated cable news network be a "big hurdle?" Full disclosure: I own stock in WBD, owner of CNN...but they are still the third rated network.
I would make a terrible interviewer in this case because I don't want a post mortem on past problems and a bunch of got you questions. I don't want a contentious interview where the interviewer is hoping to get her stuttering for answers. I want to hear about what she's learned during the past 4 years under President Biden, where she's been the real apprentice. I want to hear answers about how she wants to solve the problems we're facing, the polices she believes in, and the actual work that will be going on to move the country forward. I know you hate what aboutism Chris, but trump's not held to account in interviews for all the things that went wrong during his administration, and gets to steer his own narrative. I think she deserves the chance to show who she is without it becoming a battle.
The only question that I want Kamala Harris to answer is "Are you Donald Trump?" As long as she answers that question "no", I know everything that I need to know in order to vote for her.
Amen! lol!
Right on, Tammy! I am far more interested in knowing her proposed way forward. Some of these questions could be framed differently to get to key lessons learned that influence or inform future polcy.
Great response Tammy… it would get terrible ratings and cost you your job, but America will thank you for this mature grown up approach.
I 100% agree with Tammy! Why is there this double standard, Trump has sat down for plenty of interviews, and he has never answered one question, he has never done anything except for lie. Again and again, and again. He has never been held to account! I don’t think you would be a terrible interviewer at all, Tammy. I think your questions are great.
Agreed! If the media is so staunch about holding her accountable for everything, they need to do the same when talking to Trump. But I am more curious about the future and her plans for it. I don't care for "gotcha journalism" and I hope Dana Bash doesn't either.
I agree with Tammy.
Like all candidates, she’s running on her record, which is incredibly thin.
Agree. Having watched UK journalist talk to their politicians for several years now, I've decided that most in USA want to play nice with them. Don't know why. Afraid they will lose their sources? The best interview I've seen is when Jeremy Paxman asked the same question like 20 times in a row until the politician stopped deflecting and answered the question. I like the first question. For Trump, I would ask what sections of the Constitution should be reversed?
All good questions and ones that she could answer and should answer, except for number three. She is not going to savage her boss, who is still the sitting president of the United States.(and still doing a decent job of it) it would serve no purpose, and could alienate her from Democratic voters who think that Biden has been a good President and who appreciate that he stepped down to make room for Harris and a new hope of defeating Donald J Trump.
3. Is a full on gotchya question that is so like what I’d expect the “media” to ask to get kudos with media colleagues. No voters give two hoots about this except Trump’s folks looking to make an ad from the no-win answer.
Yes, there'll likely be questions on the economy and on immigration. What I'd like to hear her address is how she will deal with the rogue Supreme Court, what she thinks of their made up out of wholecloth "presidential immunity" decision, and what -- if any -- reforms she think are required for the Court (term limits, expansion, code of ethics, etc.).
Agree wholeheartedly on a question re SCOTUS Daniel!
Those are excellent questions for a former prosecutor.
Chris - with all due respect, I think that your proposed questions for Kamala Harris are... quaint. With Trump openly expressing his desire to be a dictator, does it really matter whether/why Kamala Harris has changed her position on fracking?
In an normal election with normal parties/candidates, these questions would be valid. However, with our country facing an existantial crisis to decide whether we remain a democracy or become a Fascist kleptocracy, Kamala's positions on issues are irrelevant.
The only position that matters is that Kamala Harris is not Trump. Anything else borders on the trivial.
yes but... The fact is that many (well, some) undecided voters in our 7 battleground states are open to Trump (they have their reasons...maybe economic) and don't particularly care about the kleptocracy or Jan 6 things (some of them might but not as deciding factors). These voters need reassurance and stroking...and it doesn't take many to swing it either way! I personally would vote for a pink fire hydrant against Trump (as long as it was at least 35 years old and a Natural-born hydrant) but I'm a loyal Democrat in a blue state so who cares?
100% disagree. 44% (roughly) of voters would vote for a paper shredder over Trump, but that won't win the election. She does not need to win over that 44%. She needs to attract and retain ANOTHER 5% of voters that need more than "I am not Donald Trump". Those voters, even if they are leaning in her direction, have heard about her flip flopping, for example, and want to hear from her on that (and other issues). To avoid that risks alienating the only voters she hasn't yet already won.
I sometimes wonder if many of the undecided voters are not the ones who pay close attention to that, and may have watched none of the 2024 Democrat debates and don't know she was searching for a platform that would keep her in the race back then. I think a lot of those undecideds are looking for someone who 'feels' right to them...
All good questions. But as I read them and other great questions I keep thinking that her responses will be judged against some Platonic ideal while Trump gets the “it’s just who he is “ pass when he blathers nonsense.
EXACTLY. If Trump were held to the same standard - legal as well as political - that everyone else is measured against, he would already be on the trash heap of history. It's just so obvious that the law enforcement, the judiciary, and the media are all bending over backwards to advantage Trump, and to ensure that he is never held accountable for his actions.
There's a part of me that thinks we are doomed. As a country, we've already past the point of no return as a country, and are headed for the rocks. The fact that a rapist, a convicted felon, and someone who tried to overthrow our government has an excellent chance to win the Presidency is just mind boggling to me.......
These are all good questions Chris, though as one who has served in a "staff" position before I can say there is no way that I would ever say anything negative about my "boss." President Biden is still the president. I think the story of this interview may very well be how Dana Bash responds, or doesn't respond to questions. Will she fact check in a way that no one has done with Trump? Will she push for specifics? What role does the federal government have in building more houses? Does she believe the president has any impact on the economy?
I will be turning in, if I can pull myself away from the US Open AND the Wake Forest football game! (Might be the only one we win this year! Go Deacs!)
"Deacs". Wasn't that the losing football team memorialized in Steely San's classic (and lyrically weird) 1980 hit "Deacon Blues"? "They got a name for the winners in the world.;I want a name when I lose. They call Alabama the Crimson Tide...call me Deacon Blues"
The Biden question is irrelevant. Voters don't care and want to turn the page
As a math person Chris you have more than 6 questions! Six topics but lots of questions! 😂😂.
As others have pointed out some forward looking questions on economy/housing/immigration
I do not care what any answers to any questions are. Between Kamala and the 79 year old demented felon I think we know who will be a better president for America. At this point — that’s the choice. What could she possibly say to make you say “oh I don’t agree with that—I’ll vote for the total [expletive deleted] who has never told the truth on any subject and damaged our country’s reputation worldwide??!” Of course I’ll watch the interview but nothing she could say will change my vote.
As I commented above, it's important she's doing this because there are undecided voters in swing states that are open to Trump (yes, weird and horrifying I know). These voters don't particularly care about Trump's known disqualifies (some of them might but not as deciding factors if they view him favorably to their personal economics). They need reassurance and stroking...and it doesn't take many to swing it either way! To repeat from above: I personally would vote for a pink fire hydrant against Trump (as long as it was at least 35 years old and a Natural-born hydrant) but I'm a loyal Democrat in a blue state so who cares?
I think she needs to be asked about the two biggest foreign policy challenges right now: First, I'd ask about Ukraine and how she envisions ending the conflict. Second, I'd ask about Israel/Palestine struggle. I'd ask her if she's willing to put more pressure than the Biden Admin. did in ending the fighting in Gaza, freezing settlements on the West Bank, and making a serious effort for a two-state solution. Related to this, I'd ask her why she didn't attend the Netanyahu's speech.
Domestically, I'd ask about the border. I'd want to know what policy she would support to stop the current problem.
The problem with many of your questions is they are focused on the past. I want to know what she will do in the future on these three issues: Ukraine, Israel/Palestine, and border.
I'm surprised none of these reflect what she'll do, which is the big right-wing demand of the moment and what voters, served by CNN, really want to know. I like some of these questions but how about adding:
"The economy" is one of the top concerns of voters. Rather than revisiting the Biden-Harris achievements and misses on this, I'd like to ask what are the top three kitchen-table concerns for voters right now that really impact their lives -- and what are your plans to address them?
Immigration has been an unsettled issue for numerous decades and every time we get a "gang of six" in the Senate and a possible solution it all falls apart again. I know you said you will sign the immigration bill that Trump torpedoed, but that still does not set up a reformed, functional immigration system for the future or even the present. Do you hope to revisit the immigration system in a comprehensive way and reform it with the Congress, or has that task, which used to be routine, become impossible? And how can the US function long term if reforming immigration can't be done?
If she can nail this, that's a long way toward becoming president. If she can't.... not good.
Will you commit to simply enforcing national immigration laws that are currently in place until new legislation can be passed with support from both parties.
Here’s my question — during the DNC a big theme was unifying the country — how do you actually plan on achieving that?? (All politicians talk about big ideas and plans with very little substance around how they will get it done… it would be refreshing to actually hear how a big idea will actually be accomplished, but I’m realistic and know that won’t happen!)
Chris, these are the questions that YOU want to ask, not those that I feel we the public, your customers, want asked. Yours are all backward-looking questions. If I may speak for my fellow non-MAGA citizens, we don't want a story about the past. We want a vision for a brighter future and a plan to actualize that vision. The first step in this plan is to get Harris elected. Everything else pales compared to that step.
Good list...I'd consider adding
a) Fiscal Question--plans to reduce our fiscal deficit and doing so while retaining a globally competitive corporate tax rate and her view on how the taxing of unrealized capital gains factors in to that equation, including the impracticalities (separate from the ideological view) of valuing private businesses, real estate, etc. And potentially explaining her view on the philosophical change to capital gains tax rates if that's part of the equation.
b) Her views on having bipartisan Cabinet/leadership team as party of a Unity Administration? And what other initiatives she is planning to celebrate what unites us vs divides us and to have those "other voices" represented in her administration.
1. Trump and his allies have referred to you as "communist", "socialist", "Marxist". How would you respond to a concerned conservative voter in a red or purple state who's afraid you're proposing government programs or giveaways that will cost businesses money and therefore lose jobs?
2. Our national debt is $35 trillion and we're adding $1 to $2 trillion every year. Would you work with bipartisan congressional reps and senators to produce a deficit-reduction plan including ALL OF tax increases, spending cuts AND entitlement reforms? If not, how would you deal with this problem?
Wow! Some of Chris' questions show why the vice-president has been in no big hurry to bow to Chris' demands that she sit for interviews. I wonder out loud: does Chris realize that Vice-President Harris is STILL Vice-President Harris? Does Chris grasp that she is a major part of the Biden administration and, as such, is in NO position to undercut the current president of the United States? C'mon, man! "A big hurdle for her to clear" says Chris. I kinda doubt it. The MSM hasn't made Trump clear the sanity hurdle. Why should doing a routine interview (yes, it is) on a 3rd rated cable news network be a "big hurdle?" Full disclosure: I own stock in WBD, owner of CNN...but they are still the third rated network.