Everything Trump touches dies: Exhibit 7,394,662, Kevin McCarthy.

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Quiverin' Qevin was never actually alive.

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Yes, Trump kills everything he touches. America is in trouble.

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I often wonder how someone like McCarthy lives within himself. Suckling up to Trump two weeks after Jan 6th.....utterly pathetic.

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I honestly don’t think he has much of a conscience, so I don’t really think he let it worry him too much. McCarthy’s history as a politician has been that he has no core principles, and is strictly and only interested in power: attaining it and maintaining it.

I’m sure his ego didn’t like what he had to do to achieve the power he desired, ie putting his tail between his legs and begging Trump for his endorsement, but when power is the only currency, that’s basically spare change.

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I realize that MyKevin wanted to be a 21st-Century hipster with brown shoes with a suit.

I have to lean to Trump with the black shoes with suit.

When I was in 20th-century corporate America the greatest divergence in footwear was going from wingtips to Italian slip-ons. As one the latter, I got jibbed by other institutional investment colleagues as wearing "dancing shoes."

So now as the old salt curmudgeon --- this whole brown shoes with a suit looks silly.

If ones what to stand out...tie, vest pocket kerchief, and socks coordinated with a tasteful patterned suit.

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I do not like brown shoes with suits. Several years ago my son was in a wedding, they had to wear brown shoes with the suit. No, just no.

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I wore a Scottish-Plaid brownish suit for my wedding in 1973...picturing that has not held up well --- neither the long-hair. Thank God ---not a mullet!

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Husband ditched facial hair ‘82 or ‘83. Now my son has facial hair and I am not a fan but his wife likes it. It looks scruffy to me and he works for a large corporation and guess no problem there.

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My wife's son of her first marriage has a son with the Celtic moustache and beard --- drive her crazy.

He is a handsome dude and with less facial hair, he'd (in my opinion as a guy) would seem that women would be more attracted --- but he has a professional woman (ER Nurse) whose's into that.

Good for them both. ;)

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That’s all that matters. 🙂

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I can picture it now. In the 70s my husband had long hair, mustache and long beard. Yes, thankfully not a mullet, but wasn’t good either. I finally persuaded him to lose the long hair and beard for our 1981 wedding. Although, the mustache left a lot to be desired. He wore a navy tux with BLACK shoes. When my son got married, navy suit with BLACK shoes.

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Never had a beard...had the never-ever-full moustache, which I saw was my reality...no facial hair since 1973.

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Can't get better than Frank's perceptions of American cultural.

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MyKevin, gee didn’t see this coming. Never liked him, never trusted him but once he went to Mar A Lago after J6, despicable. Glad to see he is going and hope he fades into the woodwork.

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Nauseating in every way.

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Kevin found out what so many others have. You FA, you FO.

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“Former” you meant in the third sentence of the third-to-last paragraph?

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Quiverin' Qevin McQarthy, the empty suit with a backbone made from a single overcooked strand of angel hair pasta, got what he deserved for being a worthless piece of something we scrape off our shoes.

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When will they ever learn that loyalty is a one-way street

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He chose dishonor before death, and ended up dieing anyway.

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Do you think there is any possibility, now that Trump and McCarthy are on the outs again, that he will testify truthfully about his actual conversations with Trump leading up to, on and after January 6th? Or his conversations with the other MAGA planners leading up to January 6th? And if he did, would he be credible at all?

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No to all.

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McCarthy may try to redeem himself by turning on Trump. McCarthy has nothing to lose. Trump could have kept him in the Speakership, and he did not lift a finger. McCarthy knows some things. He could make some money by admitting his mistake and actively opposing the former guy.

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Shame, Kevin, shame!

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