It’s possible to have 2 beliefs at the same time. Joe Biden has been a very good president at a difficult time. Joe Biden does not have the stamina to continue to do one of the toughest jobs in the world. The longer this drags on the harder it will be for Trump to be defeated in November.

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Susan, I think that is a very smart analysis of the situation.

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I don’t think he’s been a very good president at all. He didn’t understand that his primary role after stopping Trump was to be a bridge and pass the baton to a younger leader. But I agree that it’s only a matter of time now and there is little he could have done after the debate.

This is a major failure of leadership. The debate should be whether he should resign immediately — not running for reelection which he will surely lose

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I agree Susan!

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Agree with you and Chris. Spot on.

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Totally agree. A great guy who is just past his time. Time to move on.

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I’ve been and still consider myself a big Biden supporter. I think I had my head buried in the sand about his age related issues but the debate made it impossible to ignore. As much as I might personally want him to do 4 more years, I just don’t think Biden physically or mentally can. The sooner the President realizes he needs to step aside the better it will be for the country. I agree with Susan M, the longer he puts it off the harder it’ll be to beat Trump. Plus I’m getting more concerned about the down ballot effects of delaying what seems to be the inevitable.

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Yes agree!

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As Bill Maher says: "I'll vote for Biden, even if his head is in a jar of blue liquid." At this point, let's either get the jar ready, find another stronger candidate, or plan to lose all swing voters who will either vote for Trump, vote third party or not vote at all. I say this as an active support of the Biden campaign. Hubris, that ancient fatal flaw, is at work again -- and enabled by Joe's family!

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All these talks about Biden stepping down from within the Democratic party is healthy and welcomed. It further proves that the party is not a cult of personality like the Republican party.

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I would rather die than vote for Trump. But if Biden insists on continuing his campaign, I will be staying home in November. To vote for Biden in the face of his obvious frailties would be to commit the same sins of the MAGA cult: ignore all inconvenient truths and vote for your tribe regardless of the facts.

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I will vote for Miss Piggy if she is the democratic nominee. People have been saying for the last couple of years that Biden hasn’t been running the country, but I don’t believe that. He isn’t out to lunch at all, considering everything he has managed to accomplish. That being said, the debate killed me and it wasn’t something he needed to do. But if he can’t stay up past 8, how is he going to the DNC convention? His family needs to be smart here. My concern is that Harris won’t be strong enough to run for president. Although she certainly can hold her own. Frankly I am terrified at the prospect of Trump winning. My hope is he keeps saying insane things enough times that the dems and independents will come through and vote for whomever is the nominee. If Biden stays in you can be sure Trump will dig even deeper into the ‘rigged’ election nonsense.

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^^^^ this here

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I became worried when this past February the Biden handlers wouldn't put him on the traditional, very friendly, Super Bowl interview. You know, the one that lasts 5-10 minutes and they ask softball questions like who you think is going win the big game or whether you think Travis and Taylor are a thing.

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Part of journalism is balance. The career criminal lied 30 times in that debate and 30000 times in office. He won’t acknowledge winners in democratic elections. I went to Newhouse. I don’t need journalism lessons. Just journalism. Why was a felon even on a debate stage?

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I have written hundreds (maybe thousands) of posts about Trump. Few have been favorable.

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They do say that the job ages people, so maybe Biden is 105 in President years? Definitely not a good look.

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The drumbeat of Biden’s debate performance vs Trump’s is deafening. And you te blowing out my ear drums.

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Were you surprised by Trump's debate performance? I wasn't. But I was very surprised by Biden's performance from the moment he slow walked to the podium to the stupid inanities about golf and age. Whether or not Biden has the capacity to run this campaign, let alone win the election and govern for four more years, is hugely important and I am glad Chris and others are reporting on these issues.

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You are..

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We keep rolling around in this, but there are only two questions for the moment: 1) is Joe up for another 4 year term? and 2) is he electable? As of the last poll, 74% answered the first question in the negative, which, in effect, answers the second question. ( Dismiss polls if you want, but 74% is a big number.) Joe had a chance to dispel concerns about his fitness last week. He has a final chance with the George S interview and Wisconsin rally. We'll see how he does and how the public reacts.

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The interview today with George S and the rally in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania should just be the beginnings of President Biden's efforts to dispel the legitimate concerns some people have of his capacity to run and govern thereafter given what happened during the debate. I am sure he's going to come out more for interviews, rallies and Town Halls with real voters .

Now, regardless of what President Biden does going forward, there are some talking Heads who will never stop reminding us of that poor debate performance while ignoring Trump's lies , 34 felonies and his threat to Democracy

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The Talking Heads are rendering a great service to the country by not letting the question of Biden’s cognitive abilities be swept under the rug. If Biden runs, Trump wins. Just that simple. Keeping the debate debacle front and center is the only way that Biden will end up withdrawing from the race.

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You’re a clown. You literally want Pres. Biden to destroy democracy under the new rules passed by the Supreme Court but continually cry about the end of democracy when former Pres. Trump is mentioned.

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Biden’s team is strong Trump’s will be lunatics. It’s not about governing. It’s about campaigning

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Trump will not make this mistake again. Just as he has political professionals in his capmpaign, he will stock his government with smart, effective and evil people.

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Evil people for sure

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You are a journalist. Set the record straight and factors there within. Turnip never won more than 46 or 47 percent of the vote. He never polled above 50 percent favorable in office. Unlike any other president. Ever. A fried egg can beat him. Every post of yours needs to include, “Of course Trump …” and then pick…something!

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Lets set the record straight. Go check the archives. Before Bidens catastrophic performance, Chris covered Trump and his absurdities to the last minute detail.

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I don’t think Chris is being unfair. He is definitely not a Trump supporter but he’s looking at the situation realistically. Anyone with half a brain knows what a despicable felon Trump is. The problem is that his base is too stupid to fact check anything he says and even when he says the most ridiculous things, they are nodding and clapping like the cult followers they are.

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This is not about Chris being unfair. The chorus of negativity, the drumbeat, pick your musical metaphor, needs to be tempered with the timbre that Trump is an. anti-democratic rapist crook.Btw. Every post. anything else is disserviceable journalism in rhe guise of journalism

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That would be very important if Trumpers actually read what Chris has to say. I get what you are saying. In spite of Biden’s obvious weakness, nothing compares to Trump. I totally agree. There is no upside to Trump at all. But I’m guessing you want Chris to temper his analysis by making clear the options of Trump and the damage he will do and his totally amoral being.

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I disagree. Fair and balanced journalism, which Chris does very well, means looking at the good and bad of both sides.

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Chris is not unfair at all just simply reporting the news of the moment. Ds in YUGE trouble as their ticket is awful! Will soon drag others down too, that’s when the calls will be too loud to ignore (very close already). Except a decision very soon. Word salads incoming……

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You are too negative vs the career criminal insurrectionist rapist. Every one of your anti Biden posts should include such a sentence or I am unsubscribing. Stop.

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I am a journalist, not an activist. If that bothers you, I am sorry. But I am not going to stop doing the job.

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This was commentary. Is that journalism? Your opinion on how the campaign is being run or the Biden WH response is not "reporting." Being a talking head is ok- it might not be activism, but is is "journalism?"

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This is how the current consumers of news/media try to curate the message to their liking. When Fox started reporting that Biden won, it faced a viewers’ revolt and lost rating points to NewsMax. It’s a function of all the narrowcast media. People have come to expect self-affirming messages. Currently, people are busy hectoring you, and on social media they’re boasting of canceling The NY Times and telling others to stop listening to MSNBC b/c of reporting of Biden’s obvious struggles

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You're a closeted activist for Trump and the MAGA crowd . Please just accept it Chris. There's nothing wrong with that.

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As you like to say it’s your opinion. My opinion: Assuming you are a medical doctor (I say that only because Dr could also be a PhD) and assuming you see patients, I sure hope you are better at diagnosing their medical problems than you are at diagnosing someone’s political affiliation.

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Dr. Ibrahim, I do not believe that Chris is a closeted activist for tRump. I think he just doesn't like Biden as much as you do. He does have that right.

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This is absurd. Sanjay Gupta just came out saying Biden should be tested for cognitive decline. Is he part of the MAGA conspiracy too?

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Seriously guys? Stop stoning the messenger. Yes ,Trump is awful and needs to be defeated AND that means we put our best candidate forward to run against him! As a Democrat and Biden supporter, I was shocked by Biden's debate performance and felt totally misled by the Biden White House and campaign. Biden is no longer capable to run against Trump. We all saw it with our own eyes! I'm not disloyal. I'm not a bedwetter. I'm not a closet MAGA Trumpette. I'm a realist. And I'm hopeful saner heads will prevail and Biden (and his family and his aides) will acknowledge what we all saw last week. It is time for Biden to step off the stage and let the younger generation defeat Trump and unify the country.

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Chris I agree. Joe Biden has been a great president; BTW I'm a lifelong Democrat. But this idea that wishful thinking will actually control reality is a widespread delusion, and Jill isn't helping. I'm actually worried that if Biden's next public appearance goes well, people will continue to delude themselves that he can win in November. I hope his next appearance is a disaster, and I say that with great respect for Biden's accomplishments, because it'll force more people to wake up. If you don't want to tell grandpa you're taking the car keys away and he has a fender-bender, not a biggie. But if the elderly driver causes a 100-car pile up on the highway leaving dozens dead and maimed, your refusal to hurt grandpa's feelings have had widespread consequences. That's what we're facing here with Trump almost certain to win, due to the Democratic party's botched handling of the nomination process over the past couple years, combined with so many Democrats who are in the grip of toxic positivity - people facing reality are accused of bed-wetting.. Also I'm concerned that people who are so disheartened about the Democratic presidential choices may decide not to vote at all - that would have an awful downstream effect on dozens of other offices. Please visit OATH - https://app.oath.vote/ - this website lets you specify your greatest concerns (getting more Dems in Congress, reproductive rights, or don't forget that sometimes judges are elected) and tells you which campaigns you can donate to that will make the greatest difference.

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Which at the same time begs the thought: he is old. We old people do indeed need our rest. So what?

Governing is a different skill set from campaigning. Today’s headline in the news is Israel is actually accepting a peace accord very much like Biden’s. This after a lengthy call from Biden.

This has been the most difficult knot to untangle going back some 40 years. Peace between the Arab world and Israel has gone through many presidents.

Funny how it’s about to be untangles by a “senile old man”!

So let him rest. Let everyone shut up in his circle and allow him to judge his energy level. Read back Presidents’ memoirs and you’ll find most of them took a nap. Now I’m going to take mine.

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Regardless of how one feels about the politics of the Biden age issue, I think we can all agree that to defeat Trump we need a messenger who is forcefully, loudly, and constantly hammering home what a deficient and sub-standard human being Trump is. Biden..with his failing mind and 8 o'clock bedtime..is clearly not that person.

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I watched Keir Starmer's victory speech that he gave pretty much in the middle of the night UK time after what was obviously a very long day. Coherent, to the point, clear, stumble free, no rants or rambles - it may have been pretty much a standard political speech, but the contrast between it and Trump's ravings and Biden's fumbles was striking. That's what we need in a leader.

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