A jellyfish has more spine than those Republicans collectively do.

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When are we going to stop calling that creepy, lame, slimeball group of sycophants "republicans". They are the cult of MAGA. The stripped carcass is all that is left of the former GOP.

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But democrats are NOT kissing the ring. Many are expressing legitimate concern about the president’s ability to cognitively handle the job. That is a significant difference in the two parties

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Not enough of them are expressing legitimate concerns that Biden can't win. I just read something that they have about 6 more days to take a stand about the Biden campaign before he is nominated virtually. There has been a letter circulating in Congress to delay that process, but I don't think it is getting enough signatures to succeed. Maybe Chris could include some info on that in his next post.

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But you can be assured that once he is the official candidate, they will ALL come out fully endorsing him.

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I hope congressional dems keep speaking out though I believe Biden too stubborn to listen

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And if Trump somehow loses, I'm sure both Haley and DeSatan will be telling Republicans, "I told you so."

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I equate it with selling your soul to the Devil. I could never be a politician because all this “arse kissing” just isn’t my thing.

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While Trump’s opponents may be kissing the ring, their supporters probably aren’t. There are significant numbers of traditional Republicans who have just been kicked out of their party. Never Trumpers, Bush Hawks, fiscal conservatives. This triumphalism I’ve seen before with Hillary. The polls are basically tied. Which given the amount of anti Biden media and doom scrolling there is, is remarkable. Biden’s base is strong. Nothing really has changed in the race. Except the negative media chasing ratings.

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Never Trumpers left long ago, and Trump is looking stronger now than 4 years ago.

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So Trump got 100% of the primary vote? I think you are delusional. Voters are clearly not as spineless as Haley. lol

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I got sad news for you. Despite you being correct about how much the mainstream GOP folks absolutely hate trump, they are going to step into the fold and vote for him. All of them. They will hold their nose and vote for him, because they, their parents and grandparents, have never, and will never, vote for a democrat. As much as they would black ball donnie from joining their country club, they can never, and I mean NEVER, vote for a democrat.

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The anti Trump vote is strong. I think I saw somewhere that 2/3 of Dems want him to drop out. I've also read that other potential candidate are polling ahead of him against Trump. And that Senate and house candidates are also polling significantly better than him in their districts.

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Today they kiss the ring and tomorrow Trump

Will tell them to kiss his anatomy. Loyalty in the world of the narcissistic sociopath.

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Write your elected officials, the DNC, and the President, and express your concerns. President Biden needs to understand that getting votes in a primary where you’re running unopposed is very different than a general election against Donald J Trump. They need to hear from us. It makes a difference.

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Bret Stephens lays it out better than I ever could. My contribution is sharing this with you here.

Bottom line, "THEY" don't particularly care that he is a liar, a crook, will take away our rights, will gut women's rights and healthcare and will just run over the constitution like it was Ron DeSanctimonious.

They just don't care about our cries about democracy.

In fact, most of them think the yellow chicken crap liberals need to be reeled in and taught a thing or two. And most of the bad things that have happened wouldn't happen if HE was in charge.

We know it's nonsense.

Remember Melania's jacket. They don't care.

We had him where we wanted him and we let him go. Chuck Schumer is hated by them. Nancy Pelosi is hated by them.

Read this and weep: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/16/opinion/trump-election-biden.html

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>She's not going to accept a convention speech and then not endorse Donald Trump.

Lyin' Ted has entered this chat.

It's telling they didn't even put them in the 10 p.m. primetime slot.

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"My political future is of no concern" Nikki Hailey, couple of months ago. Turns out, to no one s surprise, it was all a lie.

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Adam Schiff just called on Biden to drop out! See some democrats to have guts

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I always believe that their first statement is the truth on how they really feel about DJT. Anything afterwards is politics. People speak from the heart to begin with and gauge if they are going too far or not and change it up based on the audience. Did Nikki get some boos last night? Saw it in the thread from last night. Caught a Maga Party speak on BbC radio talking on how she was so welcomed by the crowd. It didn't 100% align with the live thread.

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I’m inclined to agree with you. On the other hand politicians tend to say whatever they think will get them the most like so I’m never really sure what they really think. There are some that speak their mind and hold to it, but they are in the minority. But more to your point, when what they first say is 180 degrees out from what they later say, you really have to question the latter comments.

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Imagine the story Mario Puzo could write about this MAGA cult!!!

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Republicans grow more disgusting by the day! They have absolutely no morality.

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How about a story on Trump and Epstein!!

Trump has a real big sex problem. Melania knows it. Let that be the story. It’s the one he paid $134,000 and committed 34 felonies to hide.

Chris, if you reported on Donald’s sex scandals to the point he needed to respond to it, you would be a hero.

He’s a rapist. Run with it.

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everyone already knows this. Melania wouldn't let that sad sack of fat get on top of her for any amount of money. But they don't care about any of this. The church going evangelicals don't care.

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