Trumps last rally in Butler Pennsylvania unfortunately his campaign aides found it necessary to remove all the Harris/Waltz signs on private property that lead into the event including two billboards that they covered with tarp. Trump would have a hissing fit like when they had to cover the name of John McCain several years ago while Trump went by the Navy ship that was named after John McCain. What else do the American people need to know how unqualified Trump is for the Presidency?

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10

And the ship was not even named for Senator McCain, who djt disliked, but named for the Senators father Admiral McCain, which makes djt getting upset at the sight of the ship even more insane and juvenile

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Thanks for letting me know I didn’t know that it was John McCains father which reminded me that I heard that at the time John Jr was in POW camp he could had been released ( because who his father was)but instead stayed till all of the men were released. Is that true?

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10

Yes it is true. It cost McCain an extra 5 years as a POW, 5 years of torture, with injuries so bad that among other things he was unable to lift his arms above his head for the rest of his life, something djt once mocked.

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Nat Geo did an episode of Locked Up Abroad - few years back now - on John McCain and his time as a POW. It is very well done and truly highlights his courage while detained.

Changed my entire opinion of him. Never a fan of his staunch conservatism, but dammit if he's not a real American hero who stood on prinicple.

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10

I have to check that out, thanks.

Yes, his politics never sat well with me, but I do have to admire his courage and his clear stance on principles. He was one of our true heros.

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10

And after all that, McCain never wanted retributin or revenge for all that physical torture, and never held it against the Vietnamese people. Now compare that to the constant whining of djt about imaginary slights, and who wants to exact revenge against every person who has ever said a word against him.....

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Trolls gonna troll. It's what they are paid to do. He doesn't turn down the debate and 60 Minutes because he's certain he's winning. He's scared of her. He still might win but it's not because he's not scared.

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He’s scared and embarrassed to have the world watch him *lose* again!

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Could we just have a moment’s attention to the bullying, juvenile language he uses? Can you picture any other world leader or state leader, even using terms like that? How can anyone think he is fit to be the leader of the free world?

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Fine with me. I think the debates are kind of ridiculous. Candidates being asked why they don't hold the same positions on issues that they espoused years ago. Like being called into the pricipal's office in high school to explain something you did in 5th grade.

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Trump has a ceiling of 47% of the voting electorate at best and has been unable to prevent Republicans from fleeing the party to Harris. He looks weak. Very weak. His debate performance was as disqualifying as Biden’s was. So the Trump campaign strategy has been to attack Harris competence in an attempt to address the disparity. Take a look at FoxNews comments and the refusal of CNN to carry Harris events which are stellar performances. You can see this with the anti Harris trolls. They can’t articulate well a negative post about her policies. What they can do is attack her personally. That’s so easy to do with creative editing. What they forget is the comparison is with Trump’s behavior. Which I’m not convinced a majority of Americans think is acceptable. Or Presidential.

Unless the Trump campaign can persuade Republicans to return to the party, by appealing to right wing policies, some of which Harris has already stolen, like gun ownership, he’ll lose.

He doesn’t want another debate because he’ll look even weaker to a huge audience. Like a season finale that just goes to black. Such a disappointment. lol

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Which Republicans? Dick and Liz Cheney? Alberto Gonzales? The masterminds of the Iraq war? Or are you referring to those 200 war hawk Generals that are voting for perpetual war? As for VP Harris, her policies are building more houses, giving “first generation” homebuyers money, and going after high prices. Those aren’t policies, they’re platitudes. And look, I’m not in any way saying that former Pres. Trump has some real sold plans himself, but you have to admit it’s a push at best, when it comes to both candidates policies; severely lacking.

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The 35% registered Republicans who voted for Haley? lol

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Touche! I would argue they are essentially same people listed above, but I did forget she even ran.

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Chris, I am seriously worried about you. Anyone who would bet their house on anything is irresponsible and doomed to eventually be homeless. Please, you owe it to your sons and wife to never consider betting their future.

Now explain that as long as Trump and the GOP can get away with lying and the pundits instead focus on whether or not they debate and where they have their rallies they have no reason to do anything that exposes them to confrontation.

You wrote much about Harris needing to sit down for tough interviews. Can you say that Trump needs to sit for tough interviews.

I’ll bet my second car (that I never drive and can afford to lose) that Trump will not sit for an interview with a reporter who will call out his lies (otherwise described as fact check).

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Pols vehemently opposing fact checking are, in effect, saying, "I want to lie with impunity!"

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I'm giving Chis a pass on this. He's not a campaign flak. Enough folks already believe that all media is biased. Chris has to toe the line to just provide facts and analysis based on trends and his past experience. If he was too overt to either side he'd be toast. His posts on trump's speech's and interviews are more than enough to expose the naked shriveled old man. We can figure it out.

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There's no need for any debate. As David Graham's recent Atlantic piece makes clear, no amount of illumination of Trump's unpopular policies will change voters' attitudes toward him. This election is about vibes and resentment, not policy or the future. Too much of the public is in a funk over post-COVID inflation, scared of the future, and seems to be just fine with electing an authoritarian revenge administration. Daddy will take care of them. There isn't much that either candidate can do to change that.

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I think you make a valid point, but I don't like it! :(

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Trump thinks he won the debate vs. Kamala? At least Biden had enough mental acuity to say that he had a "bad night" after his disastrous performance. Why does Trump get a free pass on all of his delusions?

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Chris, it looks like this your Newsletter is becoming a proxy for False Social and Trump's mega phone. You're either using the the Newsletter to tell us how Trump is purportedly well in the polls or advertising his so called interviews to us.

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You obviously missed his previous reviews of Kamala’s recent interviews.

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He misses them on purpose. Doesn’t fit the narrative!

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Look up his abysmal reviews on WebMD. Rude to patients, eternity wait times, etc. Not surprising since he’s trolling on here all day. 🙄

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I feel you just want Chris to post this nonstop:


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As you said, don't overthink it. He knows that he lost that first debate. He's not going to risk that again.

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"Jump ball"? If Trump were to debate KH again it would be a full facial, just like the first one. He is scared sheetless of Kamala. Mr. tough guy is petrified of getting humiliated..again..by a woman. That is why he is not doing another debate. Full stop.

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Given Trump's ego he probably actually does think he won the first debate and that he's ahead in his polling, therefore has nothing to gain from another debate.

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Trump is a

Fucking NAZI



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Poor old Donald had his ass handed to him by a woman of color in the Harris/Trump debate…even in his gibbering delirium he knows that a second whoopin’ could be fatal.

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I'm having great difficulty with Chris' reasoning. He seems to think it is possible Trump would do well in another debate. No, Trump cannot possibly do well in another debate. He receive a knowledge knockout in the previous debate with VP Harris. It would be worse the second time around.

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Keep in mind, on August 26th, Trump said he wasn't going to debate Harris. On August 27th, he agreed to the debate.

I still believe that he will find the opportunity to be in front of 70M people irresistible, whether it is a good move for his campaign (it isn't) or not. We shall see.

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