I worked in government for more than a decade after serving as a reporter for half that time in years prior. I think there is nothing wrong with soaring rhetoric, idealism, hope, a depiction of what things COULD BE - understanding there needs to be some acknowledgement that a fictional depiction conveniently deviates from reality at times to keep people - you know - interested. The West Wing took pains to have consultants affiliated with the show involved in storylines - from BOTH parties. Yes, it is, at times, unrealistic in its depiction of daily life in the White House. But if I wanted an exact replica I’d watch CSPAN all day every day. The West Wing (especially the early years) was exceptionally written, sublimely acted, and aspirational as well as inspirational. For the record, I am a registered independent who has worked professionally for both republicans and democrats.
I have worked in politics (communications and media relations) at municipal, county, and state levels of government for more than 20 years. Before that, I was a reporter, anchor, and News Director. I also happen to be a huge fan of The West Wing and The Newsroom. That being said I agree it is not an accurate representation of how things really work in politics or media. I don't believe it was supposed to be. It was a television show, period. I am a fan because of the writing, and the acting. Entertainment is just that, entertainment. I didn't subscribe to "So What" because I agree with everything you say. I subscribed because (1) I like how you write, and (2) I want a non-partisan perspective on what is happening now.
OMG Chris….you’re really testing me. First you can’t stand Dave Matthews Band, and now you rant about The West Wing? I really want to like you but you’re killing me 😀. I never believed it was an accurate representation of how Washington actually worked but man it was well written and acted. For my money the last six episodes of season 2 starting with The Stackhouse Filibuster and ending with Two Cathedrals are the best 6 episodes of American television ever produced in order. Even today it’s staggeringly good.
Highly recommend seeing Dave Matthews Band live and that will change your mind Chris! I was eh on them too but then went to a free concert and ended up being the best performance of soooo much talent I had seen. Best encore too where they even riffed. Not only that, but he cares about humanity making them even better.
Chris often discusses the news as cynically as possible. He explains why it is expected and okay that politicians are selfish, hypocritical, and cowardly. Why the run from constituents and threats of primaries, rather than lead their voters and let those voters decide if they get to return. He, and those who have adopted his school of reporting and punditry give a free pass to the cowards, by explaining to us why it all makes sense for the politician to ditch their responsibilities.
It is bullshit. Real reporting would be putting the Hegseth nomination into the context of what was unacceptable in the past, and why it is absurd and hypocritical now. It would explain that the Senate “advise and consent” function was, up until now, seen as an important check on the Executive Branch by a coequal branch of government. Real reporting would explain why it was cowardly of current Republicans to confirm an unqualified candidate for one of the most serious jobs, rather than explaining to us why it makes sense. It is the framing that makes the difference, and the cynicism gives them a pass and withholds accountability.
Lest he pretend that it has “always been this way”, I again call bullshit. Of course there have always been some venal drunkards, hypocrites, and liars. There also used to be people known as “The Lions of the Senate”. These were an old guard who loved the institution, protected it, and wouldn’t move an inch on major issues they thought were important to the country. Maybe not all the time, but enough of a time to demonstrate a conscience. You know who they were: Moynihan, Kennedy, McCain, Biden, Cochran, Luger, Birch Bayh, Byrd, Reid, Lott, Mitchell, Dole, Mansfield, Lyndon Johnson, etc.
Now, all we are left with are Cowardly Lions of the Senate.
Wow. So we should keep following you so you can tell us how everything continues to suck? What’s wrong with a TV show that portrays a world that may not be realistic, but has enough realism to allow us to dream? I mean, this is very disappointing to hear your take not on the West Wing, it’s just a show, but on the hopelessness of our country.
But they haven’t always been THIS way. It’s gotten worse since the West Wing. This is also why politics, writ large, is bad, and should be treated as such.
But they have! That’s my point! Politics has been political since the beginning of the republic. The idea that politics once was some sort of high minded policy fight is farcical — and not born out by facts!
My comment about Chris becoming more political (and apparently more cynical - in his words) as of late is confirmed by his comments here. His rant today has helped me to understand the piece I’ve been missing over the last few days.
He used to report on the cynicism of politics, but over the years, and especially now in this space, it’s his cynicism and his political nature that are becoming more of the story, not just the stories themselves that he’s reporting on.
We’ve been getting a closer view of the writer (which is amazing when he’s writing about his father-in-law Kim, who sounds like the opposite of cynical - or when he’s writing about baseball and connecting with his sons), but when he uses words like “sucks” and “hate” when talking about a tv show born out of optimism and ideals, the true face of the writer appears. As Shakespeare said, “Something is [cold-hearted] in the state of Denmark.”
Yes, Chris is correct, politics has always been the way he has described (to varying degrees), but there’s always been idealistic figures and lofty moments as well. Even the populism we’re seeing in America today is based on some form of ideal (just not the ones you’ll find on The West Wing).
America is political, sure, but its people often abhor politics. Many people get swept up into politics, but the disconnect between how America is and how we wish it was is also worth exploring and always has been. The idea of America is why it was founded and why it still stands. That dichotomy bears out facts as well. In my opinion, the more political a human is, the worse that person (or nation) becomes.
Politics can kill the humanity in things. So if America has always been political, then that is how we’ve ended up at the place we are as a country. Maybe it’s not just politics or Chris who is cynical; it’s America itself that has let hundreds of years of cynicism win out instead of listening to the basic humanity in every single American that runs side-by-side with a political game that makes us all the worse for it.
I agree, but the only thing I would say is that politics is about the allocation of scarce resources, and it can be one of the least cynical things there is. Providing funds to eliminate childhood hunger and poverty to give those kids a chance is the opposite of cynical. The AIDS program in Africa is the opposite of cynical. The Peace Corps is the opposite of cynical. The cynicism in politics that is bad is the part where people and politicians say “why should I do this if there is nothing in it for me”.
Of course politicians have to consider politics. But how do events such as LBJ's passage of the civil rights laws or the passage of Obamacare at enormous political cost fit within your rubric? In both situations, the politically expedient thing to do would have been to abandon these efforts.
LBJ referred to the civil rights bill as 'The Ni--er Bill'. Can you imagine that in a West Wing episode? He wasn't making soaring speeches, he was doing the dirty work of politics while quite literally slinging his big dick around.
It doesn’t. He is just wrong. How about McCain voting to save the ACA? The Senators who voted to impeach Trump? Liz Cheney and Adam Kizinger serving on the J6 Committee? Examples are there. Chris just ignores them because many of them stood up for their ideals and lost, so apparently it was not worth it.
By saying “it has always been selfish and stupid” he just gives a free pass to bad behavior by setting the bar of expectations so low.
He expects nothing more of them, so the public doesn’t either, and so they expect nothing from themselves. It allows them to stop having principles or ideals, and just live up to the lowest expectations of just getting themselves re-elected. Basically, it eliminates any concept of politicians being public servants, and allows them to be self-servants. It is a downward spiral, race to the bottom, and terrible for the country.
Ryan, I agree with so much of what you say and your passion comes across. But here's the rub: it really depends on what you think the job of the news media is, and what it should be.
Idealism is great -- but conservatives and liberals and centrists all have different notions of what that is -- what "ideals" they want to promote and perpetuate.
Thus, reporting the facts with realism and, yes, cynicism (as Chris does) is necessary just to ensure we can all get on the same page about our facts. And to me, that is needed even more in our "post-truth" world of today.
Bullshit. I have been doing this for 25 years, and it absolutely has gotten worse. Of course there have always been some venal drunkards, hypocrites, thieves, and liars. There also used to be people known as “The Lions of the Senate”. These were an old guard who loved the institution, protected it, and wouldn’t move an inch on major issues they thought were important to the country. Certainly not at the demand of a president. Maybe not all the time, but enough of a time to demonstrate a conscience. You know who they were: Moynihan, Kennedy, McCain, Biden, Cochran, Luger, Birch Bayh, Byrd, Reid, Lott, Mitchell, Dole, Mansfield, Lyndon Johnson, etc.
Imagine *any* of them being bullied by a president over a cabinet nominee, or how they would react to a public pressure campaign, or threats of a primary, or the suggestion that they eliminate the filibuster, or that they not be given a full FBI background check on a cabinet nominee? If you think that the guys I listed above would have been receptive to any of that, than you weren’t paying much attention.
Now, all we are left with are Cowardly Lions of the Senate.
We need more idealism and less cynicism. You are just wrong here, and your cynicism gives a free pass on bad behavior, because you are so focused on explaining to us (with your insiders’ voice), why it is so obvious they would do something politically, that you forget to explain that it is wrong or fails the test of historical standards of decency, suitability, temperament, or separation of powers.
You need more idealism, and a lot less casual cynicism. Half the time I feel like you are an emo kid explaining why the world is so bleak, but you are so smart for not falling for it.
Political dramas would be documentaries not political dramas if they reflected exactly every nuance and detail of reality. Novels and movies and dramas are designed to be fictional portrayals of reality and are designed to entertain.
At the time it was broadcast, the West Wing was very popular. Like Chris, I find it hard to watch now but for very different reasons. Trump’s despotic behavior reminds everyone how much Trump has destroyed the American dream that shows like the West Wing provided..And aspired to be. Trump and Republicans threats of violence, removal of civil rights is far, far from the optimism of the past.
It’s no wonder some executive tried to pull repeats off the air. It reminds us all just what we have lost as a nation. We seem to be living in a version of “Downfall” now. It’s all very depressing. Episodes of the West Wing reminds us all how depressing it is. That can’t sit well with Republicans when 67% Americans didn’t vote for them.
Also, I find Chris’ use of the term “liberal” curiously pejorative. As if being liberal is a bad thing. Because it actually means freedom. Which under Trump, we might not have anymore.
Chris--you JUMPED THE SHARK! No one I know thinks the West Wing was anything more than entertainment. Did it give me hope for something better? Sure it did. Did it give me some peace of mind after the election--damn right I binged through season 1 and part of season 2. I think I need some ER binging--some escape from reality is always good!
I'm glad you brought up the election of 1800. When I hear people talk about how toxic politics are today, I remind them to see what the supporters of Adams & Jefferson said about the other. Not exactly high-minded stuff. Both great leaders for the Country but some rough stuff.
Sure, but they also weren’t beamed into everyone’s homes and pockets on a constant basis, while calling the other person evil and the country in need of criminal tribunals for dissent. Most people didn’t vote and couldn’t, and the daily policies people grappled with were a far cry from most of the happenings in Washington. For them, their local and city politics were far more impactful. So, frankly, the 1800 election is a pretty stupid comparison to modern politics.
Rants are usually cynical. Yours in particular was, but I've noted this about a lot of your stuff. And when people begin to become offended or dismissive of "lectures", there's a hint of arrogance and hubris showing.
Ever been to school? Lectures abound. Might not be the best methodology, but one can still learn something from them. Don't shut your brain to learning because you don't like the delivery system. A sign of maturity is rising above the system to be open to learning.
I could go on, taking apart your attacks, but I'll end with this: Daniel's character says it near the end -- aspirational.
That's what we should aspire to: the ideas, values, morals, behaviors exhibited on these shows.
VEEP made me laugh and cringe.
West and Newsroom made me hope.
Unfortunately his dislogue, especially the last section, was ahead of its time. Trump and MAGA are diametrucally opposite of what he says we once were, and how we once behaved.
Sorry, Chris, but with SO MUCH to report on right now, you choose *this* moment to rant about a TV show that’s always bugged you?!
I mean this sincerely, but how does this align with your mission statement to bring “unbiased perspectives” on politics to us paid subscribers? Having an editor to bounce ideas off of seems to be what’s lacking from your time at WaPo and CNN…..
I get where you're coming from. I was in law school when "The Paper Chase" (the series) was on, and it got so many things wrong I couldn't watch it.
Nonetheless, "The West Wing" helped get me through the Bush years. And real people may not talk like Sorkin's characters... and the world's a poorer place for it. I recently watched "Veep" and had a lot of fun with it. Wondering if you ever saw "Designated Survivor."
The reason it is so great is BECAUSE it has a “lack of reality” and is a “liberal fantasy” and has a lot of “sanctimony”.
That is what entertainment is.
Maybe Chris would be better suited to love The Apprentice, that is a “reality” show that showcases the brilliance of Donald Trump as an astute, all-knowing, hard nosed businessman.
SO real!!! So lacking in “sanctimony”…yeah…THIS is how business REALLY is run and absolutely NOT a “liberal fantasy”
I guess Chris can write about anything he wants. I find this post is what “sucks”.
I worked in government for more than a decade after serving as a reporter for half that time in years prior. I think there is nothing wrong with soaring rhetoric, idealism, hope, a depiction of what things COULD BE - understanding there needs to be some acknowledgement that a fictional depiction conveniently deviates from reality at times to keep people - you know - interested. The West Wing took pains to have consultants affiliated with the show involved in storylines - from BOTH parties. Yes, it is, at times, unrealistic in its depiction of daily life in the White House. But if I wanted an exact replica I’d watch CSPAN all day every day. The West Wing (especially the early years) was exceptionally written, sublimely acted, and aspirational as well as inspirational. For the record, I am a registered independent who has worked professionally for both republicans and democrats.
Alfred Hitchcock described his movies as life with the dull bits cut out.
It's about aspiration as opposed to cynicism and acceptance.
Evolving and reaching to be better.
The human condition is capable of these things, and has proven so through accomplishments.
I watch VEEP and laugh and cringe.
I watch West and Newsroom and hope.
Couldn't have said it better, thank you Marc!
You should have a substack live with Katie Harbath on this topic.
But what's wrong with a fantasy world where politics is about ideals. I don't think I'm a liberal, but I love The American President and West Wing.
I have worked in politics (communications and media relations) at municipal, county, and state levels of government for more than 20 years. Before that, I was a reporter, anchor, and News Director. I also happen to be a huge fan of The West Wing and The Newsroom. That being said I agree it is not an accurate representation of how things really work in politics or media. I don't believe it was supposed to be. It was a television show, period. I am a fan because of the writing, and the acting. Entertainment is just that, entertainment. I didn't subscribe to "So What" because I agree with everything you say. I subscribed because (1) I like how you write, and (2) I want a non-partisan perspective on what is happening now.
Your comment wins this discussion thread (in my mind, anyway). People often forget that two things can be true at once.
OMG Chris….you’re really testing me. First you can’t stand Dave Matthews Band, and now you rant about The West Wing? I really want to like you but you’re killing me 😀. I never believed it was an accurate representation of how Washington actually worked but man it was well written and acted. For my money the last six episodes of season 2 starting with The Stackhouse Filibuster and ending with Two Cathedrals are the best 6 episodes of American television ever produced in order. Even today it’s staggeringly good.
Highly recommend seeing Dave Matthews Band live and that will change your mind Chris! I was eh on them too but then went to a free concert and ended up being the best performance of soooo much talent I had seen. Best encore too where they even riffed. Not only that, but he cares about humanity making them even better.
The notion that politics CAN be better being offensive says… something.
Politics has always been this way. And always will be. It’s about people. Humans. That’s the reality.
Some of us like uplifting dramas. Mr Smith goes to Washington. Etc. Others like the Texas chainsaw massacre. lol
The West Wing is now an indictment of the Trump Administration. You know it is. I’d suggest that’s why you don’t like it. lol
Wait what, Chris is a Trump fan?! When he was on CNN I never got that perception 😳
Chris tries to report the news as objectively as possible. That, of course, offends the political extremes to either side.
Chris often discusses the news as cynically as possible. He explains why it is expected and okay that politicians are selfish, hypocritical, and cowardly. Why the run from constituents and threats of primaries, rather than lead their voters and let those voters decide if they get to return. He, and those who have adopted his school of reporting and punditry give a free pass to the cowards, by explaining to us why it all makes sense for the politician to ditch their responsibilities.
It is bullshit. Real reporting would be putting the Hegseth nomination into the context of what was unacceptable in the past, and why it is absurd and hypocritical now. It would explain that the Senate “advise and consent” function was, up until now, seen as an important check on the Executive Branch by a coequal branch of government. Real reporting would explain why it was cowardly of current Republicans to confirm an unqualified candidate for one of the most serious jobs, rather than explaining to us why it makes sense. It is the framing that makes the difference, and the cynicism gives them a pass and withholds accountability.
Lest he pretend that it has “always been this way”, I again call bullshit. Of course there have always been some venal drunkards, hypocrites, and liars. There also used to be people known as “The Lions of the Senate”. These were an old guard who loved the institution, protected it, and wouldn’t move an inch on major issues they thought were important to the country. Maybe not all the time, but enough of a time to demonstrate a conscience. You know who they were: Moynihan, Kennedy, McCain, Biden, Cochran, Luger, Birch Bayh, Byrd, Reid, Lott, Mitchell, Dole, Mansfield, Lyndon Johnson, etc.
Now, all we are left with are Cowardly Lions of the Senate.
We need more idealism and less cynicism.
Thank You !
Wow. So we should keep following you so you can tell us how everything continues to suck? What’s wrong with a TV show that portrays a world that may not be realistic, but has enough realism to allow us to dream? I mean, this is very disappointing to hear your take not on the West Wing, it’s just a show, but on the hopelessness of our country.
But they haven’t always been THIS way. It’s gotten worse since the West Wing. This is also why politics, writ large, is bad, and should be treated as such.
But they have! That’s my point! Politics has been political since the beginning of the republic. The idea that politics once was some sort of high minded policy fight is farcical — and not born out by facts!
My comment about Chris becoming more political (and apparently more cynical - in his words) as of late is confirmed by his comments here. His rant today has helped me to understand the piece I’ve been missing over the last few days.
He used to report on the cynicism of politics, but over the years, and especially now in this space, it’s his cynicism and his political nature that are becoming more of the story, not just the stories themselves that he’s reporting on.
We’ve been getting a closer view of the writer (which is amazing when he’s writing about his father-in-law Kim, who sounds like the opposite of cynical - or when he’s writing about baseball and connecting with his sons), but when he uses words like “sucks” and “hate” when talking about a tv show born out of optimism and ideals, the true face of the writer appears. As Shakespeare said, “Something is [cold-hearted] in the state of Denmark.”
Yes, Chris is correct, politics has always been the way he has described (to varying degrees), but there’s always been idealistic figures and lofty moments as well. Even the populism we’re seeing in America today is based on some form of ideal (just not the ones you’ll find on The West Wing).
America is political, sure, but its people often abhor politics. Many people get swept up into politics, but the disconnect between how America is and how we wish it was is also worth exploring and always has been. The idea of America is why it was founded and why it still stands. That dichotomy bears out facts as well. In my opinion, the more political a human is, the worse that person (or nation) becomes.
Politics can kill the humanity in things. So if America has always been political, then that is how we’ve ended up at the place we are as a country. Maybe it’s not just politics or Chris who is cynical; it’s America itself that has let hundreds of years of cynicism win out instead of listening to the basic humanity in every single American that runs side-by-side with a political game that makes us all the worse for it.
I agree, but the only thing I would say is that politics is about the allocation of scarce resources, and it can be one of the least cynical things there is. Providing funds to eliminate childhood hunger and poverty to give those kids a chance is the opposite of cynical. The AIDS program in Africa is the opposite of cynical. The Peace Corps is the opposite of cynical. The cynicism in politics that is bad is the part where people and politicians say “why should I do this if there is nothing in it for me”.
Of course politicians have to consider politics. But how do events such as LBJ's passage of the civil rights laws or the passage of Obamacare at enormous political cost fit within your rubric? In both situations, the politically expedient thing to do would have been to abandon these efforts.
LBJ referred to the civil rights bill as 'The Ni--er Bill'. Can you imagine that in a West Wing episode? He wasn't making soaring speeches, he was doing the dirty work of politics while quite literally slinging his big dick around.
It doesn’t. He is just wrong. How about McCain voting to save the ACA? The Senators who voted to impeach Trump? Liz Cheney and Adam Kizinger serving on the J6 Committee? Examples are there. Chris just ignores them because many of them stood up for their ideals and lost, so apparently it was not worth it.
By saying “it has always been selfish and stupid” he just gives a free pass to bad behavior by setting the bar of expectations so low.
He expects nothing more of them, so the public doesn’t either, and so they expect nothing from themselves. It allows them to stop having principles or ideals, and just live up to the lowest expectations of just getting themselves re-elected. Basically, it eliminates any concept of politicians being public servants, and allows them to be self-servants. It is a downward spiral, race to the bottom, and terrible for the country.
Ryan, I agree with so much of what you say and your passion comes across. But here's the rub: it really depends on what you think the job of the news media is, and what it should be.
Idealism is great -- but conservatives and liberals and centrists all have different notions of what that is -- what "ideals" they want to promote and perpetuate.
Thus, reporting the facts with realism and, yes, cynicism (as Chris does) is necessary just to ensure we can all get on the same page about our facts. And to me, that is needed even more in our "post-truth" world of today.
So let’s start treating the people who go into it willingly (consultants, pollsters) as the social pariahs they should be
Bullshit. I have been doing this for 25 years, and it absolutely has gotten worse. Of course there have always been some venal drunkards, hypocrites, thieves, and liars. There also used to be people known as “The Lions of the Senate”. These were an old guard who loved the institution, protected it, and wouldn’t move an inch on major issues they thought were important to the country. Certainly not at the demand of a president. Maybe not all the time, but enough of a time to demonstrate a conscience. You know who they were: Moynihan, Kennedy, McCain, Biden, Cochran, Luger, Birch Bayh, Byrd, Reid, Lott, Mitchell, Dole, Mansfield, Lyndon Johnson, etc.
Imagine *any* of them being bullied by a president over a cabinet nominee, or how they would react to a public pressure campaign, or threats of a primary, or the suggestion that they eliminate the filibuster, or that they not be given a full FBI background check on a cabinet nominee? If you think that the guys I listed above would have been receptive to any of that, than you weren’t paying much attention.
Now, all we are left with are Cowardly Lions of the Senate.
We need more idealism and less cynicism. You are just wrong here, and your cynicism gives a free pass on bad behavior, because you are so focused on explaining to us (with your insiders’ voice), why it is so obvious they would do something politically, that you forget to explain that it is wrong or fails the test of historical standards of decency, suitability, temperament, or separation of powers.
You need more idealism, and a lot less casual cynicism. Half the time I feel like you are an emo kid explaining why the world is so bleak, but you are so smart for not falling for it.
Political dramas would be documentaries not political dramas if they reflected exactly every nuance and detail of reality. Novels and movies and dramas are designed to be fictional portrayals of reality and are designed to entertain.
At the time it was broadcast, the West Wing was very popular. Like Chris, I find it hard to watch now but for very different reasons. Trump’s despotic behavior reminds everyone how much Trump has destroyed the American dream that shows like the West Wing provided..And aspired to be. Trump and Republicans threats of violence, removal of civil rights is far, far from the optimism of the past.
It’s no wonder some executive tried to pull repeats off the air. It reminds us all just what we have lost as a nation. We seem to be living in a version of “Downfall” now. It’s all very depressing. Episodes of the West Wing reminds us all how depressing it is. That can’t sit well with Republicans when 67% Americans didn’t vote for them.
Also, I find Chris’ use of the term “liberal” curiously pejorative. As if being liberal is a bad thing. Because it actually means freedom. Which under Trump, we might not have anymore.
Chris--you JUMPED THE SHARK! No one I know thinks the West Wing was anything more than entertainment. Did it give me hope for something better? Sure it did. Did it give me some peace of mind after the election--damn right I binged through season 1 and part of season 2. I think I need some ER binging--some escape from reality is always good!
I'm glad you brought up the election of 1800. When I hear people talk about how toxic politics are today, I remind them to see what the supporters of Adams & Jefferson said about the other. Not exactly high-minded stuff. Both great leaders for the Country but some rough stuff.
Sure, but they also weren’t beamed into everyone’s homes and pockets on a constant basis, while calling the other person evil and the country in need of criminal tribunals for dissent. Most people didn’t vote and couldn’t, and the daily policies people grappled with were a far cry from most of the happenings in Washington. For them, their local and city politics were far more impactful. So, frankly, the 1800 election is a pretty stupid comparison to modern politics.
Rants are usually cynical. Yours in particular was, but I've noted this about a lot of your stuff. And when people begin to become offended or dismissive of "lectures", there's a hint of arrogance and hubris showing.
Ever been to school? Lectures abound. Might not be the best methodology, but one can still learn something from them. Don't shut your brain to learning because you don't like the delivery system. A sign of maturity is rising above the system to be open to learning.
I could go on, taking apart your attacks, but I'll end with this: Daniel's character says it near the end -- aspirational.
That's what we should aspire to: the ideas, values, morals, behaviors exhibited on these shows.
VEEP made me laugh and cringe.
West and Newsroom made me hope.
Unfortunately his dislogue, especially the last section, was ahead of its time. Trump and MAGA are diametrucally opposite of what he says we once were, and how we once behaved.
Simple solution. Don't watch it.
Sorry, Chris, but with SO MUCH to report on right now, you choose *this* moment to rant about a TV show that’s always bugged you?!
I mean this sincerely, but how does this align with your mission statement to bring “unbiased perspectives” on politics to us paid subscribers? Having an editor to bounce ideas off of seems to be what’s lacking from your time at WaPo and CNN…..
I like idealistic. In my TV shows.
I get where you're coming from. I was in law school when "The Paper Chase" (the series) was on, and it got so many things wrong I couldn't watch it.
Nonetheless, "The West Wing" helped get me through the Bush years. And real people may not talk like Sorkin's characters... and the world's a poorer place for it. I recently watched "Veep" and had a lot of fun with it. Wondering if you ever saw "Designated Survivor."
And I should mention one of the best comedies about politics ever: "Yes Minister" and it's sequel "Yes Prime Minister."
Yeah I’m really gonna need something like that these next 4 years… 😞
The West Wing was one of the best TV show ever.
The reason it is so great is BECAUSE it has a “lack of reality” and is a “liberal fantasy” and has a lot of “sanctimony”.
That is what entertainment is.
Maybe Chris would be better suited to love The Apprentice, that is a “reality” show that showcases the brilliance of Donald Trump as an astute, all-knowing, hard nosed businessman.
SO real!!! So lacking in “sanctimony”…yeah…THIS is how business REALLY is run and absolutely NOT a “liberal fantasy”
I guess Chris can write about anything he wants. I find this post is what “sucks”.
Scrubs is by far the best medical show, at least in the US. ER was rapidly unwatchable the more you knew.
It’s not realistic, but that’s the fun of it. It’s an opportunity to look at how things could be. Sometimes you just need a break from reality.