Finally something for the positive life to be happy about. A human that can be rallied around. No offense to Joe lovers. This is just a refreshing from the last 9 years of Trumps lies, deceit, criminal issues and awful speeches.

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His best line for me was that his mother is the only one who thinks Kamala was the lucky one when they got together.

And because I think Kamala might agree, it

Does so much, self deprecating, funny, and reassuring that Kamala has a supportive and smart partner. (Can we update that saying that behind every successful man is a woman?)

What a contrast to Donald’s spouse. I was thinking that Donald would never consult Melania (if he knew where to find her) but then I remembered kids separated from their parents and put in cages and Melania’s “I do t care. Do you?” coat.

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You are so correct, as usual in my opinion. And seeing the family, his parents and Ella, especially, loving him and her two moms. I am running out of Kleenex for all the tears of I have shed this week. And the DJ and the party. Amazing night.

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Had a thought. You know who else has a blended family? Donald Trump. 5 kids by three wives, no less. And the differences could not be more stark. Do the kids from the 3 wives even talk to each other? Rumor had it that Melania and Ivanka were at swords’s points over which would have more access to Donald - all about being in power position. Does Melania ever talks to Tiffany? Does she talk to Eric or Don Jr? Heck, does she even talk to her husband? Can you imagine her getting up and professing her love for him like Doug did for his wife? Do Eric or Don Jr have any brotherly interactions with Barron? Were any of them at Barron’s recent high school graduation?

I’ll take the Kamala/Doug version any day.

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Chris is SO spot on with the observation of the critical excellence of Doug Emhoff’s heartfelt, normal “dorky dad” vibe speech.

His delivery was what one would expect from a non-politician, rarely put into such a surreal situation. His earnestness was endearing and his story was compelling.

His love story about Kamala was so relatable and precious and as Chris points out “REAL”.

The contrast of the “blended family” is exponentially more relatable (and eminently more common) than the extremely weird Trumps.

In fact, speaker after speaker after speaker that KNOW Kamala talking about her character with genuine admiration is completely nonexistent and a foreign concept when anyone EVER talks about Trump.

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I had the same reaction as Chris. I hope they use segments of Doug Emhoff's speech in campaign ads and fundraising emails. There is a highly instructive contrast between Harris/Walz and Trump/Vance. The former team leads well-rounded lives and evince empathy. The latter are self-absorbed and live in worlds of their own invention.

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Aug 21·edited Aug 21

The contrast is astounding as the MAGA World cannot handle what real families are like.

A repulsive example of this was Charlie Kirk (and other MAGA GOPer's) "strangely bashing second gentleman Doug Emhoff for hugging his daughter Ella..."


With this disgusting tweet:



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everything. everything is wrong with them at this point. they have lost their minds. When your role model is trump and you question other folks "family values", you are off the charts.

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Yes, and it's also interesting to note that because Emhoff has been a leading voice against antisemitism, there's a nice vibe for Jewish voters when Harris mentions that his kids gave a title she appreciates even more: Mamaleh, a Yiddish term of endearment for "mother."

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I hope Chris is right that many of the swing voters will vote based on their vibes. If that's the case, would you vote for the message of hope or for the angry old man with all the grievances and lots of promises but very few solutions?

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I agree - he did his wife a solid! His love of her and their family was evident. I also loved the awesome video Cole used to introduce his dad - it was very touching, funny in parts, and effective in introducing Doug and the Veep to us in a very personal, humanizing and relatable way. Was very touched by that whole segment.

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Chris, I’ve *very* vocally disagreed with you many times, particularly on your assessment of Biden’s DNC speech, but on this point, we are in absolute agreement!

The love he expressed for his wife and partner came across with complete sincerity, and I think that goes a *long* way toward refuting MAGA’s caricaturing of her by presenting Kamala as who she *really* is. The play on words with “Momala”, ie mixing her name and spelling with the Yiddish term of endearment “mameleh”, was a wonderful point in that it showed the affection her blended family has toward her, clearly earned by her good heart and actions, and also makes Doug’s Jewishness quite clear! I even saw someone in the crowd they did a close-up of during Doug’s speech whose hat read “Jews for Momala”: how wonderful!

And Barack’s comment that “I am the only person stupid enough to speak after Michelle Obama” was absolutely priceless!

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I agree. I also loved seeing the look of love and respect on his daughter's face during his speech.

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simply a nice guy who really loves his wife.

the speech melania would have given if they had just written it for her.

nah, who we kidding?

Good job Doug, and thank you Chris for posting about it.

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Talking about kids and Harris as a mother is a good rebuke to Vance's childless cat lady nonsense.

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I thought that the introduction by his son was also very heartfelt and effective.

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Agreed 💯!

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Since July 21st when our dear Joe Biden stepped aside, I've been thinking about pulling out my tap shoes from the closet. Dusting off the cobwebs, shining up the patent leather...anytime now, I may break out into full tap dancing mode in the driveway!

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You are 100% correct. I listened to the Obamas speak last night and thought both were great, especially Michelle, but I listened to Doug's speech this morning. It was better.

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Plus, it was very nice for all those folks out there at the convention holding the Doug signs for me.😎

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