You write NEVER in all caps, like you know it for a fact. Like we would NEVER have an anit-vaxer for health secratary , NEVER a someone like Tulsi in charge of the spy agencies, NEVER give up the government to an unelected person, NEVER have a concentration camp to hold people. NEVER treat Canada as our enemy. NEVER stop sending aid to American citizens in the wrong State. NEVER use our might to expand to other regions. NEVER turn Americans against each other. NEVER have a J6. NEVER a President who stole classifed documents. NEVER a felon and sexual abuser as President. NEVER a Senate that would let all this happen. NEVER threaten the media and NEVER stop free speech and the right to gather. NEVER use the FBI and DOJ to go after the political opposition. NEVER blame a tragic crash on DEI, without any evidence. NEVER leave the WHO. NEVER stop foreign aid, conceding the areas to our enemies. And where do you get the idea that Americans will not stand for military actions. All you need to tell them that it is for National Security. As the President says, that's common sense. I can go on.

I think you need to start imagining the unimaginable and stop using all caps.

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This is true. I recall about 6 months ago in this room when people were saying that if Trump gets back in, it will be like Trump 1.0. Project 2025 will never get off the ground. He'll just be a dictator on Day 1. Egg and gas prices will drop like a rock. I must say even I never thought we'd have what we are getting.

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Now we know that the convicted felon wants not only to be dictator king of the USA, but emperor of the entire world!! 🌎 He is extremely dangerous, and should never be underestimated!!!

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Vote people vote midterms - if Republicans don't have any backbone - they need to be voted out

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That is what is most terrifying, right?!

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Absolutely is terrifying! The fact that a non-government person (Musk) can dictate policy after policy without a murmur from Congress is amazing! Supreme Court is another disappointment. Tell these two men NO and mean it!

That’s why we have checks and balances-to maintain order.

People in Congress should realize that if their constituents continue to see rising prices, higher interest rates, cuts in their SS and Medicare/Medicaid benefits, they’ll realize that they’ve been “had” and demand accountability!

Come on America, WAKE UP!

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We *thought* we *had* checks and balances, but that's now a quaint, debunked idea.

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For sure

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While we are all yammering about this Gaza thing..we need to be looking at what TrumpMusk is actually doing while we're kvetching. This is a prime example of Bannon’s “flood the zone” tactic…my guess is that by 5:00 Washington time we’ll know which government entity Musk will savage next, and RFKjr and Tulsi Gabbard will slip in with very little fanfare.

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I'd like to think that the Dems who want to pull a Tuberville and stop the Senate from doing business for awhile are sincere, at least to hold up RFK Jr & Kash from being confirmed. Those two will ruin not only the country now, but the future with their idiocy.

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We already knew Louisiana was sending us their worst with Mike Johnson and bloviating gasbag John Kennedy, but apparently Dr. Cassidy wants to join Rand Paul as one of the Senate's quacks. How anyone who has taken the Hippocratic Oath could vote to put crackpot RFK Jr. in charge of the nation's health is beyond reason.

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For sure! How can a doctor approve a guy who doesn't know the difference between Medicare and Medicaid? Trump might believe the stupidity behind a connection of vaccines to autism, but a doctor?

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What hypocrisy!!!

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Never happen. You are living in a fantasy land to believe that.

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However there will be not much for RFK to do when Elon gets done

If he or anyone else thinks he’s going to ban unhealthy foods they are not thinking it through

The MAGA people practically rioted over wearing masks. What do you think they will do when they are told what they can and can’t eat

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Maybe we could ask Michelle Obama, who was ridiculed and condemned for planting a garden and suggesting school lunches could be more healthy.

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This is insane - the only way is to vote midterms

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I wonder how the people are feeling who voted against Harris because she apparently didn’t care about Palestinians

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The Gaza Strip statement is to take everyone's eyes off of Musk's coup and putting his dopes into Cabinet positions. Stay focused!

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Yes & no - if he got away with it - full steam ahead - Trump hotels - kickbacks all on the American dime

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Trump’s maga disciples in the North Dakota legislature are considering a resolution in support of negotiations with Denmark for the peaceful acquisition of Greenland by the US. Of course, Denmark has made it clear that has no interest in anything of the sort. But I wonder if these expansion fantasies originated in trumps imagination or were planted there by his mentor in Moscow, as part of an ongoing campaign to destabilize the West.

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A recent poll found 6% of Greenlanders support the idea of a US takeover and 85% opposed it. So no, it would not be a peaceful acquisition....

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Yes, he is certainly destabilizing the West in his quest to be emperor of the world.

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He's crazy - the quickest way to become embroiled in conflict- let's not forget more tax $$$ to support these fantasies- with kickback for Trump

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I can just imagine Trump building a new Trump tower in Gaza to be bombed the day after its construction by the Hamas.

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Yeah, agree. To expand, my take is that Trump, knowing he's really a lame duck president, may be setting himself up for post-presidency opportunities to build resorts, golf courses, etc. in other countries (remember, he was in the process of making a deal with Russia for a hotel or something just before his first term). He isn't interested in governing or making America Great Again, it's all prep for after his term, slapping the name Trump on some building. THAT is the legacy he's after, I think. Remember, he's all transactional and real estate is really all he knows. Sounds like an off the wall idea, I know; just a thought.

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After? He's not waiting for after. He's forging ahead, using the power and resources of the US government to advance business deals. And no one will stop him.

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Time to press the blinking red PANIC button yet?

What exactly is it going to take for you to realize that this is NOT a normal time.

We are not Chicken Little running around screaming, " THE SKY IS FALLING!"

It has already collapsed.

Yea yea Yea, Kamala was not the perfect candidate. We got it. She ran through a billion bucks and didn't win. Yea, you told us.

So you are sure this is not going to happen? Like, bet your house on it? No, not quite that sure, are ya? And even if it doesn't happen, how safe has this made America. How many times is that clip going to be shown around the Arab world, like already happening. How many Arabs are saying, "Don't worry about it, he's a crazy man!" Like, none of them.

This stirs them up the same way they got stirred up to attack the World Trade Center TWICE. Lot's of folks forget 9/11 was the second attack. They learned what NOT to do after the 1993 attack.

This man is nuts. He is carrying the world over the waterfall and we still have folks smiling and telling us not to worry.

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The sky is not falling! Cmon man get it together! Everything is going to be alright. Take a deep breath in/out.

If you react like this everyday for the next 4 you’re gonna ruin your health. The sky is certainly not falling.

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Mental illness case in point-just yesterday he said California doesn’t need high-speed rail because we can

“fly for $2.”!!

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Totally normal, right?

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This is just to distract from musk and his "team" of 19 and 20 year old techies taking over the levers of government, even rewriting the code that controls the Treasury departments ability to send out funds, in illegal and unconstitutional actions, and ignoring court orders to stop, while the gop congress let's them do it.

It's called a coup d'état, people!

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I agree with your last sentence, but not the distraction claim. Why would he need to distract? He's operating with absolute impunity. This is all playing out before our eyes, for anyone paying attention. Just like Jan6, and how did that turn out? The gaslighting is from those telling us we're not witnessing what we're seeing.

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Distracting because every single news outlet is today talking about this unrealistic Gaza suggestion instead of the coup taking place even as we sit here right now.

Congress needs to stop them. But if everyone is looking at Gaza they are not contacting their representatives expressing outrage at the illegal takeover of our federal government.

I agree his immunity is a problem, but it does not cover a coup as that is not in any way part of his presidential duties.

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I wouldn't bet on that. The ruling was outrageous on its face. Who knows how far this court would take it?

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Well, if they continue to allow an unconstitutional take-over of the government they would just be signing their own Supreme Court death warrant as the Supreme Leader in the White House will not need them any longer and they will become irrelevant if not simply fired or disbanded by the Supreme Leader.

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Irrational things happen all the time.

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Netanyahu somewhere in his mind is laughing his ass off at this….’welcome to the party Don….you think you’re the guy to fix this after thousands of years? Let me get my popcorn and settle back to watch’……talk about delusions of grandeur…..

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Feb 5Edited

So Trump wants to start WWIII with a totally illegal, immoral and monumentally stupid invasion (yes, that is the ONLY way to illegally take over Gaza, and remove the current inhabitants) just so he could steal land and put his name on some resorts and hotels?!?!?

Plus this was a "plan" that was thought out and scheduled to be spewed in that wacky press conference as it written down so the idiot-in-chief would not fuck it up.

I've been saying for quite some that Trump is severely mentally and emotionally disturbed man/child as he is a malignant sociopath and psychopath suffering from an extreme case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

He always has been, and always will be TOTALLY UNFIT for the presidency.

And that Trump II was going to be MUCH worse than anyone could imagine.

16 days in and it's ALREADY MUCH worse than anyone could imagine.

I take no joy in being 100% correct. I weep for our nation and the world.

A manic is loose (with the richest megalomanic asshole in the world at his side), who has IMMENSE power, aided by a bunch of sniveling spineless lap dog in today's Republican Party.

They have control over (read: neutered and made them into Trump personal attack dog enforcers with shades of a Trump Gestapo) the FBI and Justice Department and are trying to fire federal employee what will get in the their way by doing their job and FOLLOWING THE LAW!!!

Some of us clear eyed realists were mocked for exaggerating Trump's diabolical insanity when we said he dreams of being an authoritarian, and will try to destroy democracy.

Now it's evident that we UNDERESTIMATED the catastrophe unfolding before our eyes with no apparent way to stop it.

Goodbye America. It was nice while it lasted.

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Chris - please inform us, Trump is incapable of coming up with all of this on his own. WHO IS HE LISTENING TO INSIDE THE WHITE HOUSE???

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He points at his head and says "I consulted myself." He has a really big brain, you know, he told us. Take a look at the face of Susie Wiles - you know, the one who was going to keep everything in control - when he made the "owning Gaza" announcement. Guess she's not really in the loop at all.

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The fact that he had time to think about this, evaluate the pros and cons, and still said it out loud should terrify everyone. He just put a massive target on the US (as if we needed another) by every country and non-state entity that wants the US out of the Middle East. Couple that with offering up retirement packages or dismissals at the CIA...we won't even know what's coming. The opposition party (and I invite Republicans to join) need to get off the bench and come out blazing against the many atrocities underway at the moment.

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He was reading from a prepared script, so this was absolutely planned. That said, it does not mean the pros and cons were evaluated. This is Trump. He creates and sells his own reality with no thought of outcomes or collateral damage. He doesn't care.

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If we see Trump as the developer/deal maker in chief, what other deals might he do? Why not give away some of those pesky areas like California? Why not move all the Palestinians to New Trump (New name)? Put up a ski resort in Greenland until the ice all melts! It ALL makes sense!

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sure, this makes perfect sense. He is a loon, the Rs can't get away from him and are wondering when the fever will break. Here is another reason it won't happen, despite whatever philosophy MAGA puts forward about USA first, i just read an article detailing that the US armed forces can't field a team. Who will go over there and usher the Palestinians out? Who will protect contractors as they build Trump tower? We do not have enough people that want to be in the military and of those that do, significant portions of them are too unfit, both intellectually, educationally, and physically to be accepted into the services.

Perhaps the plan is to force the unemployed to take the jobs that immigrants used to do. YES! you can work for a tech company.... as a custodian. you can have a job in the restaurant business as a server, and you just might find yourself in a beautiful seaside resort fending off Hamas fighters as you bring Trumpism to the world. Oh, MAGA is going to get what it so richly deserves, too bad the rest of us are going to get it, too



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I also think it is telling of his staff that no one has shut this down, or are they using these as ways to keep his attention off other stuff (shiny keys! shiny keys!)?

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