This is so disheartening that not only are the main steam media, tech platforms and major businesses caving in to what is essentially blackmail, it also affects smaller investigative news sources. There are so many who already just receive their news through social sites that I fear that it will allow wider spread of misinformation.
For the life of me I don't understand why noone is fighting back. Sue him for defamation for calling them Fake News, and the myriad of terrible names he has called them. All the lies he speaks...why do they just take it?
and here's a third Elaine chiming in! Rarely hear that name anymore.
The caving of the media is depressing. We will continue to follow Chris and some other sub stackers. I like Steve Schmidt and Ron Fournier. Jeff Tiedrich is raunchy and funny as hell.
Brendan Carr, the new chairman of the FCC, is “investigating” NPR and PBS for running “commercials.” Why is this happening now? Of course it’s because News Hour, Morning Edition, and All Things Considered programming often criticized Trump. They had the audacity to point out the lies. PBS also has had some programming that some may believe to be “woke.”
Mr. Carr wrote a letter to NPR and PBS. In it he states: “To the extent that these taxpayer dollars are being used to support a for-profit endeavor or an entity that is airing commercial advertisements, then that would undermine any case for continuing to fund NPR and PBS with taxpayer dollars.“
First, both NPR and PBS are 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations. Perhaps this fact is conveniently lost on Mr. Carr, and it may be lost on many in Congress where the funding originates.
Second, taxpayer dollars go to support for-profit organizations all the time. For example, NASA uses SpaceX, the military spends heavily with Boeing, every computer on a desk in the federal government likely runs the Microsoft Windows operating system, is used to provide login services for the IRS and Social Security, etc. Amazon Web Services (AWS) may be used for any government systems that use the Cloud. On its face, the argument that taxpayer dollars should not go to a for-profit organization is specious.
If NPR and PBS go the way of ABC and CBS, then Chris’ statement that Substack and YouTube maybe the last bastions of independent journalism may be all too prescient. For now, I will be increasing my donations to my two local NPR stations. I urge all of you who donate to your station or stations to do the same.
Both Trump and Musk are constantly attempting to muzzle their critics through legal action. Is this the beginning of the end of true "free speech" in America? Will independent journalists be immune? I certainly hope so but I no longer have any good expectations from this administration. Every one of their actions seems dire, but there are just so many, it becomes hard to focus on them. Very disheartening.
Kinda sucks when people use your own playbook against you huh? Trump is genius. They have lied about him for so long while calling buden and Harris ruined our country they call them the greatest thing to ever live.
These are not legal settlements - these should be called "extortion" or "bribes".
Same as Amazon's $40MM 'investment" in a Melania documentary
These are direct payments to the President or his family to receive favorable treatment.
The most important statute which most directly criminalizes federal public corruption is 18 U.S.C. § 201. Section 201 has two main subparts: Section 201(b) criminalizes the payment, offer and receipt of bribes, and § 201(c) prohibits the payment, offer and receipt of illegal “gratuity.” Violations of § 201(b) are punished more severely than violations of the anti-gratuities provision. There are many other State and local statutes as well.
These payments are for personal Trump settlements, therefore, should be difficult to characterize as "Official Duties" of the President under the new SCOTUS definition of Presidential Immunity. The shareholders of these companies are being damaged by the corporate executives who approve paying this extortion money to Trump, and by Trump for demanding it.
However, who is there to pursue these crimes? Can a State AG (e.g., the AG of New York, because Paramount is domiciled in NY) pursue a bribery claim against against Paramount and Trump? Or the State of Washington against Amazon? Or California against Meta? Word is, Trump demanded META must "settle" the suit if Zuckerberg wanted to be welcomed into the Trump Boys Club and all of the benefits provided therein.
What are the laws/rules/norms with regard to individuals on Substack criticizing Trump? Are you protected somehow from being sued? I know there's this freedom speech thing that used to mean something, but is there something stopping you or others from being sued as well? Doesn't really matter if there is merit, it sometimes seems like it's a game of chicken. Curious what the protections are.
Substack has a program called Defender, "a legal support program for independent journalists and creators. Through Substack Defender, we work with first-rate media lawyers to provide free advice and direction to Substack publishers who face legal challenges or pressure because of their work."
All of us non-Trump Cultists warned everyone this was going to happen.
We warned of the impending road to authoritarianism and destruction of our democracy.
The misplaced angst over the price of eggs trumped (excuse the pun) the reality of impending doom.
Well, folks, it's been less than two weeks and doom is already consuming this once great nation, it's institutions crumbing and succumbing to a convicted felon con-man and pathological liar assisted by a mealy mouthed spinless accomplices in today's Republican Party....better know as the Trump Cult of Weasels.
“The cabal of whining tech bros (narrator: and MSM CEO's) eagerly performing the Mar-a-Lago Macarena is another reason for rage. As they dance, spin, pander and debase themselves, we can all see the shallowness of their convictions and the depth of their greed.”
I take no joy in being so prescient. I weep for our nation.
The rise of the independents will continue - many people I used to read at the WaPo and NYT are Substacking. I note that Substack itself is beefing up its legal defenses; it may well be that Substack backing an independent (like Chris?) will be the organization to fight back and, hopefully, win against Trump's intimidation of a free and fair press.
When speaking out so strongly against legacy media, are you concerned about the repercussions for your career, and any chance of returning to those platforms in the future?
Please make clear that radio stations, tv stations, newspapers and social media companies have all been systematically bought by people who want to control what Americans think and how they vote. They favor the side that doesn’t li
It itself to truth and facts or care about the impact on people.
Substack posts reach a fraction of our citizens.
The aim of the “right” now (it began decades ago) is to take over education. They are doing it and we are at a loss. The generation of our kids will grow up never knowing what real journalism is, without critical thinking skills, media literacy and honest history.
The challenge is immense.
Most of us here are distraught by Trump blaming the tragic plane crash on DEI, but probably most Americans heard him say he knows the cause of it because of common sense and will agree.
It's always about money...Legacy Media "is in the money making business" and always has been, the owners/shareholders decided they could make more money in in media than elsewhere. Only non-profits are not "in the money making business"!
Jesus Christ. Chris, I do love you, but your decision to hawk your product at the end of a post about legacy media caving to Trump and his threats to use government against his enemies is -- frankly -- gross.
I am sorry, but if you think that the universe of substack posters is in any way a counterbalance to legacy media reporting, interviews, and investigative reporting, you really need to stop getting high on your own supply. There is a line between appropriate promoting of yourself and your platform. Squeezing it in somehow as a logical alternative every time the MSM caves or trips over its own dick is crossing that line. There is self-promotion, and shameless self-promotion. You don't want to be on the shameless side.
Hmm the media has lied about Trump for ten years. Attacked him. Calls him a criminal. A rapist. Hitler and a Nazi. Racist. Homophobic. The media called Trump all these things. And they also called half of America these things. Let them all burn. These people have succeeded on the backs of lying about Trump. Burn baby burn
This is so disheartening that not only are the main steam media, tech platforms and major businesses caving in to what is essentially blackmail, it also affects smaller investigative news sources. There are so many who already just receive their news through social sites that I fear that it will allow wider spread of misinformation.
And settlements are funding a war chest that can be used against other journalists. He is going to eventually come against anyone who criticizes him.
For the life of me I don't understand why noone is fighting back. Sue him for defamation for calling them Fake News, and the myriad of terrible names he has called them. All the lies he speaks...why do they just take it?
Money. Period.
And for independent creators, even a frivolous lawsuit is extremely expensive.
We need our version of Musk, someone with the big $$$ and morals/compassion/empthy. Is there such a person?
They’re liars mate.
Thanks Chris. This is why I support you, legacy media has caved and we need independent media and journalists.
Love that there are two Elaines commenting.
and here's a third Elaine chiming in! Rarely hear that name anymore.
The caving of the media is depressing. We will continue to follow Chris and some other sub stackers. I like Steve Schmidt and Ron Fournier. Jeff Tiedrich is raunchy and funny as hell.
My mom was Elaine!
Brendan Carr, the new chairman of the FCC, is “investigating” NPR and PBS for running “commercials.” Why is this happening now? Of course it’s because News Hour, Morning Edition, and All Things Considered programming often criticized Trump. They had the audacity to point out the lies. PBS also has had some programming that some may believe to be “woke.”
Mr. Carr wrote a letter to NPR and PBS. In it he states: “To the extent that these taxpayer dollars are being used to support a for-profit endeavor or an entity that is airing commercial advertisements, then that would undermine any case for continuing to fund NPR and PBS with taxpayer dollars.“
First, both NPR and PBS are 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations. Perhaps this fact is conveniently lost on Mr. Carr, and it may be lost on many in Congress where the funding originates.
Second, taxpayer dollars go to support for-profit organizations all the time. For example, NASA uses SpaceX, the military spends heavily with Boeing, every computer on a desk in the federal government likely runs the Microsoft Windows operating system, is used to provide login services for the IRS and Social Security, etc. Amazon Web Services (AWS) may be used for any government systems that use the Cloud. On its face, the argument that taxpayer dollars should not go to a for-profit organization is specious.
If NPR and PBS go the way of ABC and CBS, then Chris’ statement that Substack and YouTube maybe the last bastions of independent journalism may be all too prescient. For now, I will be increasing my donations to my two local NPR stations. I urge all of you who donate to your station or stations to do the same.
Both Trump and Musk are constantly attempting to muzzle their critics through legal action. Is this the beginning of the end of true "free speech" in America? Will independent journalists be immune? I certainly hope so but I no longer have any good expectations from this administration. Every one of their actions seems dire, but there are just so many, it becomes hard to focus on them. Very disheartening.
Kinda sucks when people use your own playbook against you huh? Trump is genius. They have lied about him for so long while calling buden and Harris ruined our country they call them the greatest thing to ever live.
These are not legal settlements - these should be called "extortion" or "bribes".
Same as Amazon's $40MM 'investment" in a Melania documentary
These are direct payments to the President or his family to receive favorable treatment.
The most important statute which most directly criminalizes federal public corruption is 18 U.S.C. § 201. Section 201 has two main subparts: Section 201(b) criminalizes the payment, offer and receipt of bribes, and § 201(c) prohibits the payment, offer and receipt of illegal “gratuity.” Violations of § 201(b) are punished more severely than violations of the anti-gratuities provision. There are many other State and local statutes as well.
These payments are for personal Trump settlements, therefore, should be difficult to characterize as "Official Duties" of the President under the new SCOTUS definition of Presidential Immunity. The shareholders of these companies are being damaged by the corporate executives who approve paying this extortion money to Trump, and by Trump for demanding it.
However, who is there to pursue these crimes? Can a State AG (e.g., the AG of New York, because Paramount is domiciled in NY) pursue a bribery claim against against Paramount and Trump? Or the State of Washington against Amazon? Or California against Meta? Word is, Trump demanded META must "settle" the suit if Zuckerberg wanted to be welcomed into the Trump Boys Club and all of the benefits provided therein.
If these are not bribes, what are they?
What are the laws/rules/norms with regard to individuals on Substack criticizing Trump? Are you protected somehow from being sued? I know there's this freedom speech thing that used to mean something, but is there something stopping you or others from being sued as well? Doesn't really matter if there is merit, it sometimes seems like it's a game of chicken. Curious what the protections are.
Substack has a program called Defender, "a legal support program for independent journalists and creators. Through Substack Defender, we work with first-rate media lawyers to provide free advice and direction to Substack publishers who face legal challenges or pressure because of their work."
All of us non-Trump Cultists warned everyone this was going to happen.
We warned of the impending road to authoritarianism and destruction of our democracy.
The misplaced angst over the price of eggs trumped (excuse the pun) the reality of impending doom.
Well, folks, it's been less than two weeks and doom is already consuming this once great nation, it's institutions crumbing and succumbing to a convicted felon con-man and pathological liar assisted by a mealy mouthed spinless accomplices in today's Republican Party....better know as the Trump Cult of Weasels.
As Elliot Kirscher said in his Through the Fog newsletter (
“The cabal of whining tech bros (narrator: and MSM CEO's) eagerly performing the Mar-a-Lago Macarena is another reason for rage. As they dance, spin, pander and debase themselves, we can all see the shallowness of their convictions and the depth of their greed.”
I take no joy in being so prescient. I weep for our nation.
The rise of the independents will continue - many people I used to read at the WaPo and NYT are Substacking. I note that Substack itself is beefing up its legal defenses; it may well be that Substack backing an independent (like Chris?) will be the organization to fight back and, hopefully, win against Trump's intimidation of a free and fair press.
When speaking out so strongly against legacy media, are you concerned about the repercussions for your career, and any chance of returning to those platforms in the future?
Please make clear that radio stations, tv stations, newspapers and social media companies have all been systematically bought by people who want to control what Americans think and how they vote. They favor the side that doesn’t li
It itself to truth and facts or care about the impact on people.
Substack posts reach a fraction of our citizens.
The aim of the “right” now (it began decades ago) is to take over education. They are doing it and we are at a loss. The generation of our kids will grow up never knowing what real journalism is, without critical thinking skills, media literacy and honest history.
The challenge is immense.
Most of us here are distraught by Trump blaming the tragic plane crash on DEI, but probably most Americans heard him say he knows the cause of it because of common sense and will agree.
It's always about money...Legacy Media "is in the money making business" and always has been, the owners/shareholders decided they could make more money in in media than elsewhere. Only non-profits are not "in the money making business"!
Why is money more important than free press
Jesus Christ. Chris, I do love you, but your decision to hawk your product at the end of a post about legacy media caving to Trump and his threats to use government against his enemies is -- frankly -- gross.
I am sorry, but if you think that the universe of substack posters is in any way a counterbalance to legacy media reporting, interviews, and investigative reporting, you really need to stop getting high on your own supply. There is a line between appropriate promoting of yourself and your platform. Squeezing it in somehow as a logical alternative every time the MSM caves or trips over its own dick is crossing that line. There is self-promotion, and shameless self-promotion. You don't want to be on the shameless side.
Hmm the media has lied about Trump for ten years. Attacked him. Calls him a criminal. A rapist. Hitler and a Nazi. Racist. Homophobic. The media called Trump all these things. And they also called half of America these things. Let them all burn. These people have succeeded on the backs of lying about Trump. Burn baby burn