I'm old enough to remember when there were moderate and even liberal Republicans. Those days are long gone. The party of Trump and Green and Jordan and Cruz is toxic, with most of them agreeing or too spineless to stand up against them. It will be interesting to see what happens when there are further indictments of Trump, and they're coming.

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The sane republicans who may run, don’t have a chance. I would prefer to have a Hutchinson, Cheney, Kasich for the nominee but it won’t happen. I am not even sure 2028 will be viable for someone sane. The other issue is when you have the Jim Jordans & MTGs in congress, it’s still going to be so divided. It’s a sad state of affairs in this country. It used to be that you could disagree with policy and still be civil with each other. Those days are long gone, IMO.

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In summarizing “Trumps” Republican Party everyone, including this missive from you, benignly summarizes the new Republican Party as simply a more populist, more isolationist, and personality driven version of the old party. Our talking head class cannot bring itself to clearly define this movement for what it is….an active attempt to mobilize a naive mob of frustrated citizens for the benefit of an aspiring Fascist, authoritarian dictator. They and many of us have a serious failure of imagination for what this country will become should he (them) win.

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Compassionate conservatism was the right message ... they would be very hard to beat if they just acted half nice

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Hutchinson demonstrates they are ALL morons. If he wasn't a moron, he would see this.

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How do you know it’s a permanently changed repub party. Any way many have said a sane person should step up. He has, though surely the ‘sacrificial lamb’.

Coincidence he announced near

Easter :(

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Christi is also trying it. It will be good just having Republicans who don't parrot Trump's lies, so I welcome them.

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