I think it's much too soon to be talking about what happened yesterday. There are school shootings from years ago that politicians still aren't ready to addresss. I do offer my thoughts and prayers.

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The continual hate speech churned up by trump engendered yesterday's shooting attempt. Will it stop him from continuing rants about eating pets in Springfield, Ohio? Noooooooo...he plans to visit there! His campaign is actively planning a trip to Springfield "soon". This quote from yesterday from SPRINGFIELD, OHIO:

"We're in pain right now," Mayor Rob Rue said Friday on NBC News' adding that if Trump decided to visit, "that could be difficult, a very difficult visit." Asked what he'd say to Trump if he had the opportunity, Rue said: "We need help and not hate. And we need calm voices."

Well said, Mayor Rue...well said.


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The one thing I saw posted a month or so ago, that I definitely agree with, is that we are living through

a very difficult time for Civics classes in 2074

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The public is so numb to things, they didn't even cut away from the NFL games yesterday! Just put the crawl at the bottom - play on.

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“What does it all mean? I think anyone who says they know is, frankly, bullshitting you.”

Actually, this is the best evidence that Chaos Theory exists. What seems like various unrelated incompatible events, are actually part of a deterministic chaotic system, in which all these complex systems and random events, are actually interconnected, and can be easily explained over time.

So what does this all mean? Who cares! What’s important is that this election is pre-ordained. Harris will win for several reasons: she has more money, an immense and disciplined ground game, and she is a serious candidate with values and an economic agenda that could improve our economy and our standing in the world (reputation).

Trump is a flamethrower, plain and simple. Wherever he goes, chaos ensues. He has no policy positions and his economic plan to “Make America Great Again.” His policies are really just another meritless and pointless agenda that will destroy our economy and make inflation far worse: Smoke and Mirrors. Even the Wall Street Journal panned his inflation fighting tools: TARIFFS! Trump doesn’t even grasp the most easily explained economic theories. He clearly has no idea how trade works, and couldn’t tell you the difference between a trade deficit and the Current Account Deficit.

Furthermore, Trump has the distinction of only one winning record, the likes of which no sane person would covet: Trump added $8.2 trillion to the national debt in four years, more than any other president who served eight years in office. He added $1.4 trillion a year to the national deficit. Up from $536 billion when assuming office, to $1.88 trillion by the time he left office.

And in the end, the suburban moms and those sitting on the fence will come to their senses. After all, any sane person with kids can’t serious think of voting for Trump.

Bottom line: I may not know what’s fully happening during this election cycle, but I know how to read the room. And for those that think that Trump’s support is under reported, think again. That happened once; in 2016. Since then, all the red waves we were told would metastasize, never did.

In fact, in every election since 2016, democrats outperformed. And with abortion on the table in several swing states, all bets are off. I expect a blue tsunami this November. IMHO!….:)

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Well, I hope that you're right and I'm wrong, but I think that this election will be almost identical to 2016 and 2020. It will be very close and decided by a few thousand votes here and there.

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I think it won’t be close, but it’s all good. Close or not, as long as Harris wins, we’ll both be happy…:)

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I agree completely!

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She may win primarily because Trump is a poor candidate, but there are several flaws in your argument:

1. Both candidates have enough money to win. The money advantage -- if it even exists -- has diminishing returns at some point.

2. Few swing voters care about "current account deficits", or the other issues you raise.

3. Abortion has helped galvanize support for Dems, but as referenda to restrict fail in state after state, it becomes less of a realistic fear outside of places like UT or AL.

4. Trump performed better in 2016 AND 2020 than the polls predicted.

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Fair enough, and I agree. Trump is a horrible candidate and worse politician; enough reason to lose this election. That said, I mentioned deficits because high debt and big deficits are a major cause of inflation. My bigger point is Trump is a clown. His tariffs are economic suicide, and every reputable economist understands this. Harris just needs to convey this effectively to the voters.

And agreed; most people don’t know what current account deficits are, or how trade deficits work. And they’re definitely not experts regarding economic policy. If they were, the majority of Americans would be never believe republicans are better for the economy than democrats. Yet, here we are!

And as far as the swing states, my point was Harris has an organized ground game with thousands of volunteers and almost a thousand paid staffers. Trump doesn’t have a ground game in any of the swing states to speak of. He’s relying on super pacs; good luck with that.

Additionally, Harris has momentum, and is leading in five of the seven swing states; focused, with lots of high energy (packing stadiums). Trump will be back in court in October, which will disrupt his campaigning, and also means he’ll be spending more money on lawyers instead of his campaign.

Bottom line: I love our odds….:)

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Demagogues and hater’s like Trump engender very strong and often angry feelings in many people. Huey Long in Louisiana and George Wallace in Alabama are examples that come immediately to mind. Long was assassinated in the State Capitol and Wallace was crippled in an assassination attempt and was confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

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First attempt got him a lot of sympathy. This one they're blaming the democrats for pointing out the obvious. I don't think this will move the needle much.

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1968 seems like the closest parallel to the events of 2024 and 1968 is really an imperfect comparison. For those of us who were adults and paying attention, 1968 seems like a significantly worse year. We were less than five years removed from the JFK assassination and most of us who were JFK people had gone over to LBJ because Johnson was getting the Kennedy program (and more!) passed in Congress. But we had Vietnam and, in 1968, Vietnam was raging.

Indeed, it was raging so much that LBJ withdrew from the race.

We had two hugely tragic and historically consequential assassinations in spring and early summer that stunned the mood and changed the political landscape of the country. We were told, "Now, more than ever, Nixon's the one." The DNC turned into a police riot. And, ultimately, Nixon won a competitive election. We know how all of that turned out, of course.

In 1968, as now, the nation was divided bitterly. But the division was much less about personalities and much more about issues. Today only one side is really talking about issues. The other side is talking about the most individually divisive major party nominee in my (long) lifetime. It is a time the ending of which we cannot yet see.

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I hope you soon begin to describe graphically what it will be like to live here if Trump wins. Millions rounded up, (where do we put them and how much will it cost and will it e violent) retribution, purges (who goes Loomer or MTG?), closing down of media outlets.

It is a crime of negligence to not talk about what it will be like.

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I do have to wonder why the surprise of increased political violence, considering the divisive rhetoric that has been prevelent for the past decade? What really disturbs me is clearly the gun-lobby trumps political assassination attempts.

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The gun lobby certainly does its best to defend its own political interests, but the main opposition to sensible gun control legislation is the vast group of gun owners (about 40% of the population) who dismiss assassination attempts, school shootings, etc., as caused by something other than weapons designed to kill.

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That's a really sad thing to realize, but I've never heard the gun issue framed this way. Nails it.

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The weekend event is unlikely to have nearly the impact of the first attempt b/c there was no dramatic video. One thing that disturbs me is the numerous social media posts on Threads asserting that this event and the PA assassination attempt were "false flags." There was a time when baseless conspiracy theories were the MO of the fringe right. But this nonsense is now common on left and right. The prevalence of conspiracy based popular TV and other media is one potential cause. But regardless of the causes, it's a distressing trend.

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I agree. But I do think we need to point out that the movement of such crazy ideas into the more mainstream universe is partly due to folks believing that Trump is absolutely the kind of guy who would set up a fake assassination attempt to get attention.

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I understand your general point, but IMO there is nothing about these two incidents that should give rise to conspiracy theories.

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Violence is NEVER a good thing. I do wonder if/when this sort of gun violence (assault rifle) targeting those that support gun rights will ever move them to discuss legislation to stop the tide. Often those most opposed are moved to action when it hits them/their community. The stop light installed after someone gets killed syndrome. I believe there will come a breaking point on guns....when will it be.

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If Trump can't safely play a round of golf at his OWN club, I'm not convinced that he can protect my cats from the pet-eating immigrants.

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Polling can be written off, I think. Maybe wishful thinking, but the winner will be the candidate with the highest voter enthusiasm and support from persuadable groups ( wonen and independents) none of whom Trump is winning over. Let's also not forget the groups he must be loting support with (legal immigrants, veterans etc). I don't think it will be close, but it is the most important and strenge election I ever saw. BUT it won't be over after the election. Not until Kamala Harris is sworn in....there will be court battle and plots....mark my words

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I am glad to see that Trump is okay. I am glad to see that Biden and Harris both said that they were glad to see that he is okay and both of them condemning the assassination attempts very quickly afterwards. I hope that this has opened both Trump and Harris's eyes that the temperature got wayy too hot and that they will town down their rhetoric (although admittedly, it is more for Trump than Harris).

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It hasn't opened their eyes and if the reverse was true they would be ecstatic and encouraging more violence and saying they got what they deserved

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Yep. Completely agree. In 2024, a day is a long time in politics.

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You can’t keep spewing “hateful”rhetoric and not expect to piss somebody off. Words have consequences!

Today, Elon Musk posted (it’s been taken down) that he found it odd that this is the 2nd attempt on Trump but nothing has ever been launched against Biden/Harris! Can you imagine the colossal nerve of this clown!

I can’t wait for this to be finished. I would love to see Trump move to Russia,Hungary, N.Korea or anyplace away from here!

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