Thank you Chris!! I’m a subscriber because I want to hear your honest analysis, not a sermon to the Amen Choir. Cheers!!

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Yea,the Republicans would win the Senate and the Democrats would win the Presidency and the House.

Wow, Harris and her team raked in some 360 million $ in August and Trump = 130 $. Good radiance for Harris and down ballots as this to a large extent demonstrates the level of enthusiasm for her campaign. Hopefully all these translate into votes and a win for the Democrats!!

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This just depresses me. Tester is a good man and by all accounts, he's represented Montana honorably. I hope that he "defies the odds" and wins.

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Gee ... Montana leaning Republican? No sh*t! Like that is a surprise. Tester faced an uphill fight all along regardless of past performance.

West Virginia is going to go Republican? Thanks Captain Obvious! That's been a done deal since Manchin said he wasn't running.

That said, I heard this AM that Cruz is in trouble just because. Apparently being an all around a-hole is tiresome for most Texans. Who knew. 😂🤣

Why Florida keeps electing Rick Scott is beyond me. He's more crooked than Trump in some respects, but the Florida electorate apparently likes crooks.

Have a great class and a great weekend.

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As a Naval Academy graduate and retired Naval Officer, I am embarrassed by Tim Sheehy. He is a lying opportunist. I know many Navy Seals, and to a person, they are humble individuals who do not lead their introduction with "Hi, I'm a former Navy Seal and War Hero." Be proud of your service, but do not let it be the sole item that defines your character (or lack there of).

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Good luck Prof. Cillizza! They are lucky to have you :)

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Still looking for the column on trump’s evolution on policy issues, to match the one you did on Kamala Harris earlier in the week.

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Don't hold your breath Dawn

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That's bad news on the Senate front. I'm very fearful of the Trump and GOP Senate scenario where billionaires offer Clarence Thomas and/or Samuel Alito "no-show" post-retirement jobs for mega-bucks, they resign/retire, and Trump appoints Aileen Cannon to the SCOTUS.

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WVA and MT both going GOP. OH likely as well.

President Trump might bring PA, MI and AZ with him as well? Gonna be so much fun to watch this thing unfold!

Get ready for some incoming Chris! Everytime you post possible GOP victories the knives come out. Keep doing what you are doing! Ignore all the noise!

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I keep telling my golf buddies that we have a great immigration system, it's our migration system that is broken!! Do you agree and if so, could you address the issue on your Friday questions?

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It was always going to be a tough year for Democrats in the Senate because of how many Dem seats are in cycle this year. Cook Political Report still has MT as a toss up, so there’s that. We’ll see if they stick with that.

Why do people like Cruz and Scott keep getting elected when they’re unpopular? It’s because so many people can’t imagine ever voting for the other team. No other reason.

Vote for the person over party.

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It’s the rutabaga vote - some Republicans would vote for a vegetable if it has an (R) after it.

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Personally I wish the DSCC would put some money in the Texas race (or more if they're already doing it). It's no slamdunk by any means but Ted Cruz is such a despicable and disliked individual even in Texas that he could be beatable. Beto O'Rourke came close six years ago. Colin Allred is a strong candidate.

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poo! but i think you are correct. Any chance the Dems might lean into keeping the Senate by reminding folks about the Supreme court? In my fantasy land, Harris does win... if she gets to nominate a Supreme Court judge what shenanigans might the Rs pull? I can't see the leader saying we need to wait for the people to talk as McConnell did.... At some point do you see Collins, Murkowski voting with the Dems?

Second, good luck with the class. I love teaching and students are a real gift... They can be a humbling experience , for sure, but they also are engaged and want the chance to share their ideas. Lastly, what is the Scripps deal? i read about it in Politico...congrats (sory if you told us and i missed it)


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I would bet that the real odds are more than 70% because there are a couple other potential takeovers. But a GOP Senate takeover would probably help Kamala Harris by forcing her to moderate as you said. Plus, it would dampen leftwing pressure and expectations. Strangely, divided government might make it easier for her to lead. Good luck in your class today. To be young again and studying these things would be fun!

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It’s unlikely Republicans will hold the House. So expect to see the government shut down for four years. That said, Senate seats in both Texas and Florida could flip. And Democrats have been massively over performing in special elections for years. Harris becoming Presidential candidate has helped to sustain that momentum. As for the selection of more right wing US Supreme Court Justices. There are plenty of subpoenas House Democrats could issue to those bribing Thomas and Alito. That corruption isn’t going away. At some point the states (red and blue) will begin to ignore rulings which negativity impact its citizens. So Secession is on its way. Though it will take a while to play out.

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