I don't see how a mute button will work. Unless the candidates are very far apart, Trump will speak loudly enough when "muted" for Biden's mic to pick up what he is saying, and even if the mic doesn't pick it all up, Trump will try to throw Biden off by interrupting him.

He may be unfit to be President, but Trump is no dummy. He and his team will have figured out how to get their points across that Biden is too old and confused.

Just because Trump's team agreed to the rules, that does not mean Trump will adhere to them.

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Here's the thing, from my perspective. I don't think that this debate will matter AT ALL to Trump or his supporters. One of two things will happen: He'll win and crow about it; or 2) He'll lose and claim that he won anyway, but that CNN conspired with Biden to deprive him of a win. It's a classic case of "Heads, I win; tails, you lose". And then he'll fundraise (translation: grift) off of it.

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I generally agree -- as it relates to Trump supporters. But there will be swing and undecided voters watching too....

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But are there enough of them to matter? Unlike some of your followers, I DO think that the polls showing Biden trailing in most the swing states are indicative of something come November.

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I agree on the fact that the race is lean Trump right now. But I DO think there are enough undecided voters for it to matter, yes.

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I agree, Chris.

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This time,mthereare enough undecided folks. They know Trump is bad, they think Biden is too old, they must be convinced that they’re not voting for “the Almighty, but rather for the alternative. Biden has a big job to do tonight.


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Is there any chance that the supreme court will release its decision on the presidential immunity case today so that the result can be added to the debate questions tonight?

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Not today!

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Very doubtful that it will be released today, unless it is a ruling that Donald J Trump and every president from now on has complete immunity during and after his/her presidency for every thing that he/she may have done. That would be like a snort of adderall for Trump, but it is highly unlikely. Any ruling not entirely in favor of Trump won’t be put forward by THIS court until after their guy has his big night. They don’t want to negatively impact his performance.I mean, this is the court that said that public officials are entitled to receive “gratuities”. They’ll do anything to further Republican interests.

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Also, you can see that they( Supreme Court )keep posting critical Abortion decisions until after the debate and the general election then they will now come back to ban Mifepristone and emergency abortion. Sad how just nine people can decide these critical issues for the whole more than 300 million Americans.

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Chris, I’m in Norway so I won’t be joining you at 3am here. Sad I’m missing out. Live chat sounds like fun.

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How many people remember Jack Palances one armed push ups at the Oscars Thats what Joe should do We would allow him two armed since he's a little older For good measure he could throw a bag of burgers to Trump with packets of Ketchup

As far as Trump talking over the muted mike that would be great for the uncommitted Biden could Just stand there nonplussed and shake his head back and forth

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I gotta be honest. I’m more psyched to hear Donald than to hear Biden.

And I have hated Donald since the 80’s ( I live in NY). He has an entertainment value like watching NASCAR for the accidents. There’s no fun in seeing cars go around an oval. There’s no fun in listening to a politician explain policy and such.

Of course I would never vote for Donald, but in a sick way I’ll miss him when he’s gone. Who else will talk about batteries and windmills and cage fighting migrants and make me feel soooo superior.

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The visual of Trump, arms flailing, face turning from orange to beet red, as he tries..desperately..to mess up Bidens mojo..priceless.

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IMHO, the two minute time segments are as important as the muted mics. Trump normally has huge issues staying on topic, but when frustrated or angry it's a verbal shotgun blast. I think he will start out "Presidential", but I give it 20 minutes....

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If Trump starts interruptING President Biden, you can be sure President Biden will call him out and they may have to widen the space between them

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