Chris, Happy Birthday 🎉 to your son!

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You listen to Sarah Longwell on her Bulwark podcasts go through her focus groups and Biden has serious problems with young males, black women and swing voters. His campaign must also know this and yet they charge ahead to disaster. I seriously doubt that Trump will win in a landslide (regardless of what he thinks, he's NOT Reagan), but based on today's polling, Trump is going to eek out a win.

Sarah also points out that Trump is turning a lot of new states into battlegrounds meaning that Biden is going to have to shore up places that he didn't have to before such as New York, Virginia, and similar states that were already in his win column. Never mind the work he needs to do to ensure he can win Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Nebraska. As a result, he's going to need a lot more money to get those states and the new battlegrounds.

Then there was the discussion this morning on Morning Joe which left me confused. Is Joe Scarborough correct in his assessment of Biden? Or is George Clooney correct in his assessment of Biden? Senator Chris Coons was on this morning and he's saying that the Scarborough version is all that he's seen. Technically, they can all be accurate, but the Clooney version of Biden seems to be the one showing up more and more in public. It will be very interesting to see which Biden shows up tonight for the press conference.

Then there is my concern about what the family thinks will happen if Biden drops out. Does that cause him to lose his will to live. A lot of people point to LBJ and his decline after he chose not to run in 68. The same thing happened to Reagan after he left the White House in 89. Is that what is driving the inner circle? Is that what is driving Joe himself? I know from personal experience that my father knew when his life was coming to an end. He even told his doctors such when they examined him for the last time. I fear that is what is driving Biden's inner circle to keep him running. Because if he doesn't run, he has nothing left which is a total crock.

As someone said in the last few days, "Biden needs to have SOTU performances every damn day until election day! And, even then, he still may not win." Sadly, I don't think Joe has any impromptu SOTU performances left in him. He needs a script now to wind people up to get with him. I hope tonight proves me wrong, but I fear it does not.

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Biden will need to proverbially “knock it out of the park” today to even come close to quelling the doubters. And even that may not work.

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I think that you're right. Unfortunately 50M people saw what they saw with their own eyes. There isn't enough eye bleach in the world to erase the image of a slack jawed, rambling, and incoherent Biden on that debate stage. Biden either steps aside, or goes down in history as the selfish old man that allowed Fascism to rise to power in our country.

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They can continue to do these 'dog and pony shows' to try and show he's still capable, but it's becoming sad at this point (reminds me of Mohammed Ali at the end of his career).

The reality is they are wasting time and losing voters daily....

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Chris, completely unrelated, I would appreciate your analysis of the recently published Republican platform.

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Chris - as long as you're taking suggestions.... I haven't seen any media coverage on how a loss to Trump will obliterate Biden's legacy, and whether Team Biden has even considered that all of his decades of public service would be forgotten if he insists upon running against Trump and loses.

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Has anyone considered that like his opponent who is THREATENING to go after him- he considers that if he doesn't win the election, he will face idiotic persecution for revenge?

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President Biden may have a chip on his shoulder but he has not called the Press enemy of the people yet

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We'll be there soon, maybe today.

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Happy birthday to your son! On Biden I agree with you huge for him. If he comes off too angry not a good look, but he needs to be able to show he can stay focused. I also think media does have reasons to feel deceived and have both a right and responsibility to pursue the “cognition questions.”

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Post press conference comment: You must be disappointed you didn't get the throwdown you predicted.

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Maybe God Almighty will deliver a message to Biden by way of today’s press conference…

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I was thinking the same thing!

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The behavior of the US media and what drives it editorially has been appalling. It’s a story that won’t ever be told. As for today, Biden could be stellar and calls for him to drop out will just grow. The bloodbath we expect may prompt action for him to step down tomorrow. It’s a pointless press conference for him in my opinion. Unless he uses it to drop a political bombshell such as a presidential commission investigating Thomas and Alito.

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deletedJul 11
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If you are a white congressman with white constituents who care more about China than a woman’s right to chose then Biden doesn’t represent you well. Those are the folks complaining. The polling is still neck and neck. Demonstrating just how weak a candidate Trump is.

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Thanks for the heads up Chris. Alerts like this are one of the benefits of subscribing :-). Sounds like must see TV (I know, I’m dating myself).

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Per Chris, the interview is going to be "UGLY" . Chris Cilliza has already made up his mind as to how it's going to turn out. He's hoping it's ''ugly'' so that he can post his meme showing Biden's supporters cryING etc. And yet people still believe that Chris Cilliza is Independent and objective in his "analysis"

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Dr. Ibrahim, with respect, I disagree. Like Chris's take or don't, it makes sense. There's no part of the scenario he sketched out that doesn't stand to reason. I've read Chris for years, and in my experience, he's never shilled for ANYONE. I honestly don't understand the basis of your complaint here.

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this is commentary, talking head spin- NOT journalism. He doesn't have to shill for anything to NOT be a journalist. and that's okay.

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Um. Ad hominem arguments are not worthy of notice. Try to stick to issues not people, and you might find that others listen to you rather than dismissing you as a crank…

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Chris, I think your chart is bogus in that press conferences and “media interviews “ are not the same. Trump calling into the useful idiots at Fox to spew his venom is neither a press conference nor an interview. (I enjoy your newsletter- there should be a place for you in “big media”)

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I couldn’t find the Axios report to show a breakout. For a different perspective I looked at the American Presidency Project which tracks news conferences. They define news conference as essentially a press conference where the President interacts with multiple members of the press in a relatively formal setting specifically to respond to questions from the press.

Based on their data, Trump has held twice as many news conferences as Biden. Trump averaged 22 per year, which is slightly more than Obama who averaged 20.4. Biden averaged 10.5 per year, less than half as many as Trump.


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How is this not true:

…the media is chasing clicks rather than focusing on what really matters to people….

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deletedJul 11
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he WAS unwell go watch: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/07/05/how-many-interviews-has-joe-biden-given/74309776007/

people are willing to vote for a plant instead of trump if you only look at the alternative

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Chris - will Biden know the questions beforehand?

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He absolutely will NOT

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Every Trump appearance is a press conference That number has to increase dramatically

No other president will catch up

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