The more important question is what will be left of this country when he's done? I hope you're all paying close attention to what he's doing in his rapid march to absolute autocracy, taking a machete to the Constitution, rule of law, institutions of government, not to mention basic decency and any shred of honesty.
The more important question is what will be left of this country when he's done? I hope you're all paying close attention to what he's doing in his rapid march to absolute autocracy, taking a machete to the Constitution, rule of law, institutions of government, not to mention basic decency and any shred of honesty.
The more important question is what will be left of this country when he's done? I hope you're all paying close attention to what he's doing in his rapid march to absolute autocracy, taking a machete to the Constitution, rule of law, institutions of government, not to mention basic decency and any shred of honesty.