Ronald Reagan would not recognize the current party.

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If Reagan was alive today they'd be denouncing him as a "RINO."

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Almost certainly.

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This is why it boggles my mind that politicians like Nikki Haley continue to go with Trump. Today’s GOP is the complete opposite of the old GOP, aside from the love of tax cuts and deregulation.

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Let’s not be swayed with every news cycle from the election message.

Trump stole the documents. We don’t need Judge Cannon to make that clear to the citizens. Immunity doesn’t change the fact that Trump led the insurrection.

Project 2025 is going to ruin our lives.

SCOTUS is corrupt. Congress was an obstacle to progress.

We are angry and we’re not going to take it.

And remind everyone that Donald paid $134,000 and committed 34 felonies to hide that when Melania had a baby Donald had sex with Stormy.

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the dem election message does seem to be lost in these days or resignation. It might just be me, but Trump's run of luck seems to have put a damper on the fighting spirit of the dems. To get it back I think we need to have a new candidate to rally the 45% of us who are never Trump voters.

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I thought 2016 was scary. This is terrifying.

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Yes ..: Trump by himself is scary enough… adding Vance to the equation… is sickening.

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“Old-style Conservatives” of the Cheney and Kinzinger ilk,may not actually vote for Trump or Trumpists in 2024. If the Democratic Party can make a persuasive argument about why voting blue all down the ballot this year makes sense for the preservation of many of the views of those Conservatives, it may push Democrats into a winning position. A strong message is crucial here, let’s hope that the Democratic Party can reach deeply and come up with one. JDVance may be a gift.

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Not only is the old GOP dead, but possibly Democracy, Liberalism, and rule of law. And it now feels like the dump Biden movement might be tempered, and that Trump will never be held accountable for attempting an insurrection. America is a mess.

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Stoking false fires that a free and fair election ends democracy.

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I don’t understand why people are afraid to buck this guy. Is “ass kissing” that big a deal in politics?

As to populism and nationalism, would we last as a democracy if we were to embrace them completely?

I watched some of the convention proceedings and I was amazed how Trump sat there, looking down at the delegates, as though he were a king, bestowing blessings on his loyal subjects. And that, dear Chris, is what frightens me. If he wins and spurs on this “newGOP” we, as a country, are in such trouble!

God, save America!

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They are afraid of the 75 million people who have Trump’s back. You make Trump angry, you make them angry. It is incredible that he received that many votes last time, just as it was that he received 65 million in 2016. But that is where we are.

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I think you give Trump too much credit regarding thinking about the future, trying to shape the party when he's not in office or gone. Trump thinks about himself, himself NOW - not the future of the party. He picked JD Vance because: he liked what Vance said after the shooting, he likes Vance's sycophancy and groveling, he likes that Vance is famous, Don Jr wanted the VP to be Vance, and who knows what else. He didn't pick him because Trump thinks or cares about the future of party or the country. I also think that if Trump is president the questions will soon turn to: "Now that you're a lame duck (he'll hate that) will you campaign for Vance for president?" Attention will go to Vance pretty quickly and Trump won't be happy with that. Side note, ew, imagine a ticket with Vance and Don Jr as his VP. Gross.

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I agree with you about Trump - he only cares about himself, not the party, and he lacks the foresight to think about what comes next, after him. But, if he wins, I don't think he sees himself as a lame duck president and I don't think he'll leave after four years. He wants to follow the likes of Putin and Xi.

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And Nikki Haley still thinks she has a future in the GOP?

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This is a clearly a win for Biden. It’s a threat to American women. Can’t see never Trump Haley voters flocking to vote Republican or for Trump. Can you?

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If Trump wins in 2024, there will be no more elections. The old-line newspaper of record, the NY Times, and others have sold themselves to Trump.

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Except for immigration, I think Trump’s appeal is more image than issue based. It’s not clear that future leaders of the GOP — even a Vance — will embrace his bizarre admiration for Putin and other dictators, for example. Both of the leading contenders for Senate Leader are establishment. Plus, there’s a huge money advantage for those who hold those views.

The establishment and the kind of conservatism embraced by George Will aren’t dead yet. But it’s been beaten up real bad

My guess is the establishment will eventually win by co-opting some of the populist rhetoric of Trump. Lots of lip service will be given — similar to what happened with the religious right

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taking a victory lap - called this months ago. Vance is the worst. Yale educated elite with a beard, goes by J.D. to appeal to the "aw shucksterism" the GOP base loves.

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It'll be interesting to see where this goes for those who used to have Republican sympathies based on their economic policies and less so as culture warriors. Anyone (including myself) who believes in free trade has nowhere to go with both Democrats and Republicans embracing tariffs (doesn't anyone remember the causes of the Great Depression?). What the business community will do with the triumph of Republican populism is going to be very interesting.

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It is good for Libs in one way only. It puts a sign on the Goodyear blimp that T****s bull about unity yesterday was complete hogwash. So, let's get the campaigning back in action.

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I was thinking the choice of Vance would stop any remote effort to get trump off the ticket at the last minute. Now it would be a younger smarter better looking fascist who would be more difficult to destroy, but your take is even more frightening.

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Some photos from last night’s events at the Republican Convention show Trump, Vance, and Johnson on stage together—the possible future presidential succession. It’s amazing how far America has come……..

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