This is simple...Garland releases the report in any form he so chooses, regardless of the legality. Biden pardons him for releasing it with the simple explanation: 1) I'm the president and think the public needs to see this report and 2) The special counsel report on me got released so this is simply allowing for full transparency into both presidents' actions.

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Great way to violate the law!

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Cherry on top…he could also just throw the “broad sweeping presidential immunity” card out there and say it was a presidential act.

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We simply must violate the law to show how Trump violates the laws.

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Sounds right. This never should have been suppressed by a judge who had nothing to do with one case and had dismissed the other. But celebrate, your criminal idol wins again.

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The country NEEDS to see the report. If trump “did nothing wrong” as he keeps saying, and what he “inspired” was just a “day of love” why wouldn’t he want it to come out, actually?

But - I don’t think he will be able to keep it hidden. There will some digital version of “throwing it over the transom.”

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If I read this right (and I may not have) wasn’t it stated that if the 11th district agreed to its being released then Cannon’s stay only lasted three days after that?? Or did I read that incorrectly???

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Trumps team and Cannon are up to more fuckery late last night, early this morning

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What a surprise...

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Again poor journalism. Cilizza continues to omit key facts. First, there is no requirement to release the report outside the DOJ. AG Garland’s desire to do so confirms his weaponization of the DOJ. Second, the DOJ has an active case against two defendants. They are the ones appealing not Trump. It is simply reckless for Smith to release his report WHILE a court case is active. Finally, any report involved redactions. If the DOJ takes months to process a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or years for an IG report, there can be no other rationale to expedite a report other than to hurt the incoming administration.

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So weaponization = releasing stuff Trump doesn't like. Got it! I will agree that a key fact was omitted. It's that Cannon doesn't even have jurisdiction over the case since it was closed. How she's allowed to even make rulings still is the question that should be addressed.

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So the guy who fights to keep his team's identity a secret and block FOIA requests now is in a foot race to release something to the public? Cannon did not block the release...she blocked the release OUTSIDE the DOJ which corresponds to the only requirement of the regulations on Special Counsels. Jack Smith better include in his report how he and his secret team spent $50M+ and whether he communicated with the DAs in GA and NY.

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His "secret" team? You mean the prosecution team, right? Would you have been in favor of the release if they only spent $10M? Do you think an investigation this expansive comes with no cost? There were like 1,600 arrests. You seem to have a lot of questions. Perhaps you being allowed to read the report will provide you with some answers.

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When Garland releases his report will it include his own investigation on the Special Counsel or does that stay secret?

How do we know if Smith or his team was one of the three Senior DOJ officials who leaked to the media to hurt Trump before the investigation?

Why did Jack Smith fight to keep his team's membership secret?

Why did AG Garland allow Smith to resign which effectively prevents him from being subject to department rules and requests?



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I guess we all should read the report instead of speculating what it will or won't include. My guess is that is probably won't include a lot on conspiracy theories or topics not relevant to the investigation. But until we actually see it, I'd only be speculating.

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Are you suggesting that a DOJ news release on having to investigate Jack Smith or a DOJ IG investigation saying senior DOJ officials leaking to the media to hurt Trump is a conspiracy and irrelevant? Why am I even asking the guy who thought the Special Counsel arrested 1600 people?

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Honestly, how do believe the Special Counsel arrested 1600 people? LOL

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Every now and again Chris lets his left wing flap a lil bit. He’s salivating to see a one sided report and take it as fact.

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Imagine if the government can investigate you and then drop the case, but release a public report which says you were actually guilty. Oh wait, that is Bob Mueller who said Trump did not vindicate him which places the 5th Amendment on its head!

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Exactly, that’s why we have juries, to look at both sides and make decisions that are based all the facts from both sides and make conclusions beyond a reasonable doubt. I one sided document is not worth the paper it’s printed on. But the TDS folks need something, voting is 4 years away…..

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And had there been trials, that's how it would have worked. Since those were circumvented, at the hands of Trump's legal circus, friendly courts & a feckless AG, the report is all there is to document the investigation and decisions to charge/not charge. You had to come out of retirement to leap back on your TDS train that rejects any suggestion that he whom you worship could do any wrong. We all get your position. Trump is perfect and should never be questioned.

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Chirs, if Donald Trump can stop the report from coming out when he is President, why can't President Biden put it out under the same authority Trump will keep it hidden?

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Medically speaking this puss filled WOUND to our nation MUST BE LANCED and allowed to begin to heal from the INSIDE OUT….Thank YOU Chris for standing by…

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The better question to ask is why is a judge picked by Trump trying to suppress a report into the overturning of an election. Is she corrupt? Is the federal judicial system she’s a part of corrupt? Do the mainstream media actually support Trump’s thuggish behavior. Or is everything fine really? If Antifa does it, Republican supporters can do that too right? It’s only fair.

Does this feel like America to you!?

That would be the question to ask Chris. But you can focus on the what rather than the why if you want to. lol

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The real question is why AG Garland wants to release a report to the public when their is no requirement to do so? Oh, I know why, he weaponized the DOJ.

Cannon (please read the Constitution on how President's appoint and Senate provides advice and consent) blocked the release OUTSIDE the DOJ while the DOJ has an active case against two defendants.

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Cannon, Thomas and Alito all look corrupt for a reason. The mainstream media paying Trump millions and spiking anti Trump stories looks corrupt.

Supporting Trump supporters who wanted to overthrow an election and beat up police officers in the process is unjustifiable.

Suppressing a report into that event is corrupt.

This won’t go away.

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You are remain oblivious that AG Garland wants to release a report to the public when there is no law or regulation to do so. He wants to cause political harm.

However, there are laws that by releasing a report on an active case...AG Garland would be violating laws, regulations, and violating rights.

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It’s worth repeating:

Cannon, Thomas and Alito all look corrupt for a reason. The mainstream media paying Trump millions and spiking anti Trump stories looks corrupt.

Supporting Trump supporters who wanted to overthrow an election and beat up police officers in the process is unjustifiable.

Suppressing a report into that event is corrupt.

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Now you are being dense and conflating things:

When AG Garland appointed Smith, he said, “Such an appointment underscores the Department’s commitment to both independence and accountability in particularly sensitive matters." Now he is rushing to release a report to intentionally harm the incoming President and violate the rights of defendants in an active case. This is corruption.

When you attempt to cry January 6 as a reason to release a special counsel report, here is the 845 page report released back in 2022...the special counsel's job was to investigate two cases...not litigate Jan 6 on behalf of democrats https://d3i6fh83elv35t.cloudfront.net/static/2022/12/Report_FinalReport_Jan6SelectCommittee.pdf

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And again. I think my original reply stands on its own. You know it has power if you keep trying to rebut it.


Cannon, Thomas and Alito all look corrupt for a reason. The mainstream media paying Trump millions and spiking anti Trump stories looks corrupt.

Supporting Trump supporters who wanted to overthrow an election and beat up police officers in the process is unjustifiable.

Suppressing a report into that event is corrupt.

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Chris, does it stand to reason that if Merrick Garland truly wanted to release both reports, wouldn't it be efficient to dismiss the case against the co-conspirators, thus removing any potential infringement of a defendant's rights to fair trial? Or perhaps Biden could pardon them as accomplices in the documents case?

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So you pervert the justice system with sole purpose of sliming the incoming President? Biden, Garland, and Smith invented an extrajudicial bypass to cause harm for the accused by publishing a one sided report.

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Why do MAGAts pretend to be such alphas when in fact they're continually whining crybabies always declaring their victimhood?

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I am simply inefficient when violating others rights ---> "wouldn't it be efficient to dismiss the case against the co-conspirators, thus removing any potential infringement of a defendant's rights to fair trial?"

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It's fair to protect the rights of the other defendents. Even Glen Kirschner -- a former Federal prosecture and Trump critic -- agrees. They shouldn't be the fall guys while their criminal boss walks. But rather than dismissing the case, they should be pardoned, acknowledging that their actions WERE criminal.

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Imagine being prosecuted for mishandling classified documents by a team who admits in court that they mishandled classified documents and altered evidence? "In their filing, prosecutors acknowledged the government had previously — and incorrectly — told U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon that the boxes remained “in their original, intact form as seized,” other than a decision to replace classified documents with placeholder sheets."


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Oh, yes, that's EXACTLY like hiding top secret documents and lying to the government about it.


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The people can decide whether it has any merit or whether it is a one sided report and, by your view, slimes anyone or anything. Yu don’t know what’s in the report and netiehr do I, the rest is presumption. As taxpayers, we paid for the report(s) and by my view, we should be able to see them. I think the incoming president isn’t so thin skinned that he can’t manage to deflect anything contained in the reports and with followers such as you, it could never penetrate your tin foil hat

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Again, AG Garland is attempting to violate his own Department’s rules, the law and the constitutional rights of two defendants by releasing a report about an active case. Garland and Smith created that mousetrap. Based on historical timelines like FOIA requests, Garland doesn’t have a right to violate rights by rushing for public release.

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Sliming the incoming president? You mean by bringing out the facts of his attempts, plural, to illegally overturn our election is sliming him?

If he thinks facts are sliming him then he should not act in a slimy way.

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The fact is the case has been dropped by Smith...there was no illegality. The report is not meant to be an extrajudicial means to slime someone.

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And, if 2.0 does not want to be "slimed" by the airing of facts, he. should simply. not. act. in. a. slimy. way.

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lol. The fact is Smith only dropped the case after djt won election because of DOJ policy regarding the office of the President, and, the case can still be reopened when or if djt leaves office and is no longer protectrd by being in the office of prez.

There was illegality, which is why he was impeached, and some of his co-conspirators in the fake electoral voters scheme plead guilty.

I also notice you had no issue with the special investigator report on the sitting prez being releaeed publicly despite it including his unqualified and unrelated and obvious politicaly inspired comments about the Presidents mental health. Hypocrite much?

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Again baby steps to correct your lies.

The case was dropped. Unless you violate the law or constitution It cannot be reopened. It speaks to your mindset on using law warfare to get trump.

Trump was impeached in the house and found innocent in the Senate. Innocent.

So AG Garland wants to expedite the release of the Trump report but was held in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over Biden’s interview during his investigation to Congress…that is hypocrisy! AG Garland selectively releases report to support a political calculus.

In any case, the DOJ has an active case against two defendants where any release of details of an active case would violate DOJ rules and violate client’s rights.

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The case was not dropped, it was closed without prejudice.

"Smith said he was seeking to drop the charges against the president-elect “without prejudice,” which would keep the door open for charges to be brought again in the future, calling the presidential immunity Trump will have as “temporary.”"


The Senate did NOT find him not guilty, their charge was to vote to remove or not remove him from office for the impeachment decided by the House.

Your fact-free statements smell of desperation

AG Garland does not want to expedite the release of the report, that is your fantasy.

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The constitutional rights of Trump’s stooges can easily be respected by dismissals of the cases against them. You’re speaking in circumlocutions; Special Council appointments traditionally provide reporting that may be made public at AG discretion; there is nothing illegal or in breach of DOJ policy here.

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So the DoJ has dismissed their cases? Garland has no right to violate the rights of defendants to achieve a political aim.

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It only takes one bad apple to spoil the entire chat.

What. A. Trainwreck.

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Why do we care so much about the Jan 6 report; don’t we already know everything that happened that day and the weeks before?

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I was going to post much the same thing. It seems like Smith released a bunch of information back in October, then of course the J-6 committee was very public. Any info that is classified will likely be redacted. There have already been countless news stories on January 6th.

In general I think sunlight is the best disinfectant and that the information should be released, but I'm not expecting much new and not expecting it to carry any consequences.

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We don't know what we don't know. For the historical record, since we were denied trials, documentation is important.

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At the very least, Garland needs to leak this to the press so that this information becomes public. To borrow a phrase, "The truth is out there" and one way or another, it will come out. (Not that it will make one bit of difference to the MAGA faithful.)

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So Garland needs to violate his oath, law and the Constitution?

Your comment is so transparent.

It is exactly why people support President trump.

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Because Trump is a well-documented champion of truth, the rule of law and upholding the Constitution.

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Marianne Grashoff is writing in a public forum that the Attorney General of the United States should violate the law by "leaking" to the press. Marianne seems to get the illegal tactics employed by Biden and Garland.

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And it's all academic because he released it anyway.

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And violated DOJ policy and the constitutional rights of two defendants

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And guess what? He's going to lose his job in 48 hours (give or take) anyway. If the First Felon can get away with all that he has, I can live with this.

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We will never see the report. I've given up hope on that.

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