5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

She's already supporting the Senate bill that Biden reluctantly agreed to, which was created with a very conservative Republican Senator, one that everyone agreed could not possibly pass if Biden won re-election. It was said to be so far right that it was considered a once-in-a-generation opportunity for those changes and Trump killed it. It was also endorsed by the Border Patrol union. It's a huge move for her to endorse it. She's also visiting Arizona with Senator Mark Kelly, who I assume endorsed it as well.

To say that she should now change a key part of her campaign platform, defying what the Border Patrol wanted and local Dem Senators wanted, seems likely to backfire as well as being inauthentic and a cheap shot.

It is so much smarter to say, Trump killed this very complete, real-world bill that could already have made major changes if it had become law after right-wing Republicans and Democrats in the Senate created it, because he's all about messaging and has no interest in governing or helping the public (a million percent true, which is beginning to dawn on people). I'm an actual leader who wants to make much-needed changes and have supported it from day one of my campaign because I want to get things done and help people, not score points like Trump without ever doing so.

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Exactly right. She has stated a clear policy. No need to alter it. The trip can highlight that she is about solutions. Trump is about hollow rhetoric.

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>My radical proposal? Harris should, sometime soon, break publicly with Biden on the border. Say something like “We believed the policies we put in place were the right ones. They have not worked as well as we had hoped. I have a new and tougher plan.”

But they did have a new and tougher plan. That Trump napalmed to help his own election chances. That's what they should be talking about

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People may support the concept or idea of mass deportation in theory, however, I sense they will blanch when they see it in practice - families in cages, and handcuffs, stories of legal US Citizens being grabbed up in these roundups by overzealous police (e.g., Sheriff Zuchowski of Portage County, Ohio), orders to roundup legal immigrants, etc., etc. At that point, there will be a massive outcry to stop the practice, similar to the separation of families at the border. Over and over, some ideas are considered okay or workable in concept, and then when those ideas are implemented, the support for them evaporates. I sense this is what will happen with mass deportation as well.

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All true. Also, mass deportations would create a huge labor crisis, which would be sure to reignite inflation. The right loves to vilify the “others,” but the truth is we need significant immigration to keep our economy growing.

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Harris is leading in the polls with or without the immigration issue. I don't think going to the border is going change any voter's mind about Harris and immigration now. It's just symbolic at best. The good news though is that Harris is going to WIN in November, immigration be damned. Trump will continue to exploit immigration but it's not going to work. Remember the Caravan in 2022 that did not work

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Personal stuff always plays into politics and business, like it or not. I would hazard a guess that VP Harris is very reluctant on a personal level to roll over Pres Biden that way. I agree though, and think your approach would be awesome.

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Trump and his campaign have pushed so much false information about immigrants and it's scary. Then when the misinformation is debunked by REPUBLICAN officials people tune the truth out 🤦‍♀️

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"Fixing" immigration is SO MUCH more complex than "just" the situation at the southern border. While the border situation is certainly a symptom - it is just that, a symptom of a much larger set of challenges. (no one talks about the issues with the H1-B visa process as one example) The border thing is very visible and therefore somewhat easy to understand for most mortal human beings, and it can be exploited for political posturing. Harris needs to be careful not be drawn into a border security food fight, cuz that is where the other side wants to go.

What needs fixing is the entire immigration system. That is a complex, multifaceted, and very challenging set of intertwined factors. It will take years of concentrated work (not something governments are very good at) and is not something that can be easily translated in to 30 sec. news sound bites.

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So your solution is she should lie some more. Got it.

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Ha ha ha she is being shamed into it for purely political reasons. Absolutely the last place she wants to go! She hasn’t done anything but close her eyes and ears on the border the entire time she’s been VP.

Maybe she will want to build a wall… ha ha ha

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Trump is the one who nuked a border deal

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Yes, stick with that! Border wide open for years and it’s President Trump’s fault.

I think high gas prices are his fault too and inflation and the Afghanistan withdrawal, blah blah blah!

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That is what happened. They did agree to a bipartisan border dealer negotiated by James Lankford and Trump had a fit because he didn't want Biden to have a legislative victory.

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You're just flat wrong on this one, Dutch. The Dems finally agreed to a conservative border bill and got it passed in the Senate. Trump killed the deal in the House for political reasons. Trump wants to keep people like you angry rather than solve the problem. (Changing to different topics - high gas prices?? - just means that your argument is weak and you know it.)

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Smart idea! Why aren’t they listening to you?? 🤪

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This is a golden opportunity for Vice-President Harris to call out the hypocrisy and blatant political posturing of Donald J Trump. It is not a waste of time of time in any sense. Americans want a coherent border and immigration policy. Mass roundups of black and brown folks, and detention camps, are not a solution,and we all know it. I am delighted that Harris is going to rub Trump’s ugly mug in his own incompetence.

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Those who oppose her will just make fun of the trip. But these are not serious people as there is no desire to make improvements in our government. It's about politics only and wanting to change our check and balance system. My only wish is Congress will do something about immigration law after the election. I see how people totally misunderstand how immigration policy works now since Trump started doing all EOs instead of working with Congress to do their work. EOs were designed for emergency situations like Covid. All Western countries have immigration laws reflecting current times. Ours date back to the 1950s?? At least there is a bill that could move forward. It's a smart bill.

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Speaking of trips, your a trip Chris. In a good way.

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