That man is disgusting and if this is what this country wants then there’s really nothing else left to say

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Sadly agreed.

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Agreed. However, what about millions of men voting for the MAGA-cult-Leader in spite of the awful remarks he makes? I guess it could actually mean that millions... =MILLIONS!! of American MAGA supporters are, in fact, sadly but true... D_I_S_G_U_S_T_I_N_G.

Or did I miss the point...?

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I agree! I don’t know what to say for men or women who support him

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The points you make in this essay are exactly what just flabbergast me as a woman. But, as has been said, when someone shows you who they are, believe them. It is true, there are a large percentage of voters who do not think women have the right of autonomy over their bodies. I live in a state that shows this point of view every gosh darn day.

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Not only is this who he is, it's who his voters WANT. Worse yet, it appears as though a majority of voters in this country want that as well (based on recent polling).

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Polling is only as good as the samples obtained. People have to actually pick up the phone, and in a world of caller ID, "scam likely" labels, and people simply not answering phone calls from unrecognizable numbers, it is quite likely any poll conducted over traditional means of phone banks will be skewed to those who answer every call they receive over those who ignore calls from unknown sources.

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You can’t change his stripes. It’s who he is and was evident back in his NYC days, years before politics. Central Park Five, anyone? Reports of racist ways to rent apartments? It can go on and on. The Apprentice made him populate as he was now an entertainer in peoples living rooms. As I have said, we are in a terrible place as a country. Win or lose with Trump, we are in for trouble. The part that floors me is that so many people follow his every move and love him. He incited and insurrection and yet, they still love him, believe in him, will vote for him. What is wrong with people? It’s a cult but even scarier as he could be in the Oval Office once again. While I understand some of the issues of the MSM needing to cover him as not only a former president with all the legal issue, but a candidate for president of the United States of America. However, he is someone who incited an insurrection and should not be covered with every utterance. Do not cover him live where it is harder to fact check in real time, which any media should be doing. I would prefer him not to be covered at all, although, I know that will never happen. What I can say, is perhaps the MSM meeting somewhere in the middle as a compromise. Meaning, have the newsroom watching his speeches, rallies, etc., fact checking him and if any policies (yeah right) or anything major is happening perhaps break in for a bit and see where he goes, then cut back to whatever it is they are airing. He is a disgrace to our country.

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Thanks Chris! I will never understand how anyone supports this clown. What he stands for is completely opposite of the values we teach our children.

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Don't believe in that Washington post outlier poll or any Polls for that matter at this very very early phase of the process. Remember what the Polls said in 2022 midterm and the actual results.

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I heard a stat from a poll that close to 55% of Americans across party lines and Independents think Trump should be indicted on all three current potential charges (Georgia, Secret Files, and J6 incitement). [BTW - 38% are against...and how can about 7% not have an opinion???]

Anyway, here's the crazy...if he is convicted in any of those trials 18% who thought he should be tried would vote for him for president!!

"America, land of the dimwitted and home of the amoral."

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CZ: "Try this thought experiment: Imagine Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said exactly what Trump said in that deposition.

"He would immediately be cast as a misogynist and maybe even a sociopath. His campaign would be entirely derailed as he and his aides tried to explain what he actually meant — and how it was radically different than what he said."

I'm not so sure -- I don't think you appreciate how far America has fallen, thanks to Trump


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When someone tells you who they are, believe them.

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Can this deposition excerpt be used in campaign ads by each and every one of the candidates opposing Trump in the Republican 2024 POTUS primary (God forbid the 2024 General Election acknowledging that's most likely) and any other election. Yes, I'm female. I shudder for myself and all other American women for Trump's pre-21st century casting couch attitude toward women to become more prevalent.

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Unbelievable! But everything is believable from that individual. The sad thing is the followers he still has and the real chance he might have of being President again. Unreal !!!

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