The trump-iness of the past few days from the Biden camp is distressing. It now seems to be more about Biden’s ego, than saving democracy. I believe that if Biden was really interested in doing what is right for the country, he would be having wide-ranging discussions with a good cross section of Democratic leaders and consultants. As it is now, it seems he’s listening to Jill and Hunter. I am really worried.

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Agree, 100%! Biden’s ego is overriding everything he has said about saving democracy.

If he truly cared about it, he would exit the race gracefully. Someone needs to sit him down and watch himself in the debate!

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As we all are - however Trumps Supreme Court scares me more than Biden - there have been lame duck Presidents befor. Regan was known for sleeping through most cabinet sessions - Woodrow's wife ran the Presidency after his stroke.

On the other hand if we vote Trump his Supreme Court will continue to erode away freedoms of this country. A hard choice for sure.

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The people expressing concern about Joe are , for the most part, never going to vote for Trump. If Joe doesn't do the right thing and step aside, hardcore Ds will vote for Joe, although turnout may be lighter. Here is the crux of the problem: elections are decided by independents and swing voters. These folks may or may not vote for Trump, but they're not going to come out in adequate numbers for Joe , given that over 70% think he's unfit.

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the two party system has always sucked and we need to stop funding the primaries for them

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No way in God’s green earth am i voting for Agent Orange. I just wish Biden was willing to see the big picture.

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Take a moment, think how you'd argue to keep your job, and tell us what you'd do.

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Unfortunately for the President, this doesn't change what we all saw at the debate.

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yes. And like mud smeared on a white shirt, where all the washing in the world won’t erase the stain, we will not un-see the debate. Every single time Biden is in public now, people are going to be holding their breath. And it takes the spotlight off trump - he is not getting the coverage needed for the world to see how/what he is saying.

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Well put

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SELFISH is the word that comes to mind for both men's tactics. But there's one key difference: Trump's behavior really WAS supported by a large, enthusiastic base who would follow his bidding in most battles with his party (Cheney WY 2022 primary is the best of many examples). But Biden's support was always muted and based on the pragmatic "only he can beat Trump" (no longer true I think). The only enthusiastic support for Biden I've ever seen was the Congressional Black Caucus coming out for him this past Monday (and maybe SC's Jim Clyburn endorsing him in 2020).

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Chuck Todd posted an interesting piece on this today, noting that Biden's support has always been fragmented, and that voters from a wide variety of voting demographics came together in 2020 to take him to victory. Holding together a diverse group like that was always going to be tough, more so now that questions about his ability to serve another term have been amplified.

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This just posted by The NYT: “Nancy Pelosi suggested that President Biden reconsider his decision to stay in the race, urging him to move quickly.” And, as 13 days have passed since the debate, I would include another Trump strategy: delay, delay, delay.

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I have been waiting to hear from Nancy, hoping she would not join the gaslighters telling us Biden can win. With the dem convention over a month away there is still time for Biden to step aside. Who knows, closer to the convention might even be better to help the party unite behind Kamala.

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Not only is Biden acting Trumpy, many Dems are acting like the Trump supporters who know better, but reinforce their candidate despite their obvious flaws. Placing allegiance to an impaired nominee and party, over that of the country.

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Get involved, make your voice heard —But if you speak your mind against Biden, you’ll be called “a bed wetter, hysterical, spineless, stupid, reckless, delusional, and weak”. People with the same goal will say, “You’re brainwashed by the media” and tell you, “Shut up! you’re helping the other side.”

I used to be proud that I was in the party that encouraged citizens to think for ourselves. I want a leader strong enough to hear different opinions— someone who tells supporters that our coalition is so big, we can’t always agree.

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these were the choices post primary- remember how there were GREAT primaries for BOTH parties this year?

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It's the dem base that most strongly supports Biden, congressional black caucus, unions, daily kos community, I was surprised that AOC supported him. NYT and WAPO commenters are very united that Biden needs to drop out. I vote 100% dem, but have never really felt like part of the progressive base. I am more center left.

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People are prone to blame the the messenger of unpleasant news, whether it's the media, a pundit , or a politician. In response to Michael Bennett's comment that Trump is likely to win in a landslide and take Congress with him, I saw a social media comment to the effect that " that's likely true if people keep saying it." No, it's not likely true b/c he's saying it. He's saying it b/c it's likely true. Dismissing the polls makes people feel better. Yes, they're wrong at times. Yes, models cause errors at times. But no modeling is to blame for the numbers that show Joe's approval is under 40% and that over 70% think he's unfit. Changing course is not easy, and it's not going to happen if Joe maintains his current posture. But denying the problem isn't going to solve it, and the problem is Joe probably isn't fit for another 4 years, and even if he is, few believe that.

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Again - time is running out - I think at this point a decision to step aside - his ability for leadership has become the most fundamental issue.

And it's really is driving attention away from a far more serious issue. If Trump regains the presidency- his Supreme Court will erode more liberties from Americans- Roe v Wade - The Chevron case overturned-the SEC decision which takes the teeth right out of the Security & Exchange to punish bad players in financial markets. It has been in effect since 1929 after the crash.

The legalization of bump stock which is used in mass & school shootings.

And of course giving Trump total immunity-

These decisions will impact many issues - climate change - our liberties as citizens

So eventually only ultra wealthy & large corporations will in charge. A lot on the line here.

Do to this mess I was a Republican until Trump - but will be voting all blue. I know it's a tough decision- but this goes further than the next 4 yrs.

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Some context. The media did try to force the President to step aside and they failed. To accuse him of attacking them is bananas. The media was wrong about the 2016, 2020, and 2022 elections. There is still enthusiasm for his campaign and rank and file voters have not turned their backs on him. It’s not necessarily Trumpy to point that out. The business about running against the elites sounds a bit Trumpy, I grant you. But factually there was a cabal of people who think they know better than everybody else who tried to end his run, and they failed, and American voters really don’t like being told what to do by their supposed betters. The fact both Biden and Trump called into MJ is a really weird comparison. Especially since Scarborough just did a teary plea for the President to step aside a day or two before to an MSNBC audience. It make a lot of sense for Biden to want to reach that audience. The fact that Trump got a ton of free media from them doesn’t mean that audience should be off limits to Biden. Lastly, Biden is not Trump. Biden is currently the President of the United States and is doing an overall fine job of serving the county Trump wants to destroy.

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The last time I checked, Biden has not has any criminal conviction against him, President Biden still has his VP staunchly supporting him. Where's Mike Pence today?. He declined to endorse Trump with whom he served side by side for 4 years?!!!. I can go on and on pointING out the difference between a decent man and a felon. So yes, Kelly Patterson, you are absolutely right. We cannot and should not compare President Biden with Donald Trump

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President Biden shows that he completely misunderstands the anti-Trump coalition. We want stability, respect, consistency, honesty, common sense, integrity and pragmatic leadership. We need someone with a positive yet realistic vision of the future.

Biden is veering further off course!

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Wait what? Those are the reasons we voted for Joe Biden. Whom do you have in mind?

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I’ll take the $6 for a whole year Chris! Please apply it to my next year’s subscription!

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We all get it - it's a mess. But how much do all parties understand how Trumps Supreme Court & Trumps agenda will affect democracy in this country.

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President Biden doesn’t have a clear message. He is running against an extremely flawed opponent with unpopular policies, but he’s not getting the message across. Trump is dangerous for the country — say it over and over.

Biden should also be showing the American people that he, unlike Trump, is knowledgeable, stable, competent, honest, surrounded by great people, and unafraid of criticism. He needs to do this with his tone, his words, and the way he runs his campaign. He can’t assume that everyone knows he was a great president. He needs to be a great candidate to earn another four years.

Biden’s current strategy won't earn the votes of the people he needs to win.

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Your closing sentence says it all!

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This behavior from the Biden campaign is abysmal and truly shows that they do have major problems.

Awful to see them using such lame excuses.

I expected better from them,

and statesman level leadership from the Democratic Party leaders to tell Joe to step aside for the good of our democracy.

We need to beat Trump and Joe is no longer the best option.

He, his family and chief advisors are in total denial.

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So, Chris. Where's Biden's statement that he'll only be a dictator for 1 day, as if Trump is capable of limiting to 1 day? Or any credible evidence that Trump has no intends to limit it to ` day.

When did Biden separate young children as young as infants from their immigrant families?

When did Biden call military personnel losers and suckers?

When did Biden grift the public or, in fact, skim off finances dedicated to his party's campaigns?

When did Biden shtup any woman while his wives were preggers?

When did Biden incite an insurrection to stay past his past due date?

You see where this is going?

You strain at flies while swallowing a camel.

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Your points are valid — But voters need President Biden’s campaign to be about the future of America. That’s what the election is about.

As the president, Joe should talk about his successes — As a candidate, he needs to go after his opponent! Trump, Project 2025, the Republicans, and the extremists in the Supreme Court are unpopular and dangerous.

There is a substantial anti-Trump coalition — Joe needs to drive his message consistently, clearly, and convincingly. He hasn’t yet. That’s why some question his ability. It seems like he is taking the voters for granted, like Hillary did in 2016.

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I absolutely agree with you. Two prongs - all that Biden has accomplished for the American middle class, working poor, young, old, gay, straight, men, women, all colors. Brought manufacturing back to the US, best economic condition of all Western nations with more to do, a man of wisdom, spirituality, compassion, and the outlook of a guy who grew up in the middle class.

The second prong - Project 2025, every foul deed, thought and threat from 45.

You. are . right.

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There’s so much to say on the positive side about Biden - and so much to say on the negative side about his opponent!

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Just because the alternative is horrendous doesn’t mean everyone will flock to the significantly flawed alternative.

It’s not us super blue voters Biden needs. It’s the low motivated, moderate Republicans and independents.

He’s just not inspiring to these folks and we need every last vote.

There’s likely a nice chunk who will be so deflated by the choices they’ll just stay home on election night.

We need a younger, energetic, inspiring candidate for these folks.

Someone who’ll make them really want to vote.

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Speaking frankly, it is enough to turn my stomach that the media is once again driving the electorate to dump the best President since FDR, Ike, JFK and the problematic LBJ to a relatively unknown with no staff, without the history and know-how of Joe Biden, with his compassion, his wisdom and the extraordinary success he and his team have achieved in not quite 4 years to bring us back from the brink. Biden’s team is still intact.

Biden has given the US the best economic recovery in the West, bar none. He has created 15 million middle class jobs, more than the last 3 GOP Presidents, in not quite 4 years, the stock market is doing better than its denizens have yet imagined, he’s brought back manufacturing jobs, he’ll protect what’s left of the safety net, he’ll help the young, the old, the infirm, he’ll raise taxes to stabilize Social Security and Trump will kill all that.

So who have you got with a team intact to pick up the ball and run with that, along with 40 years of experience and know-how

BECAUSE OF 90 MINUTES????????!!!!!!!

Honest to God, enough. I am so sick of this '“the sky is falling the sky is falling”.

Do you realize how many people absolutely hate Trump? DO you really think that miserable pile of flesh can beat Biden?

44 years of “woe is me” Democratic Party and the panic that is so easily in reach. Aren’t you sick of that?

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There’s no debate on what he’s done. It’s been great. But that’s the past. This is about the future.

And it’s not just 90 minute debate performance.

He’s obviously slowed physically and mentally. I’ve seen it (not Fox News clips).

The debate just confirmed what many folks have observed. And it’s no secret his staff has mostly shielded him from interviews, press conferences and the like.

He’s just not inspiring to the voters we need to win in November.

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No sale. I salute you for being a loyal Democrat wanting the best for this nation. But we disagree.

Be well.

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please read: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47 and then maybe you can understand why both independents and dems can get behind a potted plant, a running refridgerator or even sleepy joe.

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Absolutely. And we can't have double standards — it is disqualifying for Biden just like it is for Trump.

I have to say, the way they're fighting this is particularly aggravating for me. Like, I can respect them thinking he still has the best shot and should therefore stay. But what I can't respect is the ungodly approach they've taken: the trumpiness, the smears of dissenters, and more fundamentally, the way they're buying time; trying to impose a decision by timeout rather than actually engaging with reasonable concerns.

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