I was stunned by the entire event last night….by Trump’s rampant and unchecked lying, and by Biden’s inability to counterpunch and by his obvious frailty, and by the moderator’s wooden and absurd handling of Trump’s absolute inability and sometimes downright refusal to answer many of the questions. This was a complete horror show. I will vote for a peanut-butter sandwich against Donald J Trump, but I’d like to vote for a more robust candidate.

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I feel exactly the same way.

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Curious about everyone’s panic and dismay over the candidate who mumbles, but having no reaction at all to the candidate who lied in response to every question. Hmmmmm?

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IF YOU ARE here, YOU ARE A JUNKIE. We know trumpf lied through his teeth on every word he said. THEY don't. He was strong and forceful and didn't talk about sharks and water. THEY think we are nuts, look at the 2 of them, one belonged in a senior assisted living center and the other was STRONG. They want strong. No HMMM here, I think Joe has had one of the most successful terms of any president. But THEY aren't even thinking of voting for him after last night.

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MAGA is about “strong man.” I’m not sure about independents. Yes, I’m a junkie and Beau of the Fifth concluded that the GOP not only did not gain voters last evening, but likely doesn’t even know that they didn’t

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Here's the issue. The absolutely horrific video clips from last night, staring into space, mouth agape, ending sentences abruptly, the nonsense he spoke, are going to be played endlessly in GOP campaign ads. Trumpf is a TV star. He knows how to perform. It's all he knows. He is pathetically ignorant. He LIES every second. But those visuals are going to haunt Biden forever. He's not going to out-perform them. We wanted the State of the Union Biden, we got the doddering ole Grandpa Joe. I don't have faith that he can run the USA and lead the world for 5 more years.

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Two can do that. Expect ads of former president’s lies accompanied by fact checking

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A commentator on MSNBC this morning said that Trump will get a free pass for his lie-filled performance because Biden as a confused, feeble old man is the bigger story.

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I do believe that is largely how the media will portray things.

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Everybody knows that Trump lies...it's part of his brand. But Biden's senility (or whatever you want to call that) is news, although it really shouldn't be. This must be the reason he didn't talk at the Super Bowl.

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I'm a staunch Democrat and Biden supporter and I will vote against DJT no matter what, but I'm also a realist. Biden looks and sounds too old to run for president. We do need to think hard about how to convince Biden not to run before the convention. This election is too important to hide our heads in the sand and ignore all the warning signs.

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My concern is many people only watched part of the hot mess last night, are waking up today and thinking “I’m done and can’t deal with this” and ignore the race from here forward. Then they’ll decide to stay home and not vote.

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...or they'll decide to vote for RFK Jr

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Both are bad.

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Last night was a "worst case scenario" for the Democrats. I don't see how the situation can be analyzed any other way. The President lived down to every negative rumor about/perception of him. To deny that is to deny reality. That's not to take away from what he has accomplished for the last 3+ years, but facts are facts.

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Let's stop day dreaming that Biden will drop out of the race. President Biden's performance last night was underwhelming to say the least but to somehow think that he is going to step down because of that is wishful thinking. Just as Trump did not step down after the Access Hollywood tape came out and after Trump lost his first debate to Clinton in 2016 he did not drop out either. President Biden still has several opportunities to show the electorate that he will be able to continue to govern for the next 4 1/2 years. Waite for the convention and the the next debate and see

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I hope you are right! I believe you are 100% wrong. There is no righting this sinking ship. That was obvious to the entire county last night.

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I don’t think there should be a second debate. I would suggest Biden should say why should I debate this guy again when he won’t even answer a question. Regardless of what question is asked he will spew his nonsense. That’s not a debate. Trump will never answer a question he doesn’t like, and there are few he likes unless it’s about his “great” golf game [cough, cough].

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I am anti-Trump, but if I were running his campaign, I would make an excuse to cancel the second debate. Why give Biden a chance to make a comeback after his poor performance in the first debate?

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Chris, you're on vacation in the West Coast. Sleep in!

What is with Democrats in their 80s refusing to step aside and fucking it up for the rest of us?

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If I just landed on earth last night at 9:00 I would vote for Trump, that’s how bad Biden did! For context, I had a Biden shirt on at the beginning and yet I was running naked by the end (sorry neighbours). Half of this is kidding but the Biden shirt will not appear again!

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You are incorrect. There is NO way Biden is on the ticket in November, none. This was all SO evident by anyone paying attention. What does KJP say now?!? Media been hiding this and lying all along, exposed last night. No other way to say it. 130 some days to go, Ds are in a mess as is our county. There’s a correlation here. It was truly sad to watch.

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Curious to know your thoughts on Heather Cox Richardson’s letter yesterday? Her take is a bit different.

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I saw this, too, David, and thought it was really interesting. Gish gallop is right out of Trump's playbook.

ALSO, can we please talk about ALL THE LIES spewed by DJT? All this Biden conjecture is taking away from that.

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Chris I think you are way overreacting, and so is everyone else calling that a disaster for President Biden.

If you listen to the debate, rather than watch it, President Biden did pretty good, sure a couple of responses were disjointed and incomplete, but djt had rambling nonsensical answers too.

But when you watch the debate, the visuals looked bad. Predident Biden did not look at the camera and talk directly to us, he was looking at the moderators. He also was sick with a cold and apparently had a stuffy nose as his mouth hung open the entire debate. The visuals looked real bad, and that is what you are respinding to. He had a better grasp of policy and facts than djt offered, let's hear about that.

There is another debate, and if Predident Biden has a forceful preformamce, like at the State of the Union, this debate will be forgotten.

President Biden answered the questions, and did not lie. djt refused to answer 3 questions, lied and misrepresented facts all over the place. Stop overreacting about bad visuals. Let's hear some critique of djt's disjointed responses, and his lies and misrepresentations of facts.

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This is exactly spot on. The real threat to Biden winning is if pundits keep carrying on letting the right control the narrative. This is what the GOP wants, total focus on how Biden looked rather than what he said (which were facts, lists of his accomplishments over this term, and actual answers to questions). The discussion amongst “people concerned about Trump” isn’t at ALL focused on Trump and his lies. It’s all about “vibes” and if we carry on like this we will likely hand this election to Trump like a wrapped gift regardless of who is the Dem nominee in November.

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Yes, looks is all djt is concerned with.

We need to change the narrative from looks to what President Biden says, amd what djt refuses to say etc. It can be done, it will be an uphill road, but I believe President Biden is up to it. We shall see

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Whoever the Democratic nominee is, that person needs to be able to explain, to younger and first-time voters, what is happening in this election. Biden does not need to be (might be incapable of) inspiring in a soaring sense, rather reassuring and filling the role of Great Explainer. This is what Biden is not up to. He's not senile, but he is old.

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First RBG and now Biden. This is self-inflicted. And the stakes are just too high.

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It is not likely that Biden’s performance was one off. His public presence is limited, and he does not seem to respond well to the pressure of time or contention.

He was great at the SOTU and even dealt well with hecklers, but the stage was his. His interview with Howard Stern was simply a walk down memory lane, and the conversation flowed without evidence of impairment. Again, the stage was his.

He has a firm grasp of policy and issues at hand, although he can’t swat away some of the tough questions on immigration and inflation, with any deftness.

His incessant need to number his points paints himself into a verbal corner. His stammering and the clock neutralized the damage a more skilled orator would have inflicted on Trump’s lies.

Thus, a reasonable question is what exactly is Biden’s decline and did we witness a “weekend at Bernie’s” with his advisors and family rolling him onto stage

Since scores of Democrats would not prop up Biden with the lies, reach arounds, and butt kissing lathered onto Trump, it is imperative that Democratic Leaderdhip ( verb and noun) get to the bottom of this without delay.

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What democrats do?

Do not listen to Chris since he sent a post 3 min into the debate pre-emptively saying Biden sounds old like he already had a draft of the Trump talking points

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I can't fault Chris for that. I'm pro-Biden, but he stumbled badly right out of the gate and never really recovered. Had he bounced back, I've no doubt Chris would have acknowledged it.

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But it was obvious 3 minutes into the debate that Biden was not up to par. I'm a big Biden fan but judging from last night, he is not up mentally or physically for another four years. Trump is too foul to not take this election seriously and run our best candidate against him.

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Chris would like you to think that he's objective and independent. But if you read his posts and comments very closely, you will realize that he's not an independent observer. It's going to become even more obvious that he's not as objective and independent as he claims as the election draws nearer

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I may not have issue with the post but Chris never mentioned the Trump ton of lies as he was only listened one side like he already picked Biden age issue over Trump lies before debate.

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Also, some people in MSM normalize Convicted Trump behavior because they believe he is better for business. Some have their own agenda and protecting Democracy and freedom of speech is not necessarily important. When they lose them they regret it.

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Are any of the options below possible?

1/ Obama calls on him to step down

2/ They pull a 25th amendment on him and say 'step down or we vote you out'

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