Trump should be sued for backing out of second debate after Kamala wiped the floor with his pubic hair transplant/ weave hybrid in their first and only debate

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Good for Bill Owens. Thanks to him for showing that there ARE more important things than money (I know, reality and all, but I believe it),

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Thank you for standing for honesty in reporting, and for highlighting the importance of doing the right thing, especially when it is inconvenient for you. This is a central point of Victor Frankl's book, Man's Search for Meaning. Among many other things he relates is how, when he was in the horrible Nazi extermination camps during WW II, he saw some people helping others when they had nothing, and when it risked punishment from the guards, while others acted selfishly.

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More important than money? Getting way out there Chris! Some might accuse you of listening to that Jesus fellow who talked about gaining the world and losing your soul!

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If the sitting POTUS cannot be sued, he should also not be allowed to bring lawsuits while in office. It seems like an egregious abuse of the power of his office.

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Great column, Chris. Spines seem to be in short supply these days, especially in DC. Good to see you still have one!

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Money over truth...lies sell and win in court...the media is nothing more than cowards

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Thanks to Roy Cohn, Trump is the master of the Courts. Whether it is to delay forever, or pick ways he can fight to a draw, he is the master.

Thanks to the pending merger of Paramount with Skydance, CBS was likely given no choice by Paramount management to settle the suit or find that the merger would be fought by the SEC/FTC/pick your government agency thanks to Trump being in power. The family wants their money out of the merger, so CBS management and lawyers had no choice but to settle.

Now, you might not like those facts, but sometimes that is the way life works.

Timing is everything and at the moment, Trump has timing on his side.

But ... timing is also a double edged sword and it will come back at some point to bite Trump because he cannot be lucky all of the time. If he were, those Casinos he owned back in the day would not have gone bankrupt.

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Bill Owens knows how to spell integrity.

"If it is not right, do not do it. If it is not true, do not say it." (Marcus Aurelius)

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It's called courage.

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What is the reason for this lawsuit? What wording was used...scum bag not happy that harris spoke truth?

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Intimidation. No oversight of Fox, which is basically Trump media, because conveniently cable isn't covered. So shut down legacy media for using normal business practices while Fox promotes propaganda and serves as an employee source for the Trump administration.

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It's a small world to be living in when you believe there is a conspiracy behind everything.

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They did air two different responses to the question/comment:

"WHITAKER: But it seems that Prime Minister Netanyahu is not listening."


To me both answers are Harris's usual unintelligible word salad and Trump should send CBS a thank you note.

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Thank you for covering this!⭐️

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Funny how all the media mistakes are always benefiting Democrats and are against Republicans. πŸ€”

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But this wasn’t a mistake! CBS did absolutely nothing wrong! This is standard to how interviews that are taped work. They cut them into smaller segments to fit the time constraints a certain show has. Happens legitimately every single day at every network β€” including Fox!

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What CBS did wrong was not come out with everything right away. By sitting back and not releasing anything they looked like had had something to hide. If they would have just simply done that it would have been over immediately and no one would be talking about this a couple of months after the fact.

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I agree Dutch. If CBS had release the full tape or at least an unedited transcript, all questions could have been answered.

Why did that not happen sooner? It made it look like there was something to hide.

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Feb 4Edited

That part is true. They had to edit for time, everyone does that. But dropping a stumbling answer when word salad Kamala is an attack line. Seems like putting a finger on the scale leaving that off. I’m saying it’s weird how β€œaccidents or random” events the media does benefit Democrats like every time. Do you think they would have cut a Trump fumbled answer for time? Or maybe then they cut a question or shorten the intro.

Weird the media lost their courage when

Biden stopped having press conferences, when they flooded their articles with callout to Trump when he stopped doing press conferences for much less time. πŸ€”

Strange when the media took the response when Democrats said Biden was mentally fit. Without asking any follow-up questions. Especially since they brought in medical β€œexperts” to diagnose Trump to say he was unfit immediately πŸ€”

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Feb 4Edited

I think saying CBS did absolutely nothing wrong is getting too far ahead of the situation. What if there were conversations about cutting that part because it was unflattering and played into a Republican narrative on Kamala? What if they talked about it hurting Kamala’s chances of winning? Would you change your mind then?

I think most people would. And you’d only know that if you did discovery and saw all the emails and texts of the people who made the editorial decisions. I think they are well versed in how optics affect voter response. Those items are in their mind when editing. So it’s not far fetched

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