Poor old Donald. As if the American voting public cannot see with their own eyes and hear with their own ears the toll that age and bad living has taken on Donald J Trump. The fella that was the darling of the 90s tabloids has become a fat, waddling, saggy, wrinkly old roué who can’t put together a coherent sentence even with the aid of teleprompters, who is willing to believe that in Springfield Ohio THEY’RE EATING THE DOGS, THEY’RE EATING THE CATS,THEY’RE EATING THE PETS OF THE PEOPLE THAT LIVE THERE. Unlike previous candidates who readily release reports from their physicians to demonstrate their suitability for the rigors of the presidency, Trump thinks that by not producing one he is somehow hiding reality from American voters.. Vice-President Harris is right to use this as a talking point. The health and stamina of our president is important to Americans. If some voters had not noticed Trump’s feebleness,then they may notice it more now.,m

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Chris you failed to mention perhaps the most important point, that is if something happens to Cheetolini, JD the man with many last names, is just a heartbeat from the presidency.

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Being of Polish ancestry, I was proud to see Lech Walesa (former President of Poland and leader of the Solidarity movement) went online yesterday. "Walesa said in a short entry on Facebook on Sunday that he does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, but that the matter “is too important for the world” for him to withhold his views. “I deeply believe that Americans will vote responsibly. In my opinion, I am completely convinced that Trump’s election WOULD BE A MISFORTUNE FOR THE U.S. AND THE WORLD,” he wrote, using all capital letters."

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And most people in America and Europe agree with him

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Explain something to me. I am confused about this.

How is it possible for millions of American voters to willingly, and in many cases proudly, choose to cast their ballot for a sociopath who will annihilate our democracy and threaten world peace??

Could it be that those same millions who support this madness are THEMSELVES mentally unstable??

Has this nation degenerated into a nation of cretinous , ignorant, and dangerously stupid people??

Just wondering 🤔

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Millions of Americans think like he does. Sad but true. Plus many more got that check in 2020 signed by Trump, and they think it came from his pocket. Plus many more remember the low gas prices in 2020, when nobody was driving. And unfortunately there is a constituency that does not want a woman President. I could go on.

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I think the COVID experience unleashed a flood of conspiracy theories and lies that have left us with collective insanity, perhaps incurable. Perhaps we're facing the inevitable end of the great American experience, in which case a Trump re-election is just ripping off the bandaid, which accelerates change, but what's underneath can be septic.

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Cmon man!

It’s the 4th year anniversary of Hunter’s laptop from Hell!

The media’s complete and total walk away from the facts due to political affiliation! Inexcusable!

And you lead with some silly doctor’s note?!?

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Oh wow. No ringing endorsement of Donald J Trump’s physical and mental fitness for office…just a weak and silly attempt at distraction. We see Trump. We hear Trump. He is cognitively and physically impaired, and no amount of distraction can hide it now. His not producing a “doctor’s note” is meaningless. Dr. American Public has issued a diagnosis. He’s not well in mind or in body.

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Did you see where he’s been the last week or so, the schedule he has been keeping on the campaign trail?!?

That should answer your question. Could you keep up that schedule? I couldn’t

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What you won’t see on mainstream media is Trump’s poorly planned trip to coachella. The busses ran out of gas, stranded aging citizens in the desert. And when they complained on line they were attacked by Trump supporters. The whole episode would be all over the news had it been Harris. This tells you everything you need to know about the continuing asymmetrical reporting. Harris is probably winning in a landslide but reporting on that would end the media’s horse race.

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Easily. Being driven or flown from place to place, ferried to the venue by handlers, stand on the stage freestylin’ my dementia,,then rewarded with a hamberder afterward to being a good boy? All day long, Dutchie me lad. And if you couldn’t, maybe that explains your eagerness to make excuses for this parody of a presidential candidate.

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He's been popping stimulants and guzzling Diet Coke for years. It's why he's tweeting at 3 am.

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Got to love the parody here. Made me laugh because I don’t think Dutch is joking. But it sums up just how crazy MAGA Republicans perspectives are. And Dutch. What about Hillary’s emails?

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You've touched on a key point. Lots of these folks on the right are all wrapped up in the ancillary nonsense: eg, Hunter, Epstein, Haitians eating cats etc. On the issues that matter, Trump offers nothing but hollow promises ( e.g., "I will settle the war" "I will deport them all") or policies that are counterproductive -- e.g, tariffs and more tax cuts for the rich.

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And space lasers.

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And let’s not forget the child sex trafficking being run out of that pizzeria in NJ

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No, no joke. 4 years since the laptop was discovered and ignored by the media. Fact. It’s was true. It was a total coverup. Fact.

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Then how do we all know about it? I heard about it before the 2020 election. And what does that have to do with this election? If you want to talk about cover-ups, how about Trump having Elon Musk block any links to the leaked oppo research on JD Vance, who IS on the ballot and is waiting in the wings behind the oldest presidental candidate in history?

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I’m simply recognizing the 4 year anniversary of the media, in full display, ignoring facts for political benefit of a candidate. Full stop.

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To paraphrase Darth Vader: “The Delusion is strong with this one.”

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Hunter is running for President?!? Someone really should have mentioned that sooner!....

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Compared to Trumps felonies it’s pretty pathetic to bring up Hunter’s laptop! Trump’s felonies make anything Hunter did pale in comparison to,how pathetic to even mention them.

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I think Hunter was convicted of a felony? True? What’s the chances he receives a pardon? O, btw, I wonder who left the cocaine in the WH and was never charged? I have my suspicions, you??

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Who cares about Hunter? In case you hadn't noticed, Biden is no longer running for president. Let the courts take care of him.

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It’s not about Hunter, it’s about the fake media ignoring facts for political reasons.

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Elon Musk

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Like your boy's 34 counts?

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Dutch, a couple interesting things about Hunter’s felony convictions. First, the tax felonies that he pled guilty to. The judge had decided the fact that Hunter Biden had already paid the back taxes he owed, plus interest and penalties (before he was investigated or indicted) was not relevant to the charges (which, no doubt were true, didn’t pay his taxes timely, like a lot of people who get nailed on this, but not criminally prosecuted). Without being able to present that fact to a jury, who may have ultimately decided no harm, no foul (or whatever), his lawyers and Biden opted to fold and take the plea. As a watcher and reader of MSM this was covered.

Second, the gun charge for the false answer on the gun application form (4473). This is the indictment: [Biden] “….provided a written statement on Form 4473 certifying he was not an unlawful user of, and addicted to, any stimulant, narcotic drug, and any other controlled substance, when in fact, as he knew, that statement was false and fictitious.” Note the “and”, user AND addict. As someone who has known and lived with addicts, the one thing an addict rarely admits while they are using is that they are an “addict”. So, when Hunter answered the question, perhaps he says to part one, yep, I’m an unlawful user, but I’m not an addict. So, in his brain he does not see himself as an addict. Jury didn’t buy this argument and found him guilty. To anyone’s recollection Biden is the first and only person ever convicted or even indicted for answering this question falsely. Why to I bring it up? Intrestingly, the feds later changed the form to read:

“f. Are you an unlawful user of, OR addicted to…..”. Note the “or”…. Seems to me Biden’s defense team’s argument made some ground after all….

Now, if I were a former drug user, and later acknowledged my addiction, and have been clean for say 5 years, how should I answer that question? You learn in rehab, once an addict always an addict…. It will be interesting to see if they have to revise the form again?

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No, I don't have my suspicions. Where are the sex ring leaders in the pizza basement that doesn't exist? Speaking of notable pardons and commutations: Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, George Papadopoulos, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Albert Pirro, Elliott Broidy, Lil Wayne , assorted corporate and political felons - not to mention the Jan 6 traitors he's dangling pardons to. Nothing suspicious there.

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Always happens when Chris gives even the slightest possible positive news for the Harris campaign!

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Yes it is funny as I only swapped Trump for Harris from one of your on line comments. You only seem to magically appear when Trump is criticized. Again, I expected sunshine and the best economy ever from Trump administration. If not, Trump still stays in the bottom as the worst president ever.

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Yes I saw! That was funny

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Am I supposed to celebrate by downloading something awful onto my laptop?

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I thought maybe just maybe Chris might come out with a Whoa boy! Look at all the wacky things (lies) that were told and attributed those quotes to those who said and wrote all those falsehoods! I guess that’s not on the agenda today……

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Chris has written about the Hunter Biden laptop

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No, I know this is hard for you, but it illustrates a well known point that the media at large will do and say anything, “experts” included to push their political agenda! Facts don’t matter.

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Unlike the noble truth tellers at Fox.

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Chris is factual enough that even those not on your side get a little itchy. He is a straight shooter..

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I think we’re in a scary place. Trump has momentum and he’s not even pretending to deny some of the crazy things he has planned. And it already is having consequences. FEMA is pulling back its response teams because they are being threatened by militias. I’m not claiming Trump sent them, or has anything directly to do with them. But is it really a stretch to say his persona, his rhetoric, his very being isn’t driving that situation. People feel empowered to do crazy things, largely because they believe he’s coming back. And even if he doesn’t win, he’s not going away. It’s a scary time for those who believe in what this country is supposed to stand for.

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I think this is extremely unfair.

It is very cruel to post and discuss the videos of DonOld defacting in his diaper on stage in Detroit. I can't even fathom why anyone would be upset the former and possibly future president of the United States can't hold his bowels in public.

It is none of our business why the supposedly healthiest man ever to be POTUS is soiling himself.

I take the word of Speaker Johnson when he said on Sunday how utterly incredible this man in his late 70's can function on only 4 hours sleep per night. Why should we mere mortals DARE question his health and mental acuity when it's obvious to all how strong and virulent he is? I wonder if Mike had to go home and inject himself with disinfectant to cleanse the lies he knows he told on national TV?

Those flies that keep circling him onstage, make no notice of them. Flies are attracted to poop, we know that. But these flies are special. They aren't attracted to his poop at all. No, how dare you go there?

The smell those around him describe, that is the best aroma of all, the smell of victory.

Baron Von Shitzenpants is our hero!

All hail the new King.

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Please can we not do this? It makes our entire community look bad.

There are lots and lots of fair hits on Trump. This is not one of them.

Please stop with the lame name-calling.

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Sure Chris, we can do that. It's your page, your rules.

While we try to engage in sane, decent and intelligent discourse, he is telling the world that Kamala is mentally defective from birth. I'm not seeing much of anyone in MAGA world telling him to cut that crap out.

I just have to question that the apparent possibility that future POTS has some very serious health issues that he will not disclose is fair game.

It's clearly obvious to all of us that Biden has deteriorated rapidly. Why isn't the other guy as much a fair game. One NYT article isn't quite the same as the attention on Joe.

Now your point about lame name-calling, well, that certainly began someplace else, and it wasn't from the Democrat side of the aisle.

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I watched the interview with Mike Johnson on Meet the Press yesterday. Instead of a phone app that dings or buzzes or whatever if Johnson pulls up a porn site he should have an app that alerts him whenever he grovels and shills for Trump.

I heard the "he only sleeps 4 hours" and "he can outwork and outthink men half his age" What a load of crap.

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Great idea, but I'm not sure the battery life of his smartphone could keep up with all of the alerts.

Maybe he can have it installed on his sons phone as well so it can ding the son for both porn viewing and trump spewing.

Obviously you and I are the only ones in the free world who think Speaker Johnson is absolutely the most loony tunes politician in the USA. At least there are two of us.

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It's comical that Trump can portray himself as a tough guy after dodging the draft with bogus excuses. Now, he runs from any forum that could further expose his diminished capacity. Those of us who watched him over the years in NYC knew him to be a fraudster who lied about every aspect of his biz from the development of the BonWit Teller space to his fraud in Atlantic City, which led to bankruptcy. His pattern of deceit continues unabated. Now, he's ostensibly running on inflation and immigration. The Fed, however, has pretty much tamed the world-wide inflation's impact on us. And have you heard any plan from Trump re lowering prices? On immigration, he continues to demagogue even after blocking the bill that would have addressed the issue. Only the gullible or the ill-informed can accept any part of his tough guy act.

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His comprehensive concept of a plan is deportation and high tariffs. What could go wrong?

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The mass deportation plan is this cycle's version of the hollow promise to build a wall and get Mexico to pay. And even if he pulled off the deportations , the resulting labor crisis would be wildly inflationary. The humanitarian issues , of course, concern few on the right, but the economic issues should

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And yet 54% of Americans believe it’s a good idea. Former Pres. Trump is first and foremost a showman. He also understands where the electorate is. Will he deport all the illegal immigrants? No, of course not. But he will deport SOME and claim the he deported the rest. Democrats and mainstream media will refute the claim, but their credibility is at an all time low. Meanwhile, VP Harris is trying to follow the old stodgy Pres. Biden model. If she wants to win, she should match that energy, not continually fact check it. People who think former Pres. Trump is full of crap ALREADY BELIEVE IT! You don’t need to convince them. Also, not for nothing, but old tough guy Biden also dodged the draft.


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Thanks for your reply. Yes, Trump has a feral sense of what appeals to his demographic. Taxes and low regulation bring on part of his coalition. The rest come on board for the nativism and grievance. I have great respect for true conservatives. But I can’t abide Trump’s movement, which is anything but conservative. Yes, many of his voters know he lies and is unfit- and don’t care. But there are others who believe his every word.

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Dutch- "What's on Jared's laptop?"

And standing up, talking...babbling, actually...for an hour or two is not a Hurculean show of strength.

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Stop calling it misinformation and call it what it is LIES

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The idea of Harris questioning anyone's age or mental fitness for the office is laughable since she was the one telling us how vigorous and vital Joe Biden was all year, including after the disastorous June 28th debate.

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Chris, your point is excellent. When Joe was in the race Trump zeroed in on Kamala becoming prez because Joe couldn’t go the distance. T hid his Covid diagnosis and infected others. He compelled TWO bogus docs, one being the WH physician to lie through their teeth regarding his health. Chris’ first point is the most important-pissing off Trump causes him to go off the rails. She did it with the debate. That said, T’s rants do not cause him to lose his cult. So the real issue-that men do not want to vote for a bi-racial WOMAN.

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Absolutely -- and many women, too.

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Chris - Her statement had 2 parts - weak (physical) and unstable (mental). Odd you didn't mention the mental health aspect. I, for one, would be glad if she called this out more. The speeches are getting worse - either full of crazy or frightening statements.

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P***ing off Donny always works. And makes me smile. That said, the only 'undecided' voters remaining are those whose lives are so screwed up they only realize it's election day by some unusual interaction the day of.

It's all about turn out and/or how many ignore both, at this point....

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VP Harris lied about Joe's health for four years and now she is going to bring this up? Why...because she knows the mainstream media would never ever note the hypocrisy

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If hypocrisy could kill Republicans would be extinct. The party of "Law and Order" and "Family Values" nominating a convicted felon and rapist. Hahahahah.

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Why must you employ a logical fallacy? The issue was about candidate health. Harries actively took part in lying about the President's health then wants to question Presidential health?

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Biden's health is fine. He is still intelligent and has a handle on the facts. Yes he's old as hell and was never a great speaker. I have no qualms that he can still actively handle the country as evidenced by the roaring economy and keeping the world united against Russia. A million other great accomplishments in this administration too.

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Russia annexed the Crimea under Obama/Biden in 2014 and re-attacked Ukraine under Biden/Harris in 2022. I would pump the brakes on Russia and Biden.

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Trump literally praises Putin at every turn and said attacking Ukraine was genius and smart, and that he believes Putin over American intelligence. Do you believe Trump is tough on Russia? Not to mention Trump literally withheld congressionally approved military weaponry to Ukraine to try and force Zelensky to open a phony investigation into his political rival Biden. Do you really believe Trump would have done a better job? Like are you just a complete troll or you actually think this stuff?

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Here is Obama mocking Romney in 2012 that the cold war is over...two years later Russia annexed Ukraine. Genius!


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Lebron_is_king,"Do you really believe Trump would have done a better job?"

Leva,"Yes because when Trump was President Russia did not attack Ukraine. However, Russia attacked & annexed Ukraine in 2014 under Obama/Biden and when Russia re-attacked Biden/Harris in 2022."

You live in a bizarre world where the factual record doesn't matter.

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Exactly when did she lie? Biden is simply showing signs of age and the strains of an extremely stressful job . I hardly think Trump with obvious signs of Dementia now will ever make it past the first year. Your obvious dislike of women shines right through, this is the 21st century, it’s long past time that only men lead in this country. We are way behind on that issue, sick of you cavemen.

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Harris (February 2024): "Our president is in good shape, in good health, and is ready to lead in our second term."

Harris (July 2024): I am the official candidate (because Joe is incapable.

Why do you get to utter slurs like "cavemen" because someone (rightfully) points out that Harris lied?

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I will take your word re the first quotation. But it's not a lie. It's an opinion. Many people are still of the opinion that Biden could serve another term. ( I don't share that view.) In any event, whataboutism is a weak form of argument. Doubts about Biden's fitness don't mean one can't question Trump's fitness. If you see his rambling, angry vitriol at rallies or at the debate and think he's fit, well, that's your opinion. Of course, numerous former appointees who've declared he's unfit don't share that view: e.g., Pence, Esper, Mattis, Kelly, Bolton, Farrah Griffin, Matthews.

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Did you expect his VP to come out and make a public statement about his decline and undermine him? This whole line of criticism is absurd. Nobody outed Reagan either.

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If there was only an Amendment to our Constitution which addresses Presidential succession and disability? I absolutely expect her to follow her oath of office and not prop up a leader who has constitutional powers of the executive branch.

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So very very true!

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Wow! Funny how VP Harris wants to call out former Pres. Trump’s age when she was completely gaslighting everyone into believing that old Pres Biden was as sharp as a tack!

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Are you invoking the George Castanza rule that if you believe it, it is not a lie? I am simply calling out that Harris lied about Biden’s faculties, became the candidate because of Joe’s faculties (if you don’t believe she lied, one would have to concede she was wrongfully incorrect) and now is attacking her opponent about lacking in faculties. My point, as evidenced by the original article, was that the media would never address the hypocrisy.

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