Chris, we are the beneficiaries of your work, unfiltered by corporate interests, competition for air time, and ratings worries. The direct contact with you and your work is really wonderful. This Cillizza is the best Cillizza.

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My husband and I used to enjoy watching you on CNN and were sad when you were let go. We are really glad you’re back in this capacity, and love the opportunity to support your work!

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Thank you Chris, for your writing. I don't always agree with you, but I always enjoy your work.

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Chris, beyond the great insights and considered opinions that you give us, the REASON that I follow you is to watch and see how you evolve into your new, next self! I don't believe in organized religion (biggest mistake in human history!) but I do believe in a God. You can't look at all the beauty (your family, fresh snow, a smiling dog) in life and not believe. You've found your better future and self, all without the corporate BS that you were dealing with. Please enjoy this, as we enjoy watching your journey into your future! Happy Holidays and a prayer for Peace!

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No..........thank YOU Chris! Thank you for being one of the most stable and trustworthy journalists I follow. I read the rest, then come to you for clarity. Not kissing your ass, just thanking you for doing what you do! Lifelong subscriber for as long as you'll have me.

Now everyone get out and VOTE today!

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Along with many others, I’m saying, “No, thank you!” I’d bet my Thomas Dewey button that many other readers have had their political interest and consciousness raised because of your column. Not just because of the political content but because it’s genuinely fun to read. Huzzah for CC!

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You’re a good journalist, and an interesting creator, and you’ve got a bright career ahead doing what you do.

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and thank YOU! You make us think and engage in thoughtful discussion, along with some laughs along the way. Keep being you.

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Thank you Chris. I love your columns and love reading the comments. It’s refreshing to see that there are still thoughtful, informed, kind people out there. You have created a community that I'm proud to be part of.

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La Cheeserie! Congratulations Chris. Your vulnerability is refreshing, your approach is accessible. Your content is educational. Keep up the great work, not just for all of us, but for yourself. Onward.

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Love following you. Really thoughtful conversations and especially love the Chuck Todd videos.

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I’m sure your father-in-law would be very proud of you. You’re an inspiration to your family and children and I always enjoy your common sense approach to politics.

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Thank YOU. You have become an essential part of my mornings. I begin most days with Heather Cox Richardson's daily email and your 4-minute video before I go on to anything else. You make it easy, interesting, informative and fun. Keep up the lovely work.


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The honor is mine, thank you for your candor, transparency, humor and unbias opinion on the events that shape our lives. Thank you for removing the clutter to reveal the facts as they are presented. Thank you for your willingness to be open something not seen in this modern day media. We may not always agree ( which is good) but you allow our voices to be heard and together we learn. So to you Chris, thank you 🙏🏽

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Than you, Chris! You started your substack the same day I was laid off, which always felt like kismet.

Your personal accounts of being laid off and your journey have really been inspiring to me, and I always found myself nodding along whenever you write about it.

Keep up the great work!

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Out of chaos-order. When you are dealt what seems a monumental blow, you can regroup and not only go on but thrive. All the best to you and yours!

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